2000-11-18-Soul Assessment
Topic: Soul Assessment
Group: Spokane TeaM
Teacher: Paulo, Aaron
TR: Gerdean
PAULO: We welcome you, far and wide, inter-connecting in the fraternity that is ours. I'm Paulo and Aaron is with me. I am going to again delve into rebellion, the rebellious nature of the species of the realm, influenced through the course of Rebellion.
Let me pull out a reference you are familiar with. The example of Judas (who would perhaps be considered the rebellious nature playing its part in another epochal revelation); the fact that Judas was so reluctant to share his impressions, feelings, observations, et cetera, with his fellows, his inability to confide, inability to develop confiding trust. It's a theme in your society. You cannot discuss certain things without fear because you have been programmed to turn your back on what rings true, on what is in accordance with the Spirit of Truth.
Fear factors in here insidiously as the factor of political correctness, social correctness, manners if you will. It is interpreted that if you are ill-mannered, it barbarizes you, so you become intolerant of anything uncultured according to your sensibilities. It is a joke, almost. It's funny because it is pathetic. Mankind has established values and then will disdain that which is not of the accepted mores. But this is not always correct; even so, it is one of the ways in which your world has evolved.
Gossip, Communication
Gossip is a primitive form of communication. It, gossip, is a low-level form of confiding trust. It thus has a place in the evolving scheme of humanity but it is far beneath the dignity of faith sons. Lest, however, that you make the mistake of believing that I am encouraging you to be politically correct or socially correct, you may think again. I point this out to you as a solution, potential resolution, to minor rebelliousness because it can be talked about openly. In many cases this defuses a mental twist or perception that otherwise might begin to feed upon itself and become distorted, even gathering up advocates and supporters of an erroneous proposition.
But your practice has been to not discuss many things that need discussing. It is time that you began to realize that communication entails a responsibility. "Am I my brother's keeper? Is my perspective out of balance? Am I sensing something here, or Am I thinking something here, or Am I feeling something here that is cause for me to pause to ask Our Father if He can give me insight into why I am thinking, feeling, perceiving, in such a way, a way which is outside of my preferred manner of thought, being and feeling, but which may benefit my Father and my Father's house?"
Have you not grown in wisdom? Have you not become more than you were? Has your perception not expanded to include our Father's view also? In trust of your relationship with Him, then, in light of certain perceptions, it would not only do you well, it is your responsibility to bring this to the floor in furtherance of divine understanding. It is no longer a matter of gossip; it is a matter of being about Our Father's business.
Perhaps as you go about your week you will be inclined to recall our lesson of this afternoon and reflect on your integral conversations, your intimate exchanges, your esoteric commentaries, and appreciate whether or not you are in fact communicating as well as you might in the circumstances. Aaron will add to this thought.
AARON: Aaron here. Greetings to you, and all of you. I am glad to be among you and a part of you and look forward to our experiences in the field and our subsequent understandings of our experiences in the field.
As the original apostles went out and mingled among the people spreading the gospel as the love of the Father and the pacific disposal one might have toward one's fellows, I'm delighted to be of service to the Master by being with you when you come in from your experiences in the field and I will be interested in your experiences, how you responded to certain circumstances that were established for your partaking, and what your impressions might be of those interactions. In this way we will socialize our teaching and preaching efforts in the community and we will begin to have a greater understanding of how we in the living fellowship of enspirited sons of God are able to influence the kingdoms of men, bringing Our Father into life and light.
Alright, let's see then. We have a challenge, a project Paulo has given us, in recognizing customary forms of communication and lifting them up by adding an element of existential reality that can leave the atmosphere fragrant with new energy and interest in life itself. How do you do this? You do this by asking questions, like the Master did. As you pass by. As you see with eyes to see and ears to hear, you observe, you make your notations. The weather is easy. Everybody knows how to hide in a discussion of the weather. Also sports, recipes, health, all of these are background murmurings to true conversation. We're not looking for judgment here. We're looking for enlightenment.
In establishing a social order such as might be established in the brotherhood of man I will say "Human Associations 101" you too can begin to establish acceptable values. Might is right. If the current vogue is not as right as you would like it to be, establish your values and support your efforts in the field by believing in your work and in sharing in faith of your fellows that they too are a part of what you deem to be most wondrous. You don't need to get embroiled in argument. You don't need to bully anyone or coerce anyone. It is only that you need to be responsible within yourself and stand for that value which you hold to be true because of your soul's assessment. Let's think then this week about the soul's assessments.
I want to have some homework turned in next Saturday so that we can begin to open the field of discourse about soul's assessments and learn to communicate more meaningfully, more openly, more satisfactorily. We're going to give God some wide berth here and stop limiting His personality expression because of political correctness and social mores. It's His world; He ought to be allowed to live in it. Have graciousness in your doing this assignment! Are there any questions? About the lesson or the assignment?
Thoroah: No, just that it sounds like we need to be more creative.
AARON: You need to be open to letting your greater Self be more in charge. Thoroah: Not mind games.
AARON: The soul game, yes.
PAULO: Paulo here again. I will ask if there are any questions at large.
Thoroah: I believe I have a few, Paulo. Could we have a few minutes while I get them? (Recess)
PAULO: Paulo here, yes, again, having observed your intermission efforts to bring into being a question for your teachers, for your selves, for your own meaningful understanding of what you might come to know if you were curious about that which will bring you into greater reality. There are a million questions that lie outside yourselves that may provide a curiosity response and that will put something to rest in your mental packaging, but that is not to say that you have genuinely asked a question or genuinely garnered growth.
Many of you indeed spend futile lives doing just such things as hamsters, or free cell addicts, engaging yourselves in mindless respite from its incessant querulousness and miscellaneous mental caricatures that keep you engaged in believing you are thinking. You are capable of more. I'm not adverse to answering any of these elemental questions, but any psychic could put two and two together as well. I am speaking plainly. I am not condemning you. I can speak plainly and forthrightly and gently and all the while have only love for you and only devotion to your true development, but I don't have to be more polite than will be necessary for you to be apprized of my perception.
Thoroah: Another thing then, it would be nice to have some questions brought to your attention that were more meaningful.
PAULO: It would be nice if your lives were approached such that you were able to think deeper and more meaningfully, and bring your reflections into association with other minds. A question does not have to be given as one of those "who what where why when, ending with a question mark" situations. A question stemming from the soul has to do with how you are grasping reality, how you are responding to your environment, how you are dealing with feelings that will lead you into a greater appreciation of who you are, in association with your own god-consciousness, your indwelling God Fragment, so that the greater reality is produced which will bring about yet more investigations and expressions having to do with the challenges and opportunities of expanded truth, beauty, and goodness.
Healing, Isolation
Yes, some of this is emotional healing. This is much of what we do or help you with. Healing. It's what the Correcting Time is all about, letting go of the aberrations and limitations of your lives in exchange for the potential and prosperity afforded all God's kids. It is not an invitation for you to spend your life discussing your wounds, no, but it is certainly understanding that there are many who are wounded who have not healed, who have not begun to take the steps toward becoming whole.
Thoroah: Thinking about being able to be aware of someone's soul self related through our soul self, it's nice to talk about, but there has to be some new level of affinity to develop in order to learn how to use that.
PAULO: This is where we are. We are going to get comfortable with sharing the soul self so acclimated to having a substance, the quality of reality substance overtakes the avoidance of it.
Thoroah: I know all about avoidance.
PAULO: Oh, yes. It's a disease Urantia suffers from. It's a response to your prolonged isolation. You have all become . . . . Well, it's not so much that you have become isolated units of energy; it's that AS isolated units of energy you have not made the connection sufficiently with divinity that the current, the benign virus, the security in that greater reality is such that the comfort in isolation is usurped by the gratification of the connectedness, the association through the greater spirit reality, the up-stepping.
Thoroah: This is a step towards telepathy.
Language, Morontia Mind
PAULO: It is a development of sensitivity, certainly. As you communicate less and less as an animal and more and more as a soul, you begin to depend upon and enjoy those soulful qualities that will allow you greater range of telepathic sensitivity, in the spirit connectedness of other life.
I find your vocabulary stultifying, very limited, even with the additional words that have been provided, the frustration that was expressed by the Revelators is one I can completely support. I concur. Let's get more telepathic, then, so that we can rise above the limitations of the human language by augmenting our association with elements of the higher languages of morontia thought and universe reality, all the while being able to dip down into the human experience, fearlessly and shamelessly, in order to bring into being those words that describe the feeling, thoughts and concepts that may be at the root of that aberrant behavior which could result in defection from His will.
The more you can recognize what light and life is, the more readily you will be able to identify those areas where it is not, and you will become more adept in identifying how it might be improved or corrected if Our Father was able to bring to bear influence into the situation in His inimitably loving way, even perhaps through you as an ambassador.
Mother Spirit
Alright then. Are we going to engage in a conversation? I am going to get your question, Calvin, about Mother's Day, and I believe you are asking for confirmation that there is going to be a celebration in honor of Universal Mother Spirit. The finite mind again delights, baffles, amazes and amuses me, and I once more am taught that I am a foreigner in your midst, for when your calendar speaks of Mother's Day it speaks of June 14th, June 12th, and so you think of Universal Mother Spirit's celebration on a specific date.
I would ask you to realize that I am able to concur that you will be celebrating "a day" honoring Her and our Mother Nebadonia and her legions of angels and seraphic assistants in and through the universes of time and space that uphold her divine bidding, but what date on your calendar that might be is not for me to determine. The point of acknowledging a day set aside for Mother is a day to give focus, appreciation, for Her specific gifts in Her position of Mother over you, indeed, over Her universe, and the works She accomplishes with Her Sovereign King throughout the universe.
Father has long been acknowledged and regarded and even feared, and yet Mother has been allowed a degree of privacy that precludes a full understanding of our Father, the original I AM, Who is at once all things, all beings, all paternal and maternal, Parents. The Mother is affectionately referred to in your avant garde culture as the Goddess, the goddesses acknow-ledging their shared sovereignty with the Sons of God. Daughters of God cannot be regarded as lesser, for they are the fields of dreams which realize the thought of God. And yet she is far more than even Mother.
Thoroah: So we could celebrate any time now.
PAULO: Are we not already celebrating?
Thoroah: We hope.
PAULO: I am even so anticipating a more formal acknowledgment of Her graces as you in your realm realize the qualities of God that reflect through the aspect of divinity that creates for you the far-flung personalities which provide the golden glow of service to the worlds of time and space. You are becoming a part of the universe; you are being realigned with planetary helpers and planetary government. Soon you will begin to sense your connection to your Constellation through a new appreciation of the Most Highs, and on through the hierarchy to Gabriel, first born son. Thus we begin to know and love our family throughout this local universe of Nebadon. Take your place among the stars in the galaxy. Your lights are seen across the worlds of time and space. Well, we've had another wonderful afternoon in your company, and with your continued support we will come back and cater to your needs again.
Thoroah: Thank you.
PAULO: You are well loved and well regarded. We will watch you when you put your practice into your assignment, giving God the upper hand in His domain. Good afternoon.