2000-11-19-So Many Boxes

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Topic: So Many Boxes

Group: Costa Rica TeaM


Teacher: Alana, Legion

TR: S. Butterfield



D : For the record, I would like to express our group appreciation for all the work that the transmitter does to make these transcripts available to us. Thank you, S.

Alana : So, we are here and we welcome each of you. She will struggle a little bit (the TR was suffering from a severe head cold), but we are here. This is Alana.

D : Welcome, Alana.

Alana : Thank you. So, we have many people hungry, hungry to know God. Your world, your planet, your beloved Urantia, so many “hot spots.” So many places burning. Sending off cries for help. And so, we meet again, yes?

D : Yes.

O : Thank God.

Alana : Our beloved Mr. Practice, may I help you? Would you put your sadness in the middle of the heart room, yes? (O : With pleasure.) So let us all construct the heart room again. Open up your bodies. Open up your heads. I am here. Let me blow love in through the holes in your back. Let me feel your bodies now with my love. Let it spill out through your hearts, through your bellies, down through your legs, out through your feet. Construct those walls. Let my love come out through your shoulders, through your ears. Legion is here, as well.

O : Thank you, Legion, for being here.

Alana : Ah so, you would speak with him. We will see to that. Open your mouths. Let Devina pour her love into your mouths. Breathe it in. Now look, look upward. Raise your face. Reach up until you can see that small upper chamber. I will ask each of you to allow us to breathe you up. Breathe you up. Rising now, flowing into the upper chamber. We shall rest there. Float there. Here, be with me. Let the Mother Spirit embrace you now, enfold you in her love. Spread yourselves out. Allow Her, allow Her love to stroke you, to bless you.

So here we are, Legion will rise up too. Welcome Legion.

Legion : This is Legion.

D : Welcome, Legion.


Legion : Thank you. We have now a warm puddle of sadness in the middle of our chamber of love. I will ask you, O, open your heart now, rest your mind, lay yourself in the center of our chamber and we shall blow love upon you.

This is one of the more difficult things to do for human beings, who have been structured, who have been told from birth that they are most unusual. No matter what they do, every step they take places them back in the same box. “So smart, you are.” “So very special, you are.” “So important you must be for me.” Such lessons are meant truly to allow the child to grow into an adult of competence. That is the intention of so many boxes. But the child, and the growing adult, in every attempt to step out of the box finds himself, or herself, finds himself once again, without thought, being “special,” “important,” we might even say, “indispensable.” But I would not try to say that this is our beloved O, for each of us can see, blessed son, blessed son of God in the middle of our chamber, blessed one, he feels so troubled, so much sorrow.

We shall empty his head. (laughter) Are you willing to do that, O? (Yes.) We shall just open up that head and let everything spill out. Ohhhh, look at all those wonderful thoughts he has! Now we shall blow love through those holes in his head. (laughter) Yes? We will do that now, yes? And now that I am this great surgeon, I will open up his chest. Yes, will you allow me to do that O? (Sure. Any time. Right away.) Open his chest. Ahh! Do you see it! his golden heart. Alana, Devina, and I will touch your heart now, and blow our love upon it.

And now, my friend, so cleansed, you may sit in the middle of our chamber for awhile. We shall all look upon you. Such a fine specimen of humanity. And, so very ordinary. Yes? Two arms, two legs, one head, just like everybody else. (laughter) But we love him, yes? Everyone blow love upon him, our ordinary soul.

I will tell you a secret, my friend. The stillness, the love that comes to you in the stillness, the guidance that comes to you in the stillness, this, my friend, is a most ordinary thing. My discipline, that too, is most ordinary. The discipline of love. The discipline of joy. The stillness. It is all the thoughts of war, or anger, or abuse, or “I must be different. I am not intended to be me.” All of those thoughts, “you must be different, you must be more like me,” all of those thoughts, those are extraordinary thoughts, and those are not God’s intention for you.

My beloved, O, when you struggle to make the stillness fit into your box, you will become very tired and discouraged. Better that you take a walk out into the fresh air and look at a flower. The flower can speak to you, just as I do now.

Relax, my friend. You are most loved, very beloved, most appreciated. We would have you know that your growth is noticed, remarked upon, encouraged and blessed. You do not need to hurry. You do not need to climb that ladder any faster than you climb it now. Should you find yourself using beloved S’s bat to smash your thoughts and bang up your head, please go for a walk instead. We are with you anyway. We are right next to your listening apparatus, which I think you call your ears, but it is more than your ears. We are by your side, and when you can not hear, when you struggle so, if the next time you should have the thought “take a walk,” then, my beloved, know that you have heard me, for I shall most lovingly let that be your discipline for the day.

It is not uncommon for those who experience something blessed and beloved and beautiful, it is not uncommon for them to try and try again to make it happen, again and again, exactly the same way. But I tell you no work of art is ever exactly the same when repeated. For example, our friend here, S, who would play the piano and take a piece of music and follow the notes upon the pad, she will tell you, as much as she may practice again and again, her beloved music is never exactly the same as before. You are growing my friend, O, and you are changing. Do not ask yourself to be able to repeat the stillness exactly as you have done in the past. Allow that comfort, allow that peace, allow our love to enter into you newly each day.


S : May I add something to that Legion? (Yes.) Your analogy about the music, not only is it different every time, but I keep finding new things in it every time. It grows. It just gets better and better. It changes.

Legion : Yes. So I ask you. We are in the upper chamber of your heart room. Now I would have you look up and all around and you will see how open our private little room has become. There are many here right now. Many here who would help you.

Alana : This is Alana. We would introduce you further to the chamber, but we find that your friend, the TR, can not quite grasp what it is all about. She has some blockages that prevent her from going beyond what you might call “the familiar,” even though I say that with a certain amount of amusement since I do not think she considers some of her experience to be typified by the word “familiar.” But she will accept that this chamber into which we have risen has the quality of “family” to it. We have brought you into your family of God. The Mother fills this chamber always. Breathe her in. Breathe her in. She wishes each of you to feel her love. Michael. Michael shines now. Down upon you. Yes, upon you O. Yes, upon you, my little one. Yes, upon you, Sir D. And yes, upon you and your beautiful hands, our S. His light fills the TR’s mind right now. (Long pause of silence follows.)

Do you feel how large the heart room is today? (Agreement.) Yes, we could bring so many in there with you. Let us come back down into my heart room, into the heart room we have constructed together. Now, I will gladly speak to you about whatever it is you have upon your minds. Should you wish it, we will bring into our heart room any soul upon whom you most eagerly wish to blow our love.

O : I wish to say thank you for the experience I was just led to have. I was unable to make contact in the stillness and Legion told me that I was expecting the same kind of experience, over and over again. This was another experience. Thank you, my beloveds. I want to share how easy it is for me to step into the heart room in this group and with you teachers. It has been more difficult to do this by myself this week, and so I am very grateful.

Alana : Thank you. It is interesting, is it not? How the mind works? You will remember, the stillness, once you step inside it, is love, is God’s creation speaking to you. And it never hurts to smell a flower, yes? (O : Yes.)

S : Alana, I want to speak to you about the young man we were speaking about earlier (during the group discussion S had shared a rude encounter). I successfully told him to go into the heart room in my mind this week, successful from the point of view that I was relieved of any pain that he wished to throw at me. But I am concerned about what it is inside people that makes them always want to hurt others. I would love for him to grow out of this need. And aside from just putting him in the heart room, I don’t know what else to do to help him. Can you suggest anything?

Alana : Well, this comes from our blessed Devina: “There is always love,” she said. Yes, when you put him in the heart room, blow love upon him. This has a most remarkable effect for you, does it not? (S : Yes. But what about him?) There we go. The next step, my beloved, is to love him. Remember, love flows freely. You do not need to do anything specific, but you know how to love, and you may start simply by blowing love upon him whenever you see him, speak to him, think of him, or hear him spoken of. There is a great deal of darkness and pain in that place you call “him.” As long as you continue to see him dark and cruel, you will continue the pathway he has constructed and you will follow right along behind him. If, however, you choose to look upon him through God’s eyes, through the eyes of love, and if you choose to hear him, or hear about him, through God’s ears and the ears of love, you will have the effect that you dream of now, that you wish for him.

S : I know he is in a great deal of pain. If he weren’t he wouldn’t keep trying to hit out at everyone else. I know he is very unhappy. This is a first step and I will take it.

Alana : There is a lesson here. And your TR does so wish to transmit it for you. (TR is struggling to breathe, coughs a number of times.) We will calm her mind. (Long pause.)

She has seen how the agreement that darkness and pain are impenetrable, unchangeable, extremely difficult to relate to, she has seen how easily your minds believe this to be so, how you shake your heads whenever you are confronted by such unpleasantness, and therefore the darkness persists. But she has seen how you can take a deep breath, look up, and breathe the Mother’s love into your hearts and your minds and, suddenly, your spirit changes.

It is not necessarily that you do something for him, or even that you say something to him. The spirit of love, the emanations of God’s subtle blessed calming joy, spreads out from you, very much like when we construct the walls of the heart room which are, as we have said, quite permeable, not solid. Our “walls” do not prevent. They invite and invent.

When you breathe love into yourself, and allow it to flow out through yourself, you allow others, who do not know your joy, and do not know how to love as you are learning here today how to love, to receive. When you let love flow through you, to permeate you and emanate from you, these others, so blocked and blinded and bent, will receive the love that you have transmitted, even if it is just a flicker of a smile. Your present transmitter worries now, am I communicating clearly to you?

S : Please assure her, yes.

Alana : So many on your planet worry what to do. What can I do? What can small, little individual private isolated little me do? You can allow love to flow down from above into your heads, your minds, your hearts, your bellies. You can allow love to melt from your tongues. To drip gently from your feet so that each step you take leaves the footprint of God’s love for another foot to step right into it.

Is there another question? I will tell you, each of you, let us put your visitor, your friend of one time, your bright lady, V, into the heart room.

The Mother’s love is pouring down. Bless our beautiful child. Give her courage to know that she is loved. Stroke her, each one of you, there she is in our heart room, stroke her with your love, blow your love upon her. Thank you.

Do you wish to speak to me any more?

S : Thank you for what you said. I love the foot prints idea. I think I will try practicing foot prints.

Alana : Yes, and when you play, my love, Devina sings with you. (S : What a nice thought.)

O : Alana, could we put F in the center of our heart room? Give her our love? And how is she doing anyway?

Alana : She is alone. She is alone in her heart. But I will tell you this, Michael watches over her. When she is ready, our beloved Mother will touch her heart. We would have her not feel so lonely. But sometimes, my friends, you construct in your minds a sense of the universe that is not friendly. You imagine that your troubles are meant to be. You definitely have troubles upon your planet, but they are not meant to be, not by me, not by Michael, not by our holy Mother, and, definitely, it is not God’s will that you should suffer without Him. Each of you has a blessed angel by your side, one who watches over you. When you decide to see God’s love, you are filled immediately. You discover you are not alone. We would ask your friend to hear God. This can be done.

You are quite silent my friend. (TR turns toward D.)

S : He was plenty boisterous before the meeting. (laughter)

Alana : My beloved, you have not spoken to me in quite some time, but I have listened to you with great care. You will construct a journey that will be beneficial to your beloved wife. It will challenge you, but we have every confidence in your ability. You will speak forthrightly, but you will speak with care. Do not back away from the truth, but do not fear to be gentle with that truth. Thank you for listening to me.

D : Thank you for your message to me Devina. And my apologies for not having spoken to you for some time.

Alana : My friend, this is Alana. But we make allowances (laughter) for your special incapacity.

D : I was a little confused. I thought it was Devina chiding me a little bit for a lack of communication. But as a matter of fact, as you know, even tho I have been silent today, I speak to you often.

Alana : As I said, I have been listening to you carefully. (D : Yes.) But sometimes I like a little taste of the sound of your voice too. (laughter)

D : Oh thank you, sweet! Thank you. Thank you. That is a wonderful thing to say. And you know how joyful your vibration is through our beloved transmitter’s voice. Thank you. (Pause.) What a special being you are.

Alana : I see you the same way.


Practice, my friends. Practice every day. Looking through the eyes of love. Listening through the ears of love. Walking the path of love. Leaving God’s footprints wherever you go.

D : Thank you. I suddenly have the inspiration of a question. May I?

Alana : I would say yes, but first, your transmitter is concerned about conveying my words. She would like to stop for awhile. I will come back. Do not forget your question. (laughter)

(Transmitter was too tired to continue.)