2000-11-26-Healing Mind
Topic: Healing Mind
Group: N. Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Elyon, Jessona
TR: Jonathan
Elyon (Jonathan TR): Greetings. You are my friends with whom I am always thrilled to be in your presence and to enjoy your fellowship. It is delightful to be privy to your discernments and your difficulties and to witness your increased effectiveness at handling the occurrences in your life which inevitably bring growth. You have become adept at transforming experiences that once would either buffet you about or bring you to a standstill. Now you leverage these occurrences for the good that is waiting in the outcome. I am Elyon.
Free will, Mind
Early in my assignment with this mission group I would introduce myself with the phrase, "your guide to understanding". I feel at this point in our journey that you have developed many ways in which you come to understanding. This brings me joy, great joy. It brings a fulfillment and it brings us as a collection to new horizons. Today I will return to a subject we have discussed, that being volition. You have the expression that "my mind is made up." You are aware of the times when you cannot decide and credit this quandary to confusion of mind. Today I wish to assist you in viewing the mind not as the one who decides but more as the one apparatus you have that is a switchboard, in a sense, that directs the choice. Your mind simply switches the track when you as personality choose.
This mind bestowed upon you is a beautiful hub which coordinates interchange, thereby allowing yourself to interface with your world and to unfold in to the recognition of and, more importantly, into the activation of spirit living. Let us for this discussion treat the mind as a switch on a train track. Let us first visualize the switch of the mind having a single track from within your being originating at the station of your personality and beyond your mind two tracks extend into the distance. When you send your choice down the track, the mind is the switch operator which can direct that choice in this example two ways. In reality, in life situations there are more options through which this choice may be directed.
You can choose with good intention and have it switched and directed into the wrong avenue. The opposite is obvious: You can choose and have it directed through as intended with the result desired. The mind in reality does not judge. It simply selects. It selects based upon given data, existing parameters, those of experience and understanding, of wisdom and of hope. When the mind selects based upon the input from your selfhood, it functions as best as it can given these pre-existing conditions.
I insert here the comment that the mind is not a separate entity. When I say it functions"the best it can", it is in reality not trying to effect anything, it is simply functioning as it was designed by Mother Spirit to do. It is not judging; it is simply selecting. The reality is true in the reverse: Let us turn around our picture of this switch and imagine a track coming toward you to the mind where the switch can part into two reaction patterns. You have an experience. You take it as good or bad. You receive it soulfully or with ego. Your mind is only delivering it based upon the parameters you have instilled within it. The personality is then receiving the routing that the personality has beforehand established. Given that you are domiciled within a physical vehicle of animal origin, there are built in inflexible reaction patterns or tendencies that go along with the Life Carrier designs for biological evolution, life maintenance, and perpetuation. (68:2) These givens you must learn to accommodate or cope with, but the mind is far more flexible. The mind of divine design can be bestowed upon a being of high Paradise origin as well as a being from the lowly evolutionary worlds.
This illustrates the pliability of mind as it is encircuited at various levels of intelligent life. When a mind is biased, it simply is holding in a pattern selected choices that you as personality have set up within it. The switches are pre-set and act as a filter for an automatic interpretation of the experiences that come to you or the actions that you project. You are at liberty at any point in time to alter the configuration of your mind selection grid. That may have been easy for me to transmit and for you to hear, but in honest reflection we both know how difficult it is to throw the lever that changes the switches. Hence comes all are encouragement from your teachers toward diligence, devotion, stillness, and the many other topics we bring your way, for they aid you in making those adjustments.
When you seek for the mind of Christ you are seeking a selection pattern of mind that is akin to the actions, reactions, and choices of our creator. Given that both of us, all of us, myself and you here, are not advanced beyond our local universe, we can in no respects expect that our exchange of mind into the patterns of Michael will be perfect, identical to his creator orientation. But as we ascend through this morontia experience we go through many institutions of spiritual advancement where experts are continually at our sides to help us throw the switches and recreate in our own beings the Christ-mindedness.
When your soul is devout and your personality is resolute, the mind will initiate decisively action that you as a complete being; body, mind, soul, and volition, can carry out. I will answer the question that can be raised, what about habits? for we all experience the frustration of habitual, routine-like behavior that seems to lock us away from change, change that appeared freely to be decided but so difficult to work out. The difficulty arises from the complexity of creature-hood. I have already indicated that the organismal contribution of being an animal origin creature has some effect that is not greatly changeable. But there are numerous factors that would be exhausting to relay that do expand ever higher into such levels as the orientation system of planets, the creative plans and designs of a Michael Son for a given local universe, the context of each of the seven superuniverses, and the reality of the Supreme in time and space.
But habits are not fixed inflexibly. They simply are, well, let me state it in this manner: They are like a glacier or a massive rock; they do move but it takes effort; it takes time. The design input into each one of us incorporated habit because habit is efficient. Once you set habit in motion, itis your aid to continual activity and reaction in a manner you hope leads you forward in personality development and soul growth. When a habit is misdirected you, I know, have all experienced the frustration of its continual recurrence in spite of your desire. But it is not the habit so much that needs changing, for habit is really the configuration of the mind switches I have spoken of. Begin switching the configuration of your mind and the habit will easily adjust. The habit is the composition of the relationship of the mind switches. Even one switch would redefine the habit . The beauty of the practice of stillness is that it is a time when you may focus upon the mind configuration and make new selections while sitting more keenly aware in the presence of the Father. The illumination of the divine within sheds new light upon the values you have placed upon the configuration of the mind. This is the "behind the eyes, between the ears" that we have spoken of, when you sit at the switchboard of this beautiful gift of the Mother Spirit and re-pattern it with the hope of uncovering in yourself and as yourself the mindedness of Michael. I at this time will receive your comments and questions. I thank you for hearing me.
Thought, Thought Adjusters
Tom: You speak of the volitional aspect of switches and you mentioned habit, how about pre-habit like one of our earlier lessons dealt with the function of mind to generate thoughts, and it's the function of our Adjusters to adjust these thoughts. How does that play into this volitional aspect of switching?
Elyon: I had made mention that the mind does not judge. Neither does the divine spirit within. What occurs in your life the Father Fragment accepts, adapts, adjusts, and places within the soul the value that results therefrom. This is why the Thought Adjuster does not seek to make your life easy, for it is in the impact of experience that growth takes place. I would like you to further explain your understanding of "per-habits"before I continue.
Tom: Well, a habit is something that I do and I can know about. Thoughts just occur, like you mentioned in a prior lesson, like a popcorn machine generating thoughts. We have the mind generating thoughts and as a switch. It seems like there's many functions in the mind. How do they all lace together? Unless that's too vague.
Elyon: It is clear. I avoided the lengthy discourse of all the factors of creaturehood that contribute to the configuration of one's being, the nature of mind as a specific focus today. Yes, the mind does spring forth continually thoughts from the well of potential. But these thoughts rise and dissipate unless the personality grabs hold of one or a series of them and puts them to use. Habit is the prior establishment of use for thought. Be not concerned over this fountain of thought generated by mind. Be more observant of your selectivity and your engagement or enlistment of these thoughts into action. My discourse of the mind as a configuration of switches can make the mind appear to be an obstacle to the personality who wishes to clear unwanted reaction patterns, for the mind seems to be the filter or screen that is hindering. But you have illustrated another aspect of mind which is to your great benefit, and that is that it always will generate thought. You may drink from this well of thought and be nourished. Were it not for this continual activity, how would the personality function in reality? Mind is mysteriously beautiful in this regard. When this fountain issues forth a thought that you can use to change your patterns, you must select it decisively and emplace it deliberately.
The mind does not care; it simply casts forth the thought for you to act upon and for the Thought Adjuster to react to your action. Again, the mind does not judge which thought is valuable; it generates them. I know you all have been taken aback by some thoughts that cross your mind that you would not think are yours to think or worthy to be thought. But there they are, and it is for the personality to select. This generation of thought is one more factor like the configuration of your biological organism which is bestowed upon you for your benefit even though at times you may feel that the body and the mind are working against your spiritual aspirations. I hope I have been helpful.
Tom: This fountain of thought should be able to be switched off so you can get a clear shot at your Thought Adjuster. How can you use volition to do that?
Elyon: I desire to use another illustration that may prove helpful. Imagine yourself to be sitting in a movie theater. The movie is playing, but now let us put ourselves on the surface of the screen. How much of the movie can you understand when the projector light is right upon you and you are in the constant change of images themselves? The movie becomes indecipherable. But if you sit back in the theater and look upon the screen from a distance, the movie becomes intelligible. It becomes discernible. When in stillness you are sitting in the theater seat, and the activity of the mind becomes discernible, for you are not too close to the screen to see the activity.
Let me add another element. Many a movie is far more entertaining to see when you attend it with a friend with whom you may talk about the movie. This is the Father Fragment in the stillness. Your date together enriches your observation of the activity of mind. You need not shut the projector off and blacken the screen with no thoughts if you can discern the presence of the Father who has attended the theater showing with you, for the importance of the stillness is the recognition of the presence of God. Then you may watch the show together and enjoy the values derived therefrom.
The value of no thought in your mind is for those who have yet to step back from the screen to disassociate themselves from the activity being projected and witness it as a distinct function separate from personality. To stop the thought brings a stark realization of one's being, independent of thinking, and there you may discover the presence of God. When the discovery has been made and the partnership is consciously established, the movie theater would be rather boring if the projector remained off. As the thoughts continue to parade before you, you in partnership begin to enjoy the thrilling adventure of the story of your life as it unfolds.
Attunement, Magisterial Mission
Jael: I'm curious about the Pocatello transmission of teacher Daniel. Is this something new or the same instruction to be ready always?
Elyon: Daniel, my good friend, has initiated a call to awareness to all who have ears to hear. Readiness is the import of his statement. The event that is indicated does not lie within any one individual's power to enact. It has a supremacy quality; all factors involved, when aligned appropriately, the day will occur, the event will transpire, the new state will be attained. This is the importance of his comments, that each one of us make our adjustments to be in readiness, not so much for the event, but that we are positioned in our location, our orientation, such that as others do likewise and we have all done our parts, the new day will dawn. It is a day unlike an earth day where the sun rises regardless of your mood. This is a day of Supremacy attainment, local though it may be, where each one of us is a contributor to the dawning. We will wait patiently but not passively. We will not force its arrival; we will transform ourselves and be prepared, for our preparation is the contribution to its arrival.
Daniel has spoken clearly. His comments deserve review and application in your own lives. More will be forthcoming from the teaching corps as it is appropriate to transfer them to your body of knowledge.
Healing, Discernment
Tom: I have a question for Jessona: Could you give us some pointers on healing those who haven't given us consent, perhaps people at a distance? The power of prayer is increased if people know they are being prayed for. Does this apply to healing? Or do we need their consent for the most effect?
Jessona: I greet you, this is Jessona. To illustrate your question, you indicated that prayer has more power when the individual receiving your prayer knows that they are being prayed about. This holds true for healing, for healing is not unlike prayer in many ways. It is the request and transference and assistance of the divine in human affairs. If permission is being sought for healing, then your first task is to seek that permission. But notice that your revelation states that prayer is most effective when the one who is being prayed for knows they are being prayed for.
The knowledge is itself an element of their permission. If they have not forbidden you to pray for them, they have then allowed you, even if it is indifferently to pray for them. If one does not forbid you to heal them, they are, even if it's passively, allowing you to do so. They may not believe so much in its effectiveness, but their acceptance of your belief begins the cycle for the healing where it may be received. If however the person is dead set against such activity, you must stay your ground; you must not intrude. Let me bring back to you the illustration of the young lad in the hills who had no desire to speak or be with anybody, how persistent Jesus was in engaging him even after his initial brush-off. Michael's discernment was keen to the needs of the soul, and this is a quality you can work on.
When you would rather be in the healing process instead look to the discernment of the need of that soul. Seek to uncover its longings. Address the personality in need, and you would be surprised in the reward of the granted permission at a subsequent time. Is this clear?
Tom: Yes, thank you. And Elyon, thank you for your insights also.
Planetary Government
Jessona: We both give you our welcome. The heavens are astir this day upon Urantia for many agencies and administrations have undergone great change, new opportunities are here. The humans upon this world are being presented with the opportunity to become involved more so in the direction of this planet in concert with the celestial residents and agencies. The midwayers have new opportunities; the governing bodies have new opportunities, and so does the human species. We have over the centuries chuckled at the mind set of the human race when it feels that it holds the key to the destiny of the world, that it, the human race, is the deciding force as to where this planet goes. This rock, this orb in space, appears to be finite. With the limited vision of the human organism, it appears to be peopled with only so many beings that you can count. But Urantia is larger than the planet Earth. It is teeming with beings gathering experience and contributing to the Supreme. The direction of Urantia is toward Light and Life, and it is the hope of many orders of beings that the human race will contribute to this direction. It is only because of the isolation that the human race has thought of itself as the one sitting at the helm and guiding the course of the world. It is through people like yourselves who are willing to be humble and seek direction from on high that you can receive input that will aid the many of us who are here to be of assistance to this world.
Elyon and myself have said a mouthful today, much for you to ponder and immensely much more for you to put into practice. We at this time will take our leave. Farewell.