2000-11-26-The Upper Chamber
Topic: The Upper Chamber
Group: Costa Rica TeaM
Teacher: Alana, Legion, Tarkeem
TR: S. Butterfield
TR: I surrender my doubts and my fears, and open my mind to wisdom. I ask the teachers to come and commune with us. I welcome them. I dedicate this time to good will, God’s will, to love, to growth, to life.
Alana : Thank you my friends. This is Alana. I thank you for gathering together and for those few minutes in which I spent some time with each of you in your stillness practice. Welcome.
And I welcome you, a beloved friend, yes? (D : Yes.) We will construct the heart room, yes? (D : Yes.) For the benefit of your friend, K, we will describe the process. And so I ask you, open up your hearts, open them now. Breathe deeply. Open up your minds, open them now. Allow me to breathe with you now. Allow me, to enter your hearts now, and your minds, and to breathe my love into your bodies. Open up your hearts. Open up your bellies. Allow my love now to pour down into your bodies. Down through your legs, through your feet. Allow. Allow your toes to open up. Let my love flow through to the one before you. Open up now. We shall construct those walls, allowing my love to pour through your ears, through the sides of your body, lines of love reaching across to the one on either side of you. Creating those walls, not walls of prevention, but walls of invitation, walls of love. Now, open the holes in your back. I shall move about and blow love through them. Let me blow love through the hole in the back of your head, through your neck, through your shoulders. Open your back, through your waist, through your hips. Open your bodies. Allow my love to permeate. Open your minds now. Turn your head upward. Allow. Allow. Allow. Allow God’s love now to pour down, pour into your heads, pour into the heart room. Breathe. Breathe love in. Breathe love out. Let us put our new friend into the center of the heart room now, and blow love upon her, and welcome her.
I welcome you, Kim. You come with an open mind. You seek to expand. You wish to expand, you say, and we shall ask you, each one of you, expand where? Where do you wish to expand. The heart room is an opportunity to expand your mind and to expand your heart, to learn to allow love to guide your tongue, to shape your faith, to inform your life.
I would speak to you today about the upper chamber. This, my friends, has been a new experience for you, yes? (D : Yes.) It is an opportunity for you to recognize that sometimes you look about you, you look before you, and you see such a small opening, only a small opening to discover, and then once you have managed to enter through this very small opening in your mind or your heart, you have the opportunity to discover greatness, a vast expansion of love and knowledge becomes available to you. And yet, first you saw only the smallest of entryways. Sometimes the entry looks forbiddingly small, and you would ignore it, or pass beyond it, or turn away. Nothing is too small to examine with love. No small gesture of love is to be ignored. Our love touches upon each one of you in great and small ways. Because one person changes, or expresses a great insight, a grand leap forward, does not diminish the small change, the inching ahead, the delicate movement of another.
Some of you are most eager to take giant steps. You become frustrated when I speak only to something so tiny as a smile. But I tell you, every little smile contributes to learning to love and to express joy, God’s joy. Your welcome friend, has in her care the new being of a child. How does that child learn to love? One smile at a time. So, even though I am very happy to encourage great, awesome, belly laughs, still I encourage you to practice and practice the still small smile of the stillness within.
So, my little one, you would love your enemies? (N : Yes.) I would ask you to remember, to love is not to loose your mind. Your mind is intended to discern, to discern the behaviors and the actions of those about you. To love your enemy is not to give that person permission to continue to behave in such a way that would, shall we say, eliminate you from their world. It is not to give another permission to destroy your self-esteem, your well-being. To love your enemy is to see them through the eyes, the perspective, the vastness of God’s love. To have compassion, yes. But you do not need to sit down with them and share a meal, if indeed they continue to choose to spit that meal upon your face, or to place a bit of poison in your glass. That would be foolish, would it not? Some enemies are encountered by you because you have lessons to learn. (N : Yes.) Yes, you understand. Still I would ask you to remember that once you have learned the lesson there is no need to go back for more, unless you have seen that the lessons, as all divine lessons are meant to be, have been learned mutually, con-jointly, co-operatively. Then you can see that your enemy, a child of God like yourself, was blinded in his or her behavior, and now can see. Then, of course, you very often discover, that even you in all your kind and well-meaning intention, may have caused that “enemy” some pain and contributed to the situation.
N : Thank you. I don’t know if I understood all (N is learning English), but I thank you.
Alana : Loving is always part of truth. If you can love your enemy, and speak the truth, yes? (N : Yes.) We might speak about telling the truth with love, yes? The truth is friendly. I have said to your transmitter many times, when you are in the stillness, if you do not hear loving instruction, then practice the stillness more deeply and listen again. For God’s love, our love, does not speak with harsh and judgemental words. We are here to help you get past those categories of understanding that prevent you from speaking with love.
Now, I will ask you to speak, to ask questions if you wish, with me, or you may call upon Legion, or Tarkim, or Devina. But I ask you this, in order to make your new friend comfortable, as well the transmitter, she, as is common for her, becomes slightly cautious in allowing me to speak in unfamiliar situations. This does not mean that her heart is not open to sharing her experience with new friends, new members, even strangers, but we always remember she is learning.
S : We had a question at the end of the last meeting but S was too sick to continue. It was a question about the personal nature of our lessons, as compared to lessons we have read.
D : Yes, there is another quality too, S, and Alana, not only the personal nature of the teaching, but there is a quality about the material, when we read it, that I can’t put my finger on, but it seems to be very different from the other teachings. I am very thankful for it. I am very joyful about it, it makes my heart glad. Have you any way of articulating this for us, Alana, to open our minds a little bit to what is happening?
Tarkim : This Tarkim. (Several : Welcome, Tarkim. Welcome.) Your planet, and the people, are anxious. Anxious to maneuver your world toward a more beneficial result, than the ones that they see being manifested on a daily, hourly basis. And so, in this anxiety raised to very high levels by the rapid growth of your technological ability to communicate around your globe, in their anxiety people would have teachers come and tell them the way and show them that there is a greater understanding and a powerful force greater than the one used by so many people on your planet to get their way. Your anxiety pushes you, sometimes, to grab for information that is not always beneficial for a particular individual, or group of people, to know. Your transmitter has an exceptional compassion, yet she has seen many times individuals using what you call supernatural information as a means of escaping their personal responsibility to bring God’s love to the planet. She has a great deal of respect, for example, for the Urantia book. She has not studied all of it, and that is not her personal inclination. She has a great deal of respect, for example, for the Bible. She has not studied all of it, and that is not her personal inclination. What she respects above all is God’s love, God’s truth. When she feels God’s love pouring through her, she sees the truth is God’s love permeates all. When she sees another human being, or she reads words that convey and promote love within her heart, she is able to share this in any way she can. Your other friends receive information from various levels of teachers and beings that lead their minds to study and to prepare themselves in many various ways. It is tempting sometimes for the human being to read and to study exceptional events anticipated, or in past history, and this is not to be denigrated, but every individual who wishes to contribute to, shall we say, the salvation of mankind, and womankind, every individual who wishes, shall we say, to contribute to bringing God’s love into the consciousness of every other human being, must first and always begin right here and now where you find yourselves, which is to say, in the heart room, in that space of love where all troubles and all concerns can be exposed to the light of God’s love. When you take as vast a perspective as Alana, or Legion, or myself, you will see, as we do, that very different paths still come from and lead to the same event, which is the divine explosion of love within your hearts.
It is well and good to imagine, to anticipate, and to prepare for the coming of one so great that you can imagine your world transformed into a world of light and love, compassion, fairness, respect for all. I say that it is well and good to imagine these things for it is in your imagining, it is in the construction of your believing in such possibility, it is in your faith that, because you imagine it and because you believe it, that this can be true. It is in your faith in this truth that such a possibility becomes real. When this will happen? That is not for you to know at this time. But yes, I encourage you to believe. I encourage you to have faith that as each individual heart opens to even one other human being, with complete trust, and complete compassion, that as each individual does this one magnificent thing, so will your world become transformed. You can not know how great a scheme your universe is enfolded in the arms of God. You can only attempt to know this and allow your imagination to expand, expand greatly, as you reach for what you dream. Love is your lesson, my friend. Love. Every relationship in which you engage, in which you participate, is an opportunity to learn this one, essential lesson, Love. Love is the one whole reality. But that, of course, is difficult for you to know for you have a perspective limited by your human experience on a planet of distress and disorganization. A planet that long before you, became disturbed by the sometimes well-intentioned, but nevertheless misguided idea that God’s love can be controlled, that God’s love is for some and not for another. Even there is the mistaken idea that one being is “God” above another.
You see this, as Alana spoke this morning, in the little child whose first learning is so reflective; they imitate, they watch, they receive. And by the well-intentioned guidance of those around them, they learn to behave and to reach out and sometimes they learn a mistaken idea, I am God! I can make someone laugh! I can make someone cry! It is a major shift in the consciousness of a child when for the first time they begin to contemplate all that they have learned, all that they have received, and they consciously choose to give the love that they have received away. Some of you, and yes I compassionately and with a gentle smile of love perhaps all of you continue to work with this understanding beyond childhood. Give the love you have receive. Give the love you have received. And that is why your friends, Alana, Legion, Devina, continue to say, We give you love. Receive our love. Then give it away.
I have spoken for a long time. I have hoped to settle the minds of those who would have a lesson, let us say, that would spark the world to great change. That my friends is in greater hands than mine and yours. Continue with your, may I say, simple lessons of love. Thank you.
D : Thank you.
Legion : This is Legion. We are giving your transmitter a “run for her money” today. I ask you, how goes it with your discipline, S?
(Some playful teasing of S for her gasp of reaction to Legion’s attention.)
S : Well, I had the piano tuned and I am playing the piano.
Legion : My friend, I wish to speak to you primarily because I want you to get to know me and my discipline in such a way that you do not fear failure. Alana has nurtured you beautifully. (S : Yes.) Still, when I approached you, you go, “Oh my God, I’m caught.” (laughter) I think you understand that there is a discipline that demands rigorous repetition, and endless amounts of time and attention. I would not have you feel guilty because you do not give that same approach to your stillness practice. Yet, I ask you to step up your awareness of the opportunity before you.
S : I don’t know why I find it so scarey.
Legion : Let us put that fear in the heart room right now and blow love upon it. Will you allow me to blow love upon it, my dear? You fear the strength of my discipline. You fear that my discipline will chain you and not allow you the glorious joy and sense of freedom that you have been discovering within you. My friend, I wish you to dance, as much as Alana would dance, or Devina would sing. Still, I wish for you to know how to daily remember, to daily remember to practice the stillness without fear that this is a rigid demand upon your joy, an invasion of your freedom of choice. You will find, my friend, that you can become a representative of God’s love without sacrifice, without having to present rules and regulations. My disicpline is strong, but it is always free. And you fear to discover that not choosing is very wrong; no my friend, I simply remind you to choose.
S : May I ask for a daily reminder this week? That would help me.
Legion : I ask you, should I remind you, will you choose?
S : Yes.
Legion : Do you choose now?
S : Yes.
Legion : Then daily I will come to you in one form or another and I will ask you, now S, now S, now give me your ten mintures.
S : OK. That’s a deal. Thank you,
Legion : Thank you. Have you kept yours? My friend, Mr. Practice. Ten minutes?
O : Regularly.
Legion : Would you have a way of expressing how this has expanded your well being?
O : I know there is a very clear difference between those times when I practice regularly, and those times when I do not get that connection that I expect. I learned last week not to expect the same thing each time, the same results. As I gave up that expectation, I experienced exactly what I thought I was missing before.
Legion : It is not my intention to turn you into robots, marvelous mechanical demonstrations of “This is the silence!” “This is the stillness!” “This is spiritual meditation!” I is my intention, my friends, that you be able at any moment in time to draw instantly upon the vast resource of compassionate understanding, love and forgiveness, now, and now, and now, in the middle of your most distressful encounter, in the moment of your……(tape went blank) November 26, 2000 Continuation after Break
S : I speak for myself, but I feel the love of everyone here. I thank Lelgion, especially, for his sometimes harsher lessons. And Alana for her gentler ones. And Tarkim for helping us to have a larger perspective, and the teaching mission for that perspective. I am filled with love and gratitude for each other, and our beloved transmitter. Thank you all.
Alana : This is Alana. I thank you for being here. Each of you has such a yearning to express love in your world. When your transmitter believes that such a task as bringing our love to you to satisfy your yearning, when she suffers the belief that it all depends upon her, she is given the blessed opportunity to draw upon her own resources of the stillness and to let go. She would make every one of you happy. And yet it is undoubtedly true that she does make each one of you happy from time to time. What she is learning is to allow your happiness to be born within your hearts because you allow us to speak to you. It is your joint effort with another that creates the expression of God’s love and God’s joy between you. It is not one or the other. This reciprocity holds true for the transmitting process. She allows us to speak through her, we do our part in creating that expression. It is equally so that each of you, as a group, create us speaking to you. Take this learning, this lesson of God’s love to all of those you encounter on your world. For it is a co-operative venture that love is expressed on your planet and the universe is perceived with love. Teach by your own behavior that you know a universe of love. Whether or not you use a particular language or speak with a particular sound, the sounds, the pathway, the avenues, the openings are many, but the lesson is always to learn to love. Thank you for coming. Thank you for welcoming us.
S : We’ve become addicted, Alana. I don’t think we could live without you, and Legion, and Tarkim.
Alana : It is the joint creation of loving service that you call addictive. As you carry the stillness of love in your heart wherever you go, you will begin to see God everywhere. You will begin to hear Him in every voice. You will know that God, both love and joy, dwells within you to be brought out and given away. You will discover that you see God’s love dwelling within every being. You will encourage that love to come out and be shared. Thank you.