2000-12-03-The Upper Chamber
Topic: The Upper Chamber
Group: Costa Rica TeaM
Teacher: Alana, Legion, Devina
TR: S. Butterfield
Alana : Welcome.
D : Welcome to you.
Alana : This is Alana. We shall join together and construct the heart room, yes? (Yes.) Do each of you feel secure in the construction of the heart room without my guidance today?
S : Yes, we are the heart room, Alana.
Alana : Very good. And, do you now lift your minds and hearts up, up, up, to see into the upper chamber and to ascend with me into the upper chamber?
S : I have this image of the upper chamber as the heart of God. Perhaps this is too presumptuous.
Alana : To imagine any part of God is no presumption, my dear. And yes, as you rise up, up, up, you rise always closer to the heart of God, as you put it. And my friend, O, have you joined me up in the upper chamber? (O later revealed to the TR, that he had not.) Open your heart, my friend. Breathe in the Mother’s love. Breathe it in, my friend. Thank you. Is there anyone here, now, who wishes to speak with me here in the upper chamber? (Silence.) This rarefied atmosphere. So much silence. This is quite beautiful.
S : Who else is with us here, Alana?
Alana : In the upper chamber, the Mother’s love is more accessible because you have turned your hearts and your minds upward. Devina is here. Legion will come, should you ask him. The upper chamber, as I spoke once before, looks small, a very small opening as you ascend. But once you have come through, the expansion is an infinite expansion into God’s love. And you, my dear, you may bring any one you choose up into this chamber. All it takes is your desire to bring love, greater love, into your relationship with that person, or persons. When you sleep at night, you might like to try ascending upward to the upper chamber. You can imagine crawling through your heart, as you lay upon your back, crawling through your heart and climbing up the ladder, up, up, up until the ladder reaches that opening into the upper chamber. If you are successful, and you have ascended into the upper chamber, you may then discover that you can float yet farther, farther, farther, up beyond your imagination into the infinite love of God. This will make for a very tranquil sleep. It further surrenders your body to our loving care. And it allows God’s love to caress your thoughts as they lay unexercised in your mind. When you wake, if you wake with struggle and strife and confusion starting to exercise itself in your mind, then you know that it is a very good idea for you to practice my ladder-climbing exercise again the following night. You see, I would have your minds peaceful, morning, evening, and in the darkness of sleep.
You have said, my friend, Sir D, that you miss Devina. She is here should you wish to speak to her.
D : At the moment all I can think to say is, Hello love. And invite anyone else to speak to her too. I just want to say, Hello love.
S : Are you singing when I play, Devina?
Alana : Yes. Devina is smiling.
Devina : This is Devina. I was enjoying the pleasure of watching each of you striving for greater heights of love and light. I respond to every effort you make to love and to learn from our lessons how to love, and how to share that love. It is my pleasure to know, dear S, that as you play you are reaching toward me, to hear my singing. I sing with you, my dear.
S : I’m grateful to know that. And I do, I do call on you when I am playing.
Devina : This has been quite an adventure for all of you. Since the inception of our lessons coming through your transmitter, first through her fingers, secondly through her voice. We are not unaware that many times since that beginning one or the other of you has felt fear or concern, questioning, “Is this real?” “Is this right?” Even, “What would I ever do without them?” We have always been with you. One or the other of us, or those you have yet to meet, or to hear, or to speak with. It is of course an exceptional blessing that your transmitter was able to receive me, and Alana, and Legion, and others. Still, it is very important for you to know that we are here, to feel that exceptional blessing and to begin to nurture yourselves with the cloak of self-respect and love that we weave for you every day. We are polishing our little gems. It is considerably easier to do the shining when we have someone who can, shall we say, “speak” for us. Still, we have been polishing vigorously, and we continue to polish, and we will continue to polish, with or without being able to communicate with you by voice. We are in the upper chamber now, and I am here, as I was in the beginning, at your bidding, and the bidding of God and the Mother Spirit. That bidding is your yearning to grow in understanding, to grow in your ability to know and to express forgiveness. To grow in your ability to know God and to share God’s love. To grow in your ability to accept that the holy Mother Spirit embraces you with her love. To grow in your ability to know that the Mother and the Father always and forever love you. To the best of their ability your earthly parents attempted to bring our love thorugh them into your bodies and your minds and your hearts. But it is your yearning to go beyond what those parents, good or bad, were able to give. To go beyond what your world demonstrates to you. And to reach up, up, up to God’s love. Your yearning, your asking to receive, meets my yearning to give. Every day is an opportunity to manifest the love we have for you, by manifesting love for your self and for others in how you go about your daily tasks. Every day, I sing to you. Listen. The song is always there, if you do not hear it in the air, blowing through the trees, caressing your skin, then listen for it in the stillness of your heart. If you can not hear my song in the song of birds, then listen for it in the stillness of your heart. It is no sin to make a mistake, to think wrong thoughts, to speak unkindly; the purpose of our coming to you is to help you so that you do not repeat those mistakes. That is the purpose of practice. That is the purpose of the exercises that are given to you. So that in the process of being human, you learn to be more like the Father and the Mother above. We are here to assist you in your ability to love one another as you are loved by the Father, Mother, God, the Son.
Legion would come clambering up the ladder. Do we have room for this magnificent man? (Laughter. Several say, Yes. Welcome Legion. Thank you.)
S : Before you go, Devina, I have heard your song. I just didn’t know what I was hearing.
Devina : It pleases me to hear you say this out loud. I do believe it will very much please your transmitter. Thank you.
S : Is Legion here?
Legion : Yes. I was contemplating. The discipline of contemplation.
S : I want to thank you for reminding me this week. I was not always very good, sometimes quite distracted, but I appreciate the discipline of practice.
Legion : Excellent, my dear. You are not as difficult as you believe yourself to be. There are certain habits of behavior that you have yet to shave off your beard of life, shall we say. (Laughter.) Still, I wish for you to know, and I say this as seriously and as pointedly as I can so that I may give you such solid assurance that you will be less likely to doubt…you are not as difficult as you believe yourself to be. You are truly a very eager and willing student. It might even surprise you that I have sometimes found it slightly more, well I don’t usually experience stress, but we shall say, slightly more stressful to awaken your transmitter to my prodings. So my friend, it should be understood between you and I that you are not as difficult as you have been led to believe by other male personalities in your world.
S : Yes. Those other male personalities were always so judgemental, and I am still carrying the shadows of their judgments around inside of me. Maybe those are the bad habits you are referring to. If you would elaborate on them, I’d be happy to start shaving immediately. (Laughter.)
Legion : Since shaving is perhaps new to you, in the sense of shaving your beard, I would remind you that every male who shaves his beard, has, at some point in time, has what is called “shadow?” a “blue shadow?” So do not, my friend, jump so quickly upon yourself with your little bat to bang your grey matter, or smash that blue shadow that you have suddenly seen. (Laughter.) This is quite forgiveable, you are learning, you are growing, you are disciplining yourself in the discipline of love, in the discipline of asking and receiving and giving what you receive immediately away.
S : Thank you for that encouragement.
Legion : It has been a very big pleasure for me this week to be your companion, your conspirator, so to speak, in bringing the discipline of calm tranquility to your chaotic world.
S : I am very grateful.
Legion : And you who does not shave? (Laughter.)
D : You must be speaking to me, Legion.
Legion : How goes it with your discipline of joy, my friend.
D : I must say that it was a bit shaky during our trip to SJ, but perhaps that is understandable. Generally speaking, I am back on track with the discipline of joy, choosing things that make me feel good, my body, my mind, my spirit. Things that make me more loving. My garden. In my garden I walk and talk with Nebadonia and Alana and you and Devina. That’s the discipline of joy. I feel good about it. I feel that I am on the right track.
Legion : Yes, we have been shaving down your fury.
D : My fury?
Legion : Your anger when your ability to choose joy is met with obstruction.
D : (Laughter.) Shall we say…
Legion : I am quite pleased that you and your beloved wife agreed to explore what I presented to you as the discipline of love, which is the discipline of joy. I have been very pleased to see you growing in your ability to co-operate in this magnificent opportunity to create joy on your world. It is not always a common sight on your planet, nor is it a common report among your married couples, that joy can be chosen on a daily, hourly, basis. You have slipped and fallen, nicked the skin, so to speak, with the razor blade, of your awareness that choosing joy is a discipline. You have not always succeeded in the co-operative effort, but you have most definitely made some remarkable strides and you, I believe, will be able to articulate this at some point in the future in such a way as to be most helpful to others who would restore a certain balance, joy and love to the interaction you call marriage. Marriage is not to be taken as a cast iron edict from God. Marriage is always the choice between two people, and it is a choice that should represent their desire to manifest love between them. With most couples of every sort, this love ordinarily begins with a certain compatibility of bodies that creates sexual attraction, excitement, communication and consumation. Or it begins with a certain compatibility of mind that creates attraction, communication, excitement, joy, delight, in mutual appreciation for thoughts, ideas, and exploration. But the marriage that I would encourage on your planet is one that goes beyond that point. If it can not go beyond that point, very often there is, quite acceptably, divorce. For without compatibility growing, individuals begin to shrink. Their relationship becomes a war of competing desires to grow. If marriages do not grow beyond a certain point, they die on the vine. What point am I making? That is where the discipline of love and the discipline of joy enters into the equation. For the discipline of love, the discipline of joy that I have been training you to understand and to master is to incorporate in your life and in your life with one another God’s love, God’s joy in you very being, the Mother’s embrace of your existence. I am training you to listen for God’s love within you, to speak to God’s love within another, and to join these two in the expression of God’s love wherever you go. Marriage is designed to bring joy. This takes discipline. This requires co-operation. It is often enough for one to deal with the odd resistance, the habitual resistance to joy and to knowing God’s love that has accumulated with the battering of life’s disappointments; but it is even a greater challenge to deal with the joint resistance, the double resistance, if you will, the resistance a couple will encounter as they co-operate in the effort to allow God and God’s love to guide them through the many difficulties of relationship.
I have given him a great deal to contemplate in the discipline of his contemplation. Is there any one who would prefer that I give now my attention to them?
O : Legion. (Legion : Yes, my friend.) You have made me curious in talking about marriage. I have also contemplated many times about this topic. It seems to me that you must also have had personal experience. Have you been married yourself? (Yes.) And how was it on your world with marriage?
Legion : I was very fortunate. I was led to marriage by a very loving father. He took me by the hand and showed me a beautiful woman. Her face and body may not have met your present standards of beauty, but her being was of such ascendant beauty that I was attracted immediately and showed no resistance to my father’s wisdom. This woman had a beautiful mother. A mother who had taught her daughter from a very early age that the stillness was where she would find all love, all joy. This mother, along with the father, demonstrated time and time again, that this love and joy was to be given, was to be given away, was to be shared. As a couple, this mother and father gave away their love and joy every day to this daughter, who then, to my most everlasting gratitude, gave to me that love and joy that resided within her.
D : A beautiful story.
O : Thank you for sharing that. It is very moving. Was it common on your planet for the parents to arrange marriage? Is that desireable?
Legion : One moment please. Both the transmitter and I were so very moved for a period of moments that I agreed to give her time to sigh. Now, we will speak to your question. You will notice that you used a certain word, “arrangement.” “Arranged.” You asked was it common for marriages to be arranged. I will take you back, for a moment, for my first words were, “my father took my hand in his and led me.” The choice of marriage was mine. The choice of marriage was hers. The greater choice was the choice to share God’s love and joy, and to pass it on. My father had great love for God. In the stillness of his heart, he saw, and he shared what he saw with me. I saw, entranced equally by the beauty that radiated, I willingly followed.
O : Legion, I thank you for allowing me to be precise and thinking precisely, in correcting me. I am convinced that the word that I used did not apply to your level of existend. What I am understanding is that your father, in loving God, was led to guide you to the right person, which is something that probably very seldom happens on this planet.
Legion : That is why we are here speaking together. My friend, I wish to say one more thing. It is not so important that you understand completely, correctly, what was so for me. What I wish you to understand is how quickly you, on your planet, are able to take a word and translate it in your own way. This is sometimes called assumption. As you have experienced, and others among you, when you are struggling to understand another language, and to speak it, quite often with great hilarity, you become familiar with mistaken assumptions. This is no criticism, my friend. I simply used you to make this point. It is not only wonderful when a father, or a mother, goes within to the stillness of their heart, to see for their child. It is not only wonderful when a person goes within to the stillness in their heart to see a direction, or a choice, or the person that they are contemplating a lifetime, or even a daytime with. It is wonderful also when each of you goes within to the stillness within your heart to contemplate your words, your thoughts, the words and thoughts of others, and allow God’s love to guide you. I hope that was not misunderstood.
O : Not at all, Legion. I have never felt criticized by you for one moment. I used the word arranging marriage. You have given a new definition to it. I wish that on this planet that we might come to where as a parent, as I am, I would have the wisdom from within my stillness to find a mate for my children. It is an incredible thought. One I would not have thought, before, possible.
Legion : Yes. That is the true understanding of the marriage that is sacred to God, or the relationship that is sacred to God. One in which all parties concerned go within, into the stillness within their hearts, and listen, listen, listen, for God’s love and joy, for Devina’s song, if you will, for our love to guide. Thank you.
There is still some energy left within the transmitter to continue. There is still perhaps a small agitation that would be revealed?
D : I was going to ask a question. This beautiful companion that you had, is she still with you on your journey.
Legion : That is truly what you yearn for with your beloved? (D : Yes.) Yes. Let me put it this way, my friend. She is always in my heart and by my side, even when, by your standards of measurement, she is very far away and otherwise occupied. We achieved a communication within the heart of God that will, and can not be, ever broken. Does this satisfy your question?
D : Thank you. Yes.
Legion : I will tell you this, my friends, this has been a most remarkable session for your friend, the transmitter. She, as you well know, is very cautious about personal details of those she allows to speak through her. She experienced a brief moment of fear, then with my guidance she surrendered. It was a very profound emotional feeling, mental experience for her to listen to me and to allow me to speak to you about my marriage. This was not just due to her own idiosyncrasies, it was also because she allowed herself to experience the deep pool of love that resided within the essence of my story.
S : That deep pool of love is so unimaginable to me that I feel the desire to, as you say, take out my baseball bat and get this life behind me.
Legion : My beloved, I will say again, you are not as difficult as you believe yourself to be. But I would step aside now, and allow your beloved Devina to say the last words, and caress your tears.
Devina : Each of you is blessed to be in such a beautiful place where the outward beauty can serve to help you synchronize with the beauty that resides within. Our beloved, S, we hold you in our deep pool of love. Each of you, we hold you in our arms, our love, now. I tell you, your circle is glowing with our pleasure in you. We take your sadness, your fears, your troubles. We take them into ourselves and lift you. Feel our love, it is yours. God blesses you. I will tell you one more thing before we go; your transmitter is going to have an experience beyond what she even yearns for. She will know such love that she will come back to you with an understanding that will allow her to show you the way. Do not fear. Thank you.
D : Thank you for this group to all of you teachers today. What a benediction it has been to be in your presence.