Topic: Service and Presence
Group: Marin TeaM
Teacher:Michael, Welmek
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
The session began with a healing stillness connecting with the healing energy of Christ Michael. As Michael’s love was flowing into the participants, Welmek offered some centering thoughts. Then, we received a message from Michael:
My greetings to each and every one. You are my instruments. My presence not only lives within each one of you, but it is actually physically present, standing beside you, standing behind you through every moment of the day. My hands are the ones guiding yours. My eyes are the ones focusing your gaze on the material world you see before you. My mouth carries the words of peace that you speak, words of love, compassion and forgiveness. My nose is the nose which breathes the rich oxygen of life that invigorates each cell with this most precious and wonderful of all gifts, the gift to be a child of our Father.
How do you wish to be used as my instrument? How do you wish to serve? I do not require some slavish subservience or denigration of your personality. But I do require that you begin to think of yourselves as being my instruments to be used in the unfoldment of this Correcting Time, and the healing of your brothers and sisters, and of your world and its condition of spiritual poverty that has plagued it for many years. All I ask of you, this evening, is to go deep within and ask what kind of instrument you wish to be. There are many paths. There are many opportunities, and you do not have select one or another. There can be many ways for you to serve. But I ask you this evening to test your mind, to test your mettle to see if you have the internal fortitude to be my instrument. I will guide you, I will support you, I will show you how do the work.
You do not have to fear; you do not have to think you are alone or will not be given the appropriate assistance. There are many, many who surround you who are waiting in the wings to assist you. All you need to is to call on me and mine in every moment of the day and ask for assistance. You see, my little children, you think you are independent, but you are not. There is no need to be independent. You are little children, and little children need guidance. They need to be nurtured. They need to be shown how to do things. This is the idea of the instrument, you are being used, you are being is applied in certain work.
As I leave you this evening, draw close to me, draw into me. I will never leave you. I am always behind you supporting you. You are mine and there is nothing that can separate us, even in the times when you act most unruly and foster your own sense of independence. It is good that the child begin to break away from the parent for a time, but you must learn to return to the bosom of security and comfort. So draw in to me, and let all of your fears be washed clean. Good night, beloved ones.
Welmek: My friends, the good shepherd is the most tender observer and nurturer of his flock. You cannot be more faithfully loved or guided. I do not have a lesson planned as such for I wanted to connect more with you at a soul-felt level. I sincerely hope that this evening you sense a presence of celestial companionship. In the coming days, it will be important to sense this awareness of others with you as you become better stewards in assisting Michael in the Correcting Time. We have always told you that we teachers are here to instruct, but it is you who must do the work because it is your planet, and you are humans who can relate to your brothers and sisters on a one-to-one physical basis. We have shared this idea with you many times over the years, and now the time is upon you to more fully be aware of the work that must be done to correct the ills of this befallen planet. So, it is very important and fundamental to sense that you have the support and guidance at a spiritual and intellectual level to steady your hands and guide your feet as you serve your brothers and sisters in this healing ministry. For you do not have to do this alone, or to feel you are alone, or to in any way daunted by the enormity of the mission of this Correcting Time.
You see, each problem must be solved step by step individually through the appropriate application of love and mercy to each situation. And when you look at the collective whole of all of the problems of the planet, are they not indeed quite insurmountable? And you have such aspirations and dreams of peace on Urantia. You are able to envision a world where light and life reign supreme. You have this dream within you. You must never allow yourself to lose sight of the dream, nor to be thwarted by the enormity of the problems at hand. This is the time to draw into our Creator. This is the time to rally your spiritual forces and to enlist them as you perform these acts of correction. So it is important that you feel these presences surrounding you for they will help you to remember to connect with guidance as you go about your daily tasks.
Student: I feel a stumbling block in my life for a long time has been difficult for me envision and commit to something that’s larger than just my own survival on this planet because it takes almost all of my energy to keep my physical plane existence happening. There’s something fundamentally incorrect I feel about that. It’s the cart before the horse, first I get my personal life together and then I have enough resources to commit to something larger than my own work or survival, which is not really what I’m interested in doing. Yet, I’m also hesitant because I have interests in so many different paths that every time I choose something I feel this sense of restriction. The restrictiveness of just one set of beliefs or concepts is absolutely incorrect. So, I don’t know how to be in all the parts of my world that takes me out of my tiny little restricted personal context which I have no interest in continuing to do. I feel I need to choose something so I don’t know how to serve to bring my gifts to something. That’s where I feel stuck.
Welmek: You have a very large heart and a very sincere desire to serve Michael in devotion, and this is most endearing and charming. It would be wonderful if all Urantians would have this same fervor. My suggestion to you is to first attend to the matter of making yourself strong, physically, emotionally and spiritually. At this level of your inner work, there is a harmonization and coordination that is occurring within your being that you are not yet conscious of because it is not fully integrated. Your constituent parts have not been tightly woven yet into this cohesive unit of strength, and your fervor is wearing a little thin on your nerves because it is not yet able to be fully expressed.
I would say to you, be patient; to allow yourself to fully heal, particularly those parts of your physical body which have been prone to stress over the course of your lifetime. Let yourself be re-keyed into this harmonic convergence [1] of energies that will be put to use more graciously according to your desires. You do not have to choose one path or one interest. You are correct in your assessment of saying that would be too limiting. And so, you might want to address this idea in your stillness, why do I think I must choose? The choice is in your desire to be used, and then allowing the opportunities to come so then you can express those components of your personality that you have come to appreciate as your gifts and your abilities.
Student: I can really feel that, I’m really in touch with the frustration with having a vehicle that isn’t strong and integrated enough to match the desire for movement. It’s hard to be patient and being sick and letting things to mend and heal and trusting the harmonization will come.
Welmek: Allow this dedication and this desire to fuel you to continue to heal. When you feel these times of frustration, my suggestion would be to connect with the component of Jesus as a human who had to wait upon the Father’s time to do his work. Ask him to reveal to you how he was able to master that and to stay steady in pursuing those opportunities he needed to ready himself for his mission. You are no different in that regard. You must wait upon the appropriate time, you must do the work that is necessary to prepare yourself. Otherwise, you will not be the best instrument for his presence to be used through you. So you are serving him when you heal yourself, because each day as you improve your health, you are getting stronger so he will be able to use you. Do you see? It is important to always be mindful of whose timeline it is you are working with and to do the requisite work you must so you can be the best instrument possible to use.
Discernment, Attunement
Student: Sometimes I struggle to discern the difference between leadings and what is the best way I can serve and in projecting what I would call my own ego mind based upon my previous desires, etc and the ways I think I can serve. What suggestions to you have for discerning the difference between the wishes of our own ego mind vs. the true leadings of our spirit?
Welmek: This is the pivotal question of life, is it not? I will say that this is struggle, or should I say not so much a struggle, but it is a refinement of understanding whose context of life you are moving within. You see, as humans you have this frame of reference that is built up over your years of experience that is mitigated by your genetic heritage and your cultural mores and your society belief systems. And so, as you refine yourself through this process, everything you think and act goes through this filter of your experiences. That is why we have come to teach you the stillness, for it is in the stillness that you can begin to gradually dismantle these belief systems and experiences that you have come to know and learn and act upon in your lifetime and exchange them for the perspective and reality of the Father’s ways and the Father’s viewpoints and to see things with the Father’s eyes. When you are not sure, go within and ask, “Father, I am not certain if I am acting through my own limited mind of human experience, and I ask you to show me if this is how you see the situation. Or, is there another way I should be looking at this particular problem.?” And, in this heartfelt sincere, and I stress the word sincere, desire to see this from the Father’s perspective with the Father’s eyes, that you will gradually attune your thinking more to the ways of the cosmos. More in tune and harmony with divine ideas and ideals.
This is why stillness exchange is so paramount in your growth as a child of God. And so you must never judge yourself that you do not always allow yourself to see it from this perspective, but you must always understand with whose eyes you are trying to see reality. Each time you go in stillness and exchange your vision for the Father’s vision, he is allowing his eyes for you to use to view wold and the problems, situations, circumstances, opportunities and challenges of your life so that you will be able to more successfully handle these with peace and patience and understanding. Does this help you, my brother?
Student: Yes, I used to think that in order to serve I must have this grand scheme to save the world. Something to identify that was mine that I created. Over time I have taken that into stillness and learned to let it go and take the approach of looking at Jesus ministering as passing by and accepting the opportunities that come and doing the best I can. How would I know if that is a sufficient way of serving vs. thinking that I have somehow given up or am not trying hard enough to do something more.
Welmek: I would say that this idea of placing a weight or value on these acts of service is part of your insidious material conditioning of “more is better.” In reality, there are no such arbitrary standards for each act of service is a gift. Each act of love and kindness and compassion whether it is to one or one thousand is equally important. You do not see the beauty of the small or what you might consider insignificant, but it is not. For the personal exchange of reaching out one person at a time can create in that person such a strong echo of love that can have reverberations that affect the lives around this person.
So, you must never judge how it is you serve. You must look at this concept of making your mark on civilization and begin to see who it is you are serving. I do not say this as a harsh criticism of you my brother, for it is so very human, and it is so particularly Urantian, because of the selfishness that still imbues this planet. I would challenge you now to look at all acts of service that you perform throughout your day as the most wonderful and joyous of gifts you can give to Michael and to our Father. Grow strong in this desire of serving in these small ways. But, they are not small because it takes a large and generous heart to perform these works, and you do not see the love and devotion within you that allows this to happen. Grow strong in these small ways, grow vibrant, grow healthy, grow exuberant, and in time other opportunities may come to you that may be of greater magnitude and have an impact a more massive level. But you must never judge that one is greater than the other for they all have their function and they all serve the greater good. Each small act of service is the part of the greater whole and greater whole is made up of many small acts of service. Does this help you?
Student: Sure, as you speak my mind floods with lines of wisdom…he who would be greatest among you, let him be the servant of all; the best way to become a frog is to live loyally as a tadpole every day. I think as a human some of it is riveted in our insecurity and our insecurity is really boils down to a lack of faith. Faith in the fact that God really loves us and when we question that and doubt that then we think we have to do these great works and we have to overcompensate for these things, when in reality as we deepen our own feeling of our love of God, it naturally becomes a reaction to want to share that love with people and to help them.
Welmek: You have an excellent understanding of these ideas, now your other work is to appreciate these ideals…to feel what it means to be a servant of all, or this loyal tadpole. Spend time in your stillness allowing the recognition of performing small acts of love each day to flood into your being and overtake your soul. Drink deeply of the cup of devotion. Ask the Father to help you appreciate what that means and what it feels like. As you well know, you must not only understand the idea of what it is that we try to teach and what your text teaches, (tape turned) heartfelt desire, heartfelt devotion to these ideas and that is in your dreams, goals and hopes of attaining these ideals. This is the fuel of your soul. Ideas can only go so far, but your sustenance comes from your heart through your connection with your spirit and the spiritual circuitry surrounding you. As you understand these ideas more deeply, drink in the understanding and the feelings of these ideals.
Student: I wanted to get your comments on what you’ve taught me over the last few months before I go away for the holidays. I’m trying to connect from the heart with the diverse people I work with and I feel like an orphan. (Paraphrase)
Welmek: My brother, your plate is so full of hopes and dreams of things you wish to correct and work on in preparation for greater acts of devoted service. You place unnecessary pressure on yourself to think that you must get this work done, and arbitrary timelines are not good for humans because if they do not achieve the desired results in the allotted time then they become frustrated and feel guilty. They begin to doubt and fear they are not worthy or otherwise supported.
I suggest this feeling of being orphaned is fostered by this idea that you are trying to create a family at your workplace and you do not have the appropriate glue to bind each individual together in the feeling of family harmony. What is the glue that binds a family together? I pose this question to take with you as your journey to a place of peace and beauty. Ask your spirit to guide you to the elements of harmonious family dynamics and the unconditional love and acceptance that exists in healthy families. Spend time relaxing, breathe in the flowers and fragrances. Let all your senses rejoice in the beauty that will surround you. Drink in the peace, commune fully with your spirit. Your plate of challenges will be there when you return, but your appetite will be increased for you will have been in a place that stimulates the desire to eat them with more gusto and to digest them with more understanding.
So as you journey, I would suggest or only concentrate on one or two components of your problems and spend time asking to see this with the Father’s eyes. Continue to develop this understanding, continue to develop this heartfelt awareness and to enjoy yourself and allow the energy of his presence to whet your appetite to do greater internal healing work. Does this help you, my brother?
Student: Thank you kindly. I’ll enjoy my holiday. Do you have a holiday?
Welmek: Every day is a holiday. I am glad you asked this. Every day is filled with beauty and joy and hope. And, as I travel about Urantia and some of the other worlds of rebellion, you may think I am somewhat saddened of the plights of what I see, but I am truly not because of the love that exists and because of the opportunities that are available to apply mercy and understanding as the salve and bandage to the situation. So each day is filled with hope and that is the wonderful outlook that I can share with you.
When you see every opportunity with hope, with breathless anticipation of a positive outcome, then each day becomes filled with wonder and joy. Then, is that not what a holiday is all about? Your holidays are primarily filled with activities at a physical level of relaxation, or travel or sightseeing. This is fine, you should enjoy for it is good to take in new experiences and see new things. But I say to you to take a spiritual holiday, to sightsee each opportunity with love and compassion. Take your cameras and record the experiences of life with a flash of hope, the bright light that illuminates all evil and changes it to love, forgiveness, and understanding.
So as you venture into this most wonderful of holidays, the sentimental birthday of Michael, remember that this day was the greatest gift to all Urantians, and the hope of what you are evolving to in Michael’s service to inspire you to new heights of wonder, joy and light. Good evening, dear ones.