2000-12-25-Christmas Communion
Topic: Christmas Communion
Group: Costa Rica TeaM
Teacher: Alana
TR: Unknown
T/R : Mother, Father, Michael, Nebadonia, I surrender my troubles to listen to you. My fears, my doubts, to listen to you. I surrender to your will, may it be my will.
Alana : Yes. This is Alana.
D : Welcome, Alana.
Alana : It is a joyous occasion when we see many joining together to celebrate the love of the child, to enter into the yearning of communion to express the innocence and humility of respect for love. The child is born in the light of God¹s love. It is with the light of God¹s love the child is to be reared. And so, this day is one in which all human beings may contemplate allowing children to grow in the light of God¹s love.
The child who grows in the light of God¹s love may encounter darkness, fear, doubt, betrayals; but in the light of God¹s love the growing child learns the communion of communication with Father, Mother, Love; and this communication of the communion is what is given away to others, sharing the knowing and understanding of the communion of love. And when the communication is made, experienced, received, given away, God¹s light of love, God¹s light love caressing all, expands in human consciousness, creating an equality of love that turns one always to service, to serve others as you have been served by Michael, Nebadonia, our beloved Father, Mother. In the service of love we celebrate the joy of God¹s existence in us, above us, below us, around us.
This is the mass of Christmas. This is the mass for Christ. The heart room. I welcome you. I celebrate your joy, your dance, your stillness. I blow love upon each and every one of you, now.
Devina : Yes. This is Devina. Lifting your hearts up. Tugging upon them. Drinking of the love within.
Legion : This is Legion. I could not pass up this opportunity. Should I speak to you of the discipline of laughter and forgiveness? Or should it be the discipline of love, which is the discipline of joy?
D : Which is the discipline of strength. Did you notice, Legion, how I had to haul my sisters kicking and crying into their strengthening discipline, but once they got there they were very joyful and ended up dancing, dancing to you and to all our teachers, which we considered a gift to Christ Michael on this day.
Legion : It is a gift to learn how to herd cats. Yes? (laughter)
D : Boy, are you telling me! And one of my sisters had the temerity to call me controlling! I was hoping in my heart of hearts that they would joyfully choose to join me, but I guess we have to be content with small steps at the beginning, don¹t we. (laughter and chuckling) Thank you for the joy that you bring to us, Legion, you and all of our teachers. Thank you.
Legion : To peacefully understand the completeness of the small step, the joy of surrendering to the discipline of patience. The humility of pride in the accomplishment of raising one little finger in the right direction. Turning, ever turning, ever turning to God¹s love. I am a man filled with pride for my children, my students, my companions in the discipline of love, the school of joy. Learning, always learning to listen, to pay attention, to observe, to walk in Christ Michael¹s footsteps with the tenderness of understanding, the mercy of forgiveness. Do not fear. Do not doubt. Do not retreat, but return, and re-turn again, and again turn in remembrance, remembrance of the still point of love within. Always forgiveness in the heart, this is the discipline that allows love¹s light to expand, to fill you, to permeate you, and to radiate forth from you, as the colors bleed together in the waters of love, creating a picture of harmony, peace, goodness, truth, beauty and joy. I am not an artist, but were I to have the paper, the water, and the colors, you wold see my joy. Thank you.
Alana : This is Alana. You each would have my blessing. Yes? Open your hearts, I shall peek inside them and blow my love upon you. Filling your hearts with my love. Filling your hearts with my love, pouring up, up into your heads. Filling your heads with my love, pouring up, up through the tops of your heads into the light pouring down from above, from all around, God¹s love, Father¹s love, Mother¹s love. Open your hearts. Raise your thoughts, surrender, allow love now.
Allow the message of love to permeate your every thought and move upon the planet. Allow love to permeate every attempt to communicate, to touch, to know one another. Thank you.
Is there anyone you would bring into the heart room now? (Several friends, relatives, people in need, are put into the heart room.)
Heal all hearts this day. Allow love to trickle through the barriers, to gain the force of the unending flow. Open all hearts that love is not held back, but allowed to follow the stream that embraces your world. Father, we thank thee. Mother, all gratitude we grant thee. Michael, we thank thee.
Be in the mood of communion when you gather together, three and more, throughout your day of remembrance.
Thank you, this communion of love is yours, and ours as well. A Christmas package filled with the joy of love, to put a twinkle in your eyes. Thank you.
D : It was wonderful for me to share with my sisters this experience of communion with you, worship with you, exchange of love with you in a conscious way. I heard today an old admonition of yours in which you called attention to the fact that with us distracted human beings God¹s love is poured down upon us and so often we do not return the love. I wanted to have that experience with my loving sisters, to focus our love upon you, all our teachers, Christ Michael, Nebadonia, Father and Mother.
Alana : Turning and returning. Giving and receiving, and giving again.
D : It was also wonderful, Alana, to dance the joy today. It feels like this is a great day of celebration for us. It is in some ways the expression of our lessons, it came to a nice level today that I am grateful for, it is wonderful to dance the joy of our love for you.
Alana : Yes, the pathway to God filled with the celebrations of those learning to dance the joy of love. Thank you.
D : Thank you. Thank you.