Topic: Beauty
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. There are few things more beautiful to behold than the faithful gathering together in search of higher truths and better ways to live those truths, yes. It behooves some mortals to have to reconcile themselves with truth, but once it is understood that it is for higher good, then it becomes easier and the lessons more advanced. I realize living in the flesh makes spiritual things seem far away or fairy tale like.
In your busy lives it is all too easy to be dragged down by negativity. The many decisions you must make every day are influenced by how you perceive life. If one should perceive life as negative and dark, then all their actions taken would be from that particular view. Every day you face spiritual poisons and many without spiritual light become burdened and depressed. Some are so overwhelmed with merely surviving that they miss the reason of their whole existence.
True beauty is like fuel for everyday living. It can take the sharp edges off of the darkness that you experience. Identifying real beauty in everyday living draws forth meanings and values from the darkness. One who can see beauty in everything is a light in the world. What is beauty? Beauty is experiencing those mortal moments that bring you closer to God. Beauty is the hope that love overcomes hate, good overcomes evil, light overcomes darkness.
When you have become burdened by the worlds pressures and feel depressed and without liberty, then you have gone too long without divine beauty. Beauty is a redirecting of focus. It is that Spirit energy that refuels you to go beyond coping with your circumstances to actually being challenged by them. Where do you find this energy source? Ask yourselves, "What is it that makes me remember God? What are those things that refocus my attention from darkness to light? What are those things that make me exclaim, there is a God and He is with all power and perfection!"
Certainly there is beauty in nature that brings a calmness to the mind and leads us to contemplate the intricate designs found within nature. We find beauty in science and how all living things have a perfect design. We find beauty in truth and that creates light in our unknowingness. To be with anything less than truth can create fear in the imaginings of our minds. I do believe our best source of beauty lies within our association with each other. Small kindness' done cause us all to refocus our minds back on Father's plan and purpose, Father's love and caring.
How beautiful it is to put all your effort into raising a child, then see that child live a loving and conscientious life. To see that child care for others and have passion to create good in the world--that is real beauty. To become involved in a strangers life to assist without thought for ones own welfare is inner Spirit beauty. To assist your fellows without thoughts of self-aggrandizement or receiving credit is beauty. This beauty you create is helping others to refocus their thoughts back on Father.
A mind stayed on God is a link in a chain of good. We know in this mortal life we must find the beauty where there may be none. Beauty is a soul fuel, hope for the hopeless, light in the darkness, encouragement for the discouraged. With God all things are possible. To refuel with beauty reminds you of the awesome Caretakers that know everything about you, do all they can to assist you and are never failing in their love for you.
This week find those things which redirect your focus back onto Father. When the world seems to be too much find your source of beauty. While seemingly negative things might deplete your being of energy, note how divine beauty restores and refreshes your outlook. What can you do to be a source of beauty? How can you live so that your fellows may redirect their focus back to Father?
I cannot take questions this evening, but look for me during the week in your moments of contemplation. Know that I will be honored to assist you in any way I can. I find you each to be a source of beauty and fuel to my soul. Know that my love goes with you. Until next week, shalom.