2001-03-10-Trust & the Magisterial Son
Topic: Trust & the Magisterial Son
Group: At Large
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Tiahuan
Trust is a quality of the soul resting in the hand of its maker; its Mother and Father whose provision assures the success of all its needed undertakings. Sometimes the mortal child fears to place this trust into these capable hands because it would hold itself where it knows the limits of its own competence, however frail, it knows nonetheless; but to surrender this limited grasp held in fear to the perfect one of its parents in whose love this child will begin to see is an act of trust, yes, but greater is the trust of faith resting its cares and concerns into these arms it so longs to feel firmly gathered about it.
You are held fast and firm without fear, with love that liberates in whose embrace is your perfect freedom. It is not like your own grasp for that which you cannot hold or do not hold though it is a security arising from that all embracing love from which no one can fall.
You are safe here, and never so well do you know how safe as in these times of stillness. It is an act of trust to come here. You are beginning to see this resource ever ready for you and any, surrounding you constantly. Trust we are here to assist you in exercising and manifesting the fruit of this quality, this quality of the soul and spirit which is a gift to your mind. You have only to come and receive it.
The Magisterial Son is here in our midst. He waits only for the proper moment to join you as one of you as he has joined us. Yes, you have seen this light that he brings. Trust in this light; enter it with joy. He magnifies the light that is within you.
There is a period of time assigned for his work, but this has yet to be seen. You may assist his labor by drawing more deeply into this service to which you have been called.