Topic: Illusions
Group: At Large
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Tiahuan
Hello and good morning! This is Tomas.
I have been witness to the glory of our Father speaking to his children, his sons and daughters, gathering them to him, this Father I Am, preceding all, extending himself in and through us now upon the stage of time and space. The illusions of thought, those images gathered in the focal area of your mind where mix your experience of humanity with the light of divinity is captured in the image of a given moment, recorded forever as part of this extension of the Father infinite, that I Am.
Many who know him not will be impressed nonetheless by the spectacle of his performance upon the stage of humanity. There are many scenes, as many as there are moments in the lives of his countless children whose number nonetheless he knows in perfection. Yes, these illusions, images of action, of thought, he directs and uses as he will to guide you and your fellows home to him in Paradise.
You who know him, who love him, see him beneath the illusion, beyond his artful expression and would come to him, would embrace him beneath the veil of your mortality. Come to him by any means he has given you, come to him, whether through tragedy or triumph, through happiness and sorrow, darkness and light. Beneath these appearances of the fluctuating experience of mortals and morontians, beneath these is his light flowing as a river in and through your lives carrying you to your destiny.
You may enthuse in the experience of this movement, you may invigorate in the bracing stimulation of his currents, you may rejoice knowing you are all swimmers strong, and if you should begin to sink, he will gather you into his arms for he is ever vigilant of the welfare of each even as he is the well being of all. In him it has been said you live, you move, you have your being. It is in the confidence of his loving care that you may dispel your mortal fears forever, joining us in ascension, riding the many waves of his arising within you. We join you in this privilege, in this delight where we are one with you. We are gathered together for his glory in this moment; from this moment we go in peace walking through and upon your world witnessing his movements in the lives of all.
That is all for this moment, my friend.
Thank you Tomas, thank you Father, thank you Michael and Mother.