2001-03-25-Names & Embrace
Topic: Names & Embrace
Group: At Large
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Tiahuan
This is Tomas. I am glad to be here with you joining you in your journey flitting about the globe that is your world.
I join you not to burden you with a sense of my company for I know your delight in these moments of what humans are wont to call solitude, but as you see are moments of connection with a larger universe in which you live and move, and in which we all have our being. It is this point of connection that is very important; it is the bath in which you refresh yourself, it is the food with which you energize yourself, it is the lane upon which you walk to your destiny, and what might this be? You know we have spoken of your destiny as the eventual union of your Father fragment and your mind, your humanity and your divinity becoming so well blended as to be inseparable, so inseparable that all the universe must concede this irrevocable fact, this living truth that you would become, so much so the records must be changed and hence, your new name.
We have begun to share these names in advance of this fusion not to mislead you in thinking that you have finished your work, but to lend a greater reality to the fruit of this labor. You should not be overly concerned with this, but let it be our gesture of invitation, of further healing with you to proceed with this and bring to fruition the labors of you and your spirit, and those who accompany you. As you know, even when this process is completed, your destiny still beckons, beckons though to a new being, a new creation. Then you begin your ascent in earnest joining us in this procession to Paradise that is more beautiful than those processions presuming to do in symbol what you will do in fact and yield the truth that resounds throughout the heavens that God and his children are one.
Make note of this movement joined by countless numbers not to be confined to a temporal, human, and cultural movement though your culture would endeavor in various ways to capture a glimpse, to reflect in part what you will in that moment of fulfillment realize in whole, the emergence of the Supreme acting, fully sovereign upon the realms of time and space. This is the whole for which we labor, of which we each are a part. You ask then in your thought, but is this not but a partial expression? It is a partial expression of our Father’s realization in and through the experience of his children, of his own expression, but it is the fullness of that expression in time and space. Those experiential attainments which await the foundation of the Supreme are post finite, transcending this time and space, this arena of expression, and while we all do well to examine and to ponder these limitless possibilities that await our discovery, all the efforts of every child of every Creator Son in every Superuniverse is enjoined in this moment in the labor of loving the Supreme into his own fullness, birthing this moment, each of us in our respective lives.
My son, do you have questions or has your journey disoriented your mind?
Well, yes, Tomas I do have a question, a practical question. I would know, are there particular limits or preferences that you have in extending our friendship? In other words, as you know I have many friends with whom I maintain our relation strictly by correspondence. Do these count? I mean, I would not want to limit our extension of friendship to these, but would you accept them as part of this project of extension, the extension schools of those colleges maintained and designed by the Melchizedek family?
Yes, I know of your contacts, and I observe the manner of your expression with these. I would gladly enjoin any friendship. I would not have you overlook the value of those who share the immediacy of your personal presence. Is this helping?
As you know, your spirit craves to touch your fellows in and through your body, but touch we will with words, with thought, expressions sent afar representing your person, for these are one, but remember their source is within you. It is your friendship, you who inhabit a place in time with others in these moments. Give yourself to these for these you may literally touch. It is this intimacy of contact that we desire.
Thank you Tomas. It makes perfect sense to me. Do you not feel somewhat frustrated that you cannot touch me in that way, literally, as you speak?
My son, you know that I was once a mortal like yourself. I do touch you, and I delight to touch you, to hold you fast. That you do not feel this does not lessen the value of this connection, this embrace by which we are enjoined. As much as you can, take the value, this warmth, this love that you feel in this embrace and give it to others.
That is all for the moment.
Thank you Tomas, and thank you Michael for embracing us all, gathering us in your love, instilling us with your light, infusing us with your truth, that truth of your combined humanity and divinity dwelling even now as our Supreme Sovereign, Our Creator Son, our Master Son, our father, our brother, and especially, our great friend.
Michael: You are welcome. You are more than welcome. It is my joy to embrace you and your fellows. As Tomas has said, go and embrace your fellows likewise.