2001-03-31-Hope & Expectation
Topic: Hope & Expectation
Group: At Large
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Tiahuan
Good morning, this is Tomas.
I greet you this morning observing your struggle with the lesson on the nature of human expectation and divine hope. How often do mortals become hurt, angered, activated by their animal natures when their expectations fail, when they are shown to be flawed; and they may be those the mortal needs to trust for the maintenance of their life in the flesh? Where is hope to be found when these are known to be frail, when they are found to be vulnerable to the elements that would tear them down?
Your hope is in God, in his indwelling spirit, in his love, in his promise, his provision for your progressive movement through his house to that place where he dwells always. You have heard him call; you have awakened in a distant corner of a great mansion. He has sent his spirit, a part of himself to guide you to him, and through the corridors of your passage you encounter many, and while living the life of a mortal, you will invest in others with the expectation of some return, and through the room of this mortality where you must pass, you will find these investments with expectation vulnerable to loss, and yes, you would feel injured. Would you stay in this room where such expectations are understood to be vulnerable, is this where you would place your hope?
Is it not in your Father and his guidance through this world beyond its boundaries where your hope is invested with a sure reward of safe arrival after passage through many rooms changing clothes in each? Each may choose how long they tarry by the choice they make, where they choose to invest their hope. I have passed through these rooms, some of them, certainly the room of mortality. I can understand your hesitation to place all your hope in him for you feel the need to invest elsewhere to sustain your walk in the room of your sojourn, but you will find when these are frustrated, when they fail, it is an opportunity to realize where your hope might be fulfilled and take it up, walk with him who trusts in you, has invested himself in you; indeed you are a gift of his own design. Come to me he says in the face of your disappointment, bring it to me he says, speaking through your tears. Walk with me, he says, that your tears may become those of joy.
No, it is never easy, but with him it is possible. In his hand is your hope where those human expectations with their accompanying failure are left behind in mercy, forgotten, forgiven, their distractions overcome. It is the way of passage; do not delay, prolonging this episode of frustration. Walk with him whose hand is the sure guide to the realization of all your hope and the source of every dream inspiring the soul making of all, and if you would hesitate, if you would be unable to lift your hand, if the weight of your flesh is too great, and yet your heart desires to take his hand, if this is your wish, he will assist you, and so will I. Yes, there are many who are here to help you, each of you. You are surrounded with support, you are infused by his light, you will not be abandoned. Your limits are understood, are accepted; accept the hands of those who would lift you, steadying you upon your feet, proceeding through this hall of mirrors. Many times, when you lose your way, confused by their reflections distorting your image, we will guide you.
Yes, the discrepancy between the vision of faith and the forms of human sight are sometimes great, sometimes disturbing, sometimes perhaps horrifying, but we walk with you. Our Master has walked this way before; I have walked this way before. In this rich provision is where your trust is well invested.
Do this help my son, the injury of your heart?
Yes Tomas, you and the spirit of my Father, our Father, working together are quite a team.
You are part of this team. Recognize your place, and with you, we will walk with others in and through you and your friends, fellows of this sphere, we will walk this world through the room of shattered dreams to realize the joy to be found in your destiny discovering the treasure you are together in this journey.
My son, I leave now never too far awaiting our next session. Go in peace resting in the knowledge of our presence working with Father to guide you more deeply in his joy.
Thank you Tomas, thank you Father, thank you Michael and Mother