Topic: Friendship
Group: At Large
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Tiahuan
Good morning! As I have said before, this is Tomas.
Friendship, Wishful Thinking
You would hear this morning, my lesson? I bring to you many in observance who acknowledge your greeting and gratefully would return it. Where do we proceed with such a rich audience? Would you feel conspicuous knowing others are here? Our friendship is the occasion for this spectacle, witnessed by others. Our friendship is the source of all our forward movement; indeed, friendship is where our Father dwells with joy celebrating his children’s affection. We have observed your friendships, your willingness and interest in cultivating the same; this friendship which is an end in itself. When we greet another, affirming the value of another, giving that person our attention, our admiration, our respect, the ear of our heart, we invite the gift of heaven, we allow the infusion of love, and where this occurs is truly holy ground; as you share yourself, the truth of who you are with another.
There is sometimes a tendency for mortals to want a solution to their world’s problems, a program, an agenda, a revelation, a religion, some sort of state, some apparatus that will address these problems and solve their dilemma. This is wishful thinking, and it may lead to truthful thinking for in truth it is in and upon and through your willingness to engage yourself in this divine friendship we offer sharing it with others with respect for who they are even as you discover more of who you are; it is this process, this action where our Father becomes active, and his action is that influence that is changing your world, gradually eroding the grip of fear yielding to the relaxation within that state otherwise sought but now found in love. Yes, it is the state of love that we would establish, and how else can love grow, assume its place filling those voids in your heart, in your lives than in and through friendship.
In this state, the means that is the empty channel, the riverbed becomes the river. You delight in its movement, you marvel in its beauty, you play in its substance, you recreate in this endeavor and rediscover the truth of who you are; beloved children, cherished friends, fellows in this journey of the liberation of your souls in faith breaking the boundaries of fear. How often do we run past this treasure, running after the illusion that another may offer this same gift? How often does the mortal cherish the bed in which it flows more than the water itself? Remember your joy entering its depths, feeling its support, the gift of its movement, gentle but strong, steady. You who would traverse this world to another, the many worlds which beckon, would do so only by entering this moving stream of friendship.
Do you have questions, my friend?
Thought Adjusters, Communication
Well Tomas, the question I had it seems was answered by my own indwelling spirit. The question of how we might hear from the Adjuster of a friend in somewhat the same manner as we do from our own. I would hear you comment though if you would desire. I think perhaps there must be benefit to different perspectives, different voices.
Yes, this phenomenon is observed from different angles experienced by different persons, and so, yes, you would benefit from these. In the course of progression, of mortal ascension, you observe ever-closer connection to your own indwelling Father fragment. You hear, you sense increasingly until at last you affirm without doubt the reality of this divine lover, your true and eternal self, begetting the birth of your immortal soul in and upon your mind. The partnership ensuing is beautiful, but as you approach your fusion, your oneness, you will share all that you are, you will give yourself fully, and the Adjuster will bestow upon you the gifts of his own experience. You have tasted this experience in the infusion of his prior contact with other mortals. This you know, but likewise, you may and will from time to time enjoin contact with the fragment of another even as he for if there is contact, certainly in friendship, this occurs, your Adjusters commingle, collaborate, coordinate, even as you. Would it not be befitting for you who receive the gifts of your fragment, who enjoy communion with the same to be recognized as the same and therefore delight in this connection? You may hear from those you do not know or those that you will know, those with whom you are enjoined in this great purpose of our Father’s will, his own well of friendship. You may or may not be conscious of this, but when you are, as you become more conscious of your own indwelling spirit, you will begin to experience the friendship of the heavens, you will begin to glimpse to glow in the friendship, the fraternity of divine spirits. Does this help expand and enhance the teaching of your own Father Fragment?
Yes Tomas, and even more so that it would be given in the context of a session recorded and transcribed for further reflection, confirming, reinforcing, fortifying the grasp of my mind of that which it perceives.
Are there other questions?
Not at this time as you know there are endless questions. I greet them as they give themselves to me in the course of my own study, this course of divinity attainment. I would only know you better Tomas, but this is not a question but simply an expression of my desire to share more deeply in this friendship we enjoy.
My son, we grow together, we reveal ourselves in the course of this adventure and we know each other in this part….. (end of tape)