2001-04-13-Human Agendas
Topic: Human Agendas
Group: At Large
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Tiahuan
Good morning my friend! Good morning all. This is Tomas. I would take up another question of Charlie's; perhaps to… let us proceed, and see where Father may take us.
Charlie, you mentioned that you wondered, you thought inquiringly what we the teachers think about the way you mortals are running your world, as it is. Now in truth, you must concede, we do not consider mortals actually running this world. Yes, there are those that think they do and consider themselves in complete charge of all that is about them, but we would think otherwise. We consider this world, now especially, under the direction, under the supervision and guidance of not only a rightful Prince, a worthy and loyal Son, but an entire administration guiding and directing the course of this planet in the context of this new beginning. You have read of the Master Seraphim and their contacts with various groups of mortals; yes, you can imagine that through them and all Father has his hand firmly upon the affairs of your world. This is not to say that we do not have quite a chore, a task that is a challenge, for yes, the effects of rebellion are quite deep, it is engrained as you say, but like the wood which has its grain, we would work with it and use it, it is as I have implied elsewhere, it has an exotic beauty for beneath this grain is our Father's pattern, and you all do well to observe it in each of your lives, but let me say we are truly amazed at the progress you are making, at the manner in which you have welcomed, many of which are unaware, but your world is welcoming this new season of change, a return.
But what might you ask, what might we think of those who would use our various gifts for their own agenda?
There is a purpose for each here in this world to discover on their own, and yes, whenever we try to force our way upon God's way, we learn, we learn more clearly the nature of his will, his priorities and preference, we do not condemn, judge, or otherwise find discouragement in much that you would. You consider the experience of frustration as you have grown in the context of a new revelation. This revelation was given prior to this change, in anticipation of this change, and yes, there is much about it and its management and direction which exhibits the change of the world, exhibits the new condition of your opportunity to follow in our Master's way, and yes, the repercussions of your isolation, your inclinations to seize upon any experience, any gift of our Father as if it were the only one, as if you were abandoned, forgotten, left isolated upon a distant shore, and a message would roll upon the beach enclosed in a bottle, and you would fight over it, you would contend with one another as you celebrated its reception. This is understandable; it indicates your need.
Yes, there is a way, there is a procedure we follow, and yes, there are many mortals who would impose their own procedure, their own way, but let us proceed, let us address the root of your unease. Is it not a sense of isolation, is it not in part your fear that this could be a rare, perhaps even a final expression, communication from our Father even though you know this is not the case, even though you read in this message that it could never be for the discovery of our Father is unending, his provision for his children, for this unending growth of discovery is lavish and one in which you can only marvel from day to day, but let us address the heart that feels the desperation, this urgency which in another occasion, in another circumstance, was once felt by Machiventa.
Yes, he gave himself to you, volunteering himself, living as one of you, taking on your very form to teach you, to conserve, to salvage and to nurture the light of life, the light of truth upon your sphere for the purpose of enabling you to recognize and to receive at least in part the gift of Michael. Yes, it was at that time a true emergency, and just prior to the ending of isolation there were indeed some very frightening moments for your world, and Machiventa, though not seen in the flesh, has been very active along with his fellow Melchizedeks, this family of versatile teachers, indeed the very core of all those who teach in this creation of Michael's. And it could be said, perhaps, that the Teaching Mission, this outreach to mortals in this moment is an emergency, but it is not anything of the kind that has preceded it.
Yes, your world is in need of correction to adjust from the ways of your own assertion, the culture of self-assertion into the culture of cooperation, partnership with God, and like the grain which flows smoothly and then exhibits this bizarre, this rare and unusual, apparently aberrant movement, perhaps in and around a hole, a decay, a knot in the very heart of its fiber, it nonetheless proceeds, progresses, and yes, any who would build with this wood would be well advised to consider it when placed in the part of construction, but in the hands of a real craftsman, even an artist, this very source of injury can become an exhibit of art, and so it is that we proceed with confidence.
Your destiny as a planet is secure, each of you have the opportunity to discover your own personal security in the will of God, sharing your life with him, allowing the beauty of this partnership to unfold in your own lives as it is unfolding upon this world. We are conscious of the tendency of our mortal siblings who do not have the benefit of morontia vision, morontia mind and culture to seize upon and be more interested in the appearance of Father's presence, the effect either in your life or in that of your world, and yes, these will make their noise, these will be seen brandishing their swords, their various means of rattling sabers, those of self assertion, but these are mortal children, they do not control the destiny of your world; their lives are in our hands. Do you not experience your own tendency, the effect of your own animal nature which in fear reacts likewise, making war in your own life which with experience you easily subdue with the aid of our Father's spirit? So it is in your world, yes, your world is still young in many ways. It has grown in its mastery of mechanics, and it is a laudable advancement, but it is very young in matters of the heart and soul. We would address this imbalance, and we would correct it.
Do not sigh, do not grieve when you discover the difficulty of your own nature, do not lament, you are not alone. Your provision is great, you are well attended, you are surrounded with love and support, and you are learning to trust in it, gradually witnessing this hand of our Father in and through Michael, his merciful ministry, Machiventa and his staff laboring in the context of this new beginning. You are all part of this experience. Each of you is a representative of your world, of a unique opportunity in and upon this world. Discover your gift, discover your role and with our Father's spirit and with your teacher, yes, your personal guide, those who have come to assist over and above the already lavish provision normally operating upon a world, yes, discover these friends in spirit who would assist you each for there is no one separate, there is no one isolated, no one alone even as your world no longer is in the shadow of this darkness.
It is hoped that this may help in your thinking, those things that you wonder about. I believe there may be some others that we will take up together in another session. Your interest, your questions, your concerns, your thoughts and feelings when you share them, these are the source of new treasure. It is my pleasure and privilege to walk with you, to hold these elements of this place of passage in our hands, yes, as if we were walking along the shore together. Bring me the treasures that you find, let me assist in uncovering the beauty of their appearance. Sometimes there are things that might frighten you, things that are strange or unusual, but bring them to me; it is my delight to walk with you. Let us journey on together.
Thank you Tomas, and I thank Father, his spirit dwelling within each of us along with the spirit of Michael within the mind of the gift of Mother with which we join you in hand with so many here. It is such a fascinating course, this course that appears as a miracle of friendship in shared experience.