Topic: Lanaforge
Group: At Large
Teacher: Tomas
TR: Tiahuan
Good day! This is Tomas. How many days do you mark as 'good' on your calendar, and why? Fridays are usually good for reasons that many mortals look forward to their time of recreation, the liberation from the tasks of their material demands, but this Friday is perhaps a summation of all of these others in that you ponder the liberation of material bondage, of material death in and through our Master.
Charlie would inquire of Lanaforge. I would tell him of his interest, yes, in the Teaching Mission, but this is not his primary responsibility, it is an important part in the life of the System, many worlds of which became involved in this rebellion of his predecessor. There are others though that you are aware did not, and like Michael, whose responsibilities are for a larger segment of creation replete with many details which do not occupy you at this time; he devotes himself to these duties. He is an able administrator, he is a loyal Son and more so having observed the effects of those decisions which preceded him here, and the task of restoration, of rebuilding trust in and through all of the spheres of his dominion.
It is challenging, and so this component operating within his System, the Teaching Mission, is a critical part of restoration, but this is Michael's mercy, his personal initiative, and it proceeds under his direction. Naturally this impinges and influences the responsibilities of others. It is an aid to Lanaforge as well for we all labor together with one common objective, the reunion of Michael's creation and especially focused upon this portion of the same which was segregated by the acts of Lucifer.
Always is it true that when we seek the highest, the will of God, sharing our life with him, when this is a common objective throughout the various divisions of administration, there is a synchrony, there is a wonderful effect that is not always planned, not always formally sought, it is this which composes the domain of Supremacy emerging in our midst, and so it is each of you have this opportunity to discover in your own spheres, your own arena of choice as Lanaforge, as Machiventa, as the Constellation Fathers, as all the administrative units combined discover together laboring with Michael in this moment that is our common opportunity, our collective growth. Through this and in the Supreme you are connected to the growth of the Grand Universe though you may not receive direct communication from another segment, another Superuniverse, it nonetheless is real this effect we have upon each other, and as above in the greatest scope of creation so it is with you in the smallest segment, that microcosm that is your life, your personal adventure. So therefore seek the highest that is within you, the Father himself, and you shall discover the gateway to an expanded inquiry, an enlarged opportunity to discover not through the message of another but in your own experience, the joy of dealing with Sons high and low at various levels of your ascension. Give yourself to the task at hand and draw near your own key to the greater creation, your eternal complement, your indwelling spirit. Lanaforge and others like him are benefited, are assisted in this your loyal and loving action.
Charlie, I invite you into this experience with us. Your study has been a stimulus for you, and through it, many others. There is a communion into which I would invite you, the communion of your own teacher, your own seraphic guard and guide, your own contact with Michael through his Spirit of Truth, all of this proceeding from the use of that key within you opening the door to your expanded experience, your own enlarged opportunities for service.
I leave you now my friends in the peace which Michael gives us and that many ponder this day, the peace that is derived in knowing of the end of mortality, its very limits is the entrance into a larger arena of discovery.
Thank you Tomas, thank you Father for your counsel, for being our companion.