2001-04-17-The Secret Garden
Topic: Secret Garden
Group: At Large
Teacher: Tomas, Michael
TR: Tiahuan
Good morning my child, my son, my friend!
Do you know the delight you bring me as you rejoice in your heart, in the value of our friendship? Do you know with what affection we hold for you as you proceed in this immersion in our Father's light? We witness your movement, your progress; we share in your own thrill of discovery, and when you uncover the truth in your own living experience of the passion, that affection of your divine spirit for you and for each of your fellows, when you allow yourself to feel your own heart to be flooded, quivering in the embrace of divinity, do you know how much we delight to join you, and it is true, as you proceed in this path yielding your union of humanity and divinity, you likewise endear yourself as one of us for we all celebrate each others success, progress and unfolding purpose of our Father within. It is our great delight, our privilege to share in this experience with you and your fellows.
Father is the source of personality, his spirit within you precedes it, and as you begin to embrace in earnest his reality, you enlighten, literally lighting the lamp of your own personality that is Father's gift of himself to you, and how we delight, how we are drawn to his warmth, glowing, and do you concern yourself with being drawn likewise in love with your fellows, with me, your teacher? Do you put barriers upon yourself by your own preconceptions of who our Father is? Do you not see that as you love another what you love in them is his reality, a part of him which you then discover, and if your heart should yield to the truth of this affection, do you fear that you love another more than you do our Father? It is the heart of our Father within embracing yet another, drawing himself to you, in and through your fellows, rebinding, reweaving his own children from the far reaches of his creation to discover the pattern of perfection over the course of time, his own glory becoming manifest in each of your moments. Do you not witness his joy?
My friend, when we join together in this mutual devotion exploring that potential that he has planted, that blossoms in our friendships, do you not see this is the garden he would have you rediscover? Yes, and like your story, the charming tale of friendship, affection hidden in a secret place, affection buried in the growth of time, you his precious children in your own playful ventures, you have allowed yourself to be led, even if stumbling, nonetheless, falling into this garden he has made for you, this secret garden he would love for you to tend, to share, to make known. Invite others to this place, allow yourself to be led by your love; those whom you treasure, bring them here, multiply your joy, the roots of your heart, divide them, replant them, cultivate them in and amongst each other yielding the blossom which is the wonder of our own joint life, the wonder of our collective efforts finding expression in the opening color, endless varieties, each exquisite, unique, and marvelous; yes, you are, each of you.
We work with you; we are your siblings. You have learned to love one another in spite of the appearance of your body, its color, its form. Is it that large of a stretch having accomplished this to embrace us who have no body that you behold? We are amongst you as your fellows, how we long to embrace you, to share in your adventures, to enrich these. We have our experience to give you, even as yours is a blessing to us, indeed to our Father. Yes, let us enter that secret garden that dwells deep in those overgrown, often forgotten walls of your heart; you have found the key; open it and enter, we await you; come as often as you wish, and some day you will join us for it is in this place where we dwell with him.
My child, I caress, I enfold you in my arms; Father enfolds us in his. In this embrace is given the treasure of who we are to one another, the revelation of our Father in and through each of us. Draw your world here, endeavor to bring each and every one of your fellows here, and let your world reveal the glory our Father has sown in its soil. Yield the fruit of his glory manifesting the explosion of color that is his love living within you, enfolding you as one.
Tomas? I do love you, and I rejoice that our Father has woven our life together. (pause) Are Michael and Mother here?
Michael: We are child, we rejoice with you, your mother and I. How much joy it brings to us to see our children loving one another, extending themselves over the apparent barriers of time and space to embrace their fellows, their family that is a great, [Master Universe|vast universe]], all alike aspiring to serve the Supreme who gathers and collects our mutual endeavors in this garden of his love. Never doubt your mother and I are near. We nurture this affection; it is our affection that is shared.
Go now to your world in this peace, sharing this treasure amongst your fellows, we walk with you.
Thank you Michael