2001-05-01-Ministry of Comfort
Topic: Ministry of Comfort
Group: Costa Rica TeaM
Teacher: [Alana]], Legion
TR: S. Butterfield
TR : I thank you, Father, for all the beauty of love and friendship that you have given to me. I thank you Mother for the embrace you have given me in my relationship with your son, David. I surrender my own desires and will, right now, to do thy will, Father. I welcome the teachers.
Alana : Yes. This is Alana.
David : Hello, Alana. Welcome to you.
Alana : Thank you. Your stillness practice. This is sufficient unto you, yet you have grown accustomed to the sound of my voice. Yes?
David : Yes. Not only accustomed, but desirous of.
Alana : Yes. It is in the stillness that these voices, my voice, the wisdom and experience of the teachers with whom I participate in bringing God’s love and words of light to your planet, it is in the stillness our voices may be recognized by you, and many others willing to listen. Still, it is no shame that some more readily recognize the separate and distinct vibration that guides the manifestation of our tongue, our language. It is, therefore, a blessing that some should be so capable, and others should thereby develop their powers of listening. It is, you see, quite valuable to learn another tongue by listening. In the listening you learn how to transmit what is heard to others by your speaking. Your speaking may take its idiosyncratic expression. This is quite necessary upon your planet, although the message is always the same, to love one another as you are loved, by your teachers, by Michael, Nebadonia, Father, Mother. God’s spirit of love is yours. You are such a multiplicity of life forms that it is well and good that you should have a multiplicity of methods of communication of this love.
Yes, my beloved, this is your Alana, speaking to you through the voice of your beloved partner. It is my pleasure to say to you that even when you are yearning, when you are experiencing some poignant frustration, always I am here listening, by your side, attending, caring for your temporary struggles, filling your beautiful open heart and body when you are in your open state of yoga, as you call it, or your morning stillness practice. Even in those brief moments of expressed gratitude to your beloved Father, Mother, Spirit, I am with you listening, and joining in such glorious gratitude. My beloved, I am glad to satisfy your need to hear my voice.
David : Thank you.
Alana : You should hear now from your beloved Legion.
David : Welcome, Legion.
Legion : I am glad each time I hear you speaking to your brothers with kind attention to their need to know your Father’s love. You have listened to me so well, so many times, even as it has been quite infrequent that you have been able to discuss matters with me. Still, I have heard you ask, and I have given you permission and guidance to extend your hand of love. You open the door between the hearts of the men you encounter with your own heart, and therefore, even unmentioned, with my heart. That is your, quite successful I may say, approach and manner of introducing these ordinary men to the heart room, men for whom mystical things must be arrived at by their own characteristic idioms. This is your manner of joining them and bringing them into the heart room. I wish to say to you, this has been understood by me; you bring comfort wherever you go and this is your particular blessing.
When, my friend, you are suffering from lack of comfort for your self being, I say unto you to draw from that same comfort you bring to them. To sometimes stroke yourself with the gift you have given. This is not pride. This is the humble acceptance of the common ground upon which you stand as a human man and being. There are those moments of painful loneliness. The comfort is the loneliness become friend, in stillness, speaking to you. Love is real.
So, I have indulged myself once again in a minor sermon. I have thoroughly trusted that you, so gifted in that detail yourself, would gladly indulge me with your listening. Now, would you care to converse with me?
David : Yes. Very much so.
Legion : Yes, my friend.
David : You spoke of my bringing comfort to men. That made my heart glad, to hear your perception of this. My question rose, I don’t really know how I give comfort to men except by showing real interest in them. That is the only clue I have by way of ministering comfort.
Legion : So, is it that you have minimized the value of your curiosity?
David : I’m not sure that I’m minimizing it. I see the value of true attention, of giving genuine interest in the other. It doesn’t even feel like I give that, it feels like Father moves me in that direction. These beautiful men that I’ve met here, it is just so easy to give to them, and to be with them.
Legion : Your curiosity is driven by love. This is the true alchemy. The pursuit of curiosity without the fusion of love, the infusion of love, the alchemy of love, becomes a phenomena purely driven by power. It is, yes, your attention, the, as your fellow human beings might say, the quality of your attention that brings comfort. However, I would have you understand that it is not strictly attention, it is that infusion of love that is so thoroughly blended with your natural curiosity in all phenomena that present themselves before you.
David : Thank you, Legion. I felt, when I first came back from Maui, it was a time that I felt so close to the Master, and I felt also a desire to give this love of the Master that I felt, I particularly felt that toward men.
Alana : This is Alana.
David : Hello, again.
Alana : You had a profitable discussion with your friend and teacher in the discipline of love. Yes?
David : Yes.
Alana : So, now, satisfied, we shall create the heart room together. Yes?
David : Yes.
Alana : Open your heart. Open. Open. Open the holes in your back. Open the holes in the sides of your body. Open each space, at the top of your head, at the base of your skull, down each vertebrae. Open the spaces in your hips, in your pelvis, down through your legs, open. Open the spaces in your knees. Down. Down. Through your legs. Open the spaces in your ankles, your toes. Allow my breath. Allow Michael’s light. Allow Mother, Father’s love to pour down in you, to blow through you. See the lines of light spreading out through your bodies, out each side, creating the heart room. Allow me. Allow me. Allow. (TR goes into an ecstacy.)
Yes. I sit now in the center of your heart room. Welcome. Welcome. Let us take into your heart room now, those you would have know your love, and mine, and God’s love is theirs.
Very well now. The heart room is yours, my beloved. You may speak to me. You may speak to others. You may bring whatever you wish to my lap, now.
Oh so much love to give.
David : My heart goes out to all my friends, and relatives, who I feel are in need of Father’s, Mother’s love, that they may know that love in the way that I do, that is my true heart’s prayer.
Alana : Yes.