2001-06-02-Other Circuits Coming
Topic: Other Circuits Coming
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Isaac (Celestial Technician)
TR: Sandy Montee
Sandy: "Isaac? As you know, I can't record right now. Let's try writing, and if you have time to record later, let me know." (The recorder "ate" the audio tape.)
Isaac: "Yes, it is Isaac. I see you have struck up a relationship with George Barnard. Very well. And your stay in Australia is pleasing to you, I dare say.
I will be here when you get a new tape, because I want to take you on a trip that is far from Urantia. It will not take as long as your trip from Idaho to Toormina, Australia. You did sense I was on that flight, as were both Bzutu and Andrea.
I will chat with you for a while, if you can sit still."
Sandy (looking for more coffee): "OK, I'm still. I have so many questions, but you will clear them up, won't you?"
Isaac: "Yes, I will clear them up. It has been a long time since we spoke. I have been with you, but I never "rang" too loudly, because I was not ready and I also did not want to confuse you.
Let me say, I'm glad you met up with George at this time, and I see you are happy with our projected plans. You do know we all helped in bringing about this association. It's go-o-o-od!
I will talk a little about my involvement with Urantia. I work on "Transmission Lines", as does Bzutu and as do all your Midwayer Friends. George has been wondering about when these helpers will finally be back at work. Only several have taken on the task of keeping Urantia grounded as we (many) work frantically on "hooking up the circuits".
This activity is undertaken in such a way as to work in with the plans of Machiventa, and the many Celestials who are now preparing for the introduction of new knowledge into the Melchizedek University curriculum. We are online now.
The Second Phase of the Correcting Time has already begun, and the transmissions will be heard much more clearly now. Messages will come in clearer and stronger, and many more (celestial realm) Teachers will be able to hook up with the updated system of circuits. And this will require for many new (additional) transmitter-receivers on Urantia to speak up on our behalf, and on behalf of progress.
This is the extent of information I entrust to you (two) for now.
You (all of TeaM) are amongst the eyes, ears, and mouths, we require to have in your dimension of time. These messages will be "connected" by Midwayers who will see to it that the right information is delivered to those students who are willing (to receive new information).
Machiventa remains in charge of all -- newly released Midwayers, Teachers, and Celestials such as myself. I will be close by to assist until this updated system is "up and running" at peak efficiency. We will confer with Machiventa. Often. I trust you will have grasped some idea of the plan for now.