2001-08-03-A Reunion

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Topic: A Reunion

Group: Costa Rica TeaM


Teacher: Alana, Devina, Legion

TR: S. Butterfield



Alana : This is Alana.

David : Welcome, Alana. Everyone can say hello to Alana, if they wish.

(Several say hello at once.) Sandy : It has been so long to hear those words.

Alana : I am very pleased with each one of you. I am so pleased to be here, with you, again; not, my beloveds, that I have been far away. No. I have been with you, loving you, guiding you, shaping your thoughts and your words. And I am delighted with your responses. You have, beyond your own expectations, carried forth. The seed is planted and with the co-operation of your love, and your will to do God’s will, the flower grows. Yes?


David : It appears that way. If you could see the smile on Sandy’s face, and Nena’s face, you would think they are flowers growing, yes. (laughter)

Sandy : We know you have been with us, Alana. And we are so grateful.

Alana : Yes. And how are you, my beloved Sandy?

Sandy : I’m just bubbling with joy, thank you.

Alana : Yes. And you have lessened your fear of love, yes?

Sandy : Yes.

Alana : We are so pleased to give you a gold star. (laughter) Your report card, signed by your beloved parents in their secret-closet hearts, is filled with praise. And you, my beloved, you no longer need, yes? You no longer need to hear that praise, or see it written.

Sandy : No. You are right, I don’t. I feel it inside.

Alana : Yes. To give love to those who, even if they did their best, failed miserably. That is the greatest gift, yes?

Sandy : (Sandy made a visit to the US to visit with her estranged parents. She took a collection of our group lessons with her to read and study along the way.) I had a wonderful experience, Alana, when I realized, as I was with my family, that the more love I gave, the more I felt. I felt this never ending stream of love just pouring out of me and back in to me. (Alana : Yes.) It was a wonderful lesson, thank you.

Alana : Thank you, my beloved. For your gold star rises up, up, up into my heart and beyond, raising me ever closer to the one I love above all, our Michael of Nebadon. Thank you.

Yes, and our Little One, over there. Do not fret. Do not fear. You, Little One, your feet are following correctly. Stay upon the path of your heart, breathing, breathing, breathing. Yes, your world looks only half-made, yes? And this, my beloved, you consider with your accustomed concern. You have so beautifully let go, and yet, still, it is your custom, still, to imagine, perhaps finer things should have come to you by now. But this is the thinking of your birth right, your birth family. And it shall be so. Still, to polish the ancient piece of gold is to scrape off the antiquity that is merely the coating of years of standing in the same place. But you, beloved, your ancient soul cries out for new expression, and it is only through this shaking up for the gloss to be returned to the gold piece. It is by this shake-up that your preciously beautiful old-wisdom soul shall speak. Yes, you will stand tall, beloved. You will be among those of Legion’s disciples of the discipline of love, which is the discipline of joy. You have much more to give than you presently imagine. Thank you.

Nena : Thank you.

Alana : And so, my beloved, Sir David.

David : Yes, my beloved Alana. Speak to me.

Alana : Yes.

David : It has been a wonderful journey together, I wish to say before this group. You have been very close to me and my companion. It has been a wonderful journey of learning. I feel I’ve gone a long way. I’ve learned a lot on this trip. I am very grateful for the handrail called Alana, and Legion, and all of our teachers.

Alana : Yes, my dear friend.

Beloved, your…(long pause, and then she directs)…Allow. Allow Michael’s love to pour down through the top of your head deep into your heart. My beloved, your growth, your steps in growth, your willingness to follow his call, to do his will, to love those whose love had been witheld, to give when no givingness was offered in return, this, my beloved, we acknowledge in you now. Allow. Allow. Allow. Allow Michael’s hand to touch your lips. Your faith has been heard. You have followed your instructions. You have wrapped love around your tongue. Blessings upon you.

David : Thank you, my love. (pause) I do miss my old ascerbic tongue once in awhile, I must say. (laughter)

Sandy : We don’t, David. (more laughter)

David : Oliver is usually the recepient of it. He looks so wonderful, Alana. I don’t know what you’ve been doing with him, but he looked ten years younger when we first saw him. He has nice color, smiling all of the time, and is a much more relaxed wayfarer, I must say. So thank you for looking after these brothers and sisters of ours. They have been in our hearts all the time we’ve been gone, as we have been in theirs. It’s been a marvelous circle of love that you have created with us, I am amazed with wonder.

So let’s give our attention to Oliver. (Laughter.) I understand he’s been crying a little, however, since we’ve been gone. But I think he’s over it now, right? Would you like to say hello to Alana, Oliver?

Oliver : Thank you for putting us together, David. I have felt Alana and Legion. And maybe even Daniel?

Alana : Perhaps, beloved Sir David, you would that I give him another name?

David : (laughter) Well, I thought of one this morning, Alana. Perhaps we could collaborate. I was reading a most marvelous lesson from the past in which Legion was kind of commiserating with Oliver because he was an only child and was raised with all these expectations of being unusual, special, and so on. And after a while, Legion very cleverly began calling him Mr. Ordinary. Maybe we could call him Mr. Ordinary, now, instead of Mr. Practice.

Alana : Yes. He (David) remains “boisterous,” does he not? (laughter)

Sandy : But lovingly so, Alana. There is a different tone to it.

Alana : Yes. He has allowed love to filter through his play, yes? (Agreement.) There is no need for him to fear the shame that has followed his footsteps every day of his life, yes? No more shame for our beloved, Sir David.

Sandy : What a liberation that must be, David.

Alana : But I do not think “ordinary” will do. (laughter)

David : That’s too ordinary, isn’t it. (laughter)

Sandy : Yes. Mr. Serene, maybe?

David : One of the things…we’ll let you pat Oliver a little bit soon, but one of the things I was struck by in this booklet of lessons that Oliver has put together so beautifully, I was struck by the quality of interaction between the teachers and ourselves. It seems different from other transcripts I’ve read, other groups. The repartee, like now. I don’t pick that up in other lessons. I find it attractive. I find that your lovingness makes us be this casual, and this playful with you. I consider this to be a gift that this group has, and I thank you.

Alana : Yes. One might say that without joy there is no play. Your play reflects the love that you have learned to allow, so as to allow the joy of play. We enjoy playing with you.

And so, my friend, Mr. Practice. You have a desire to speak with me, and with your friend, Daniel, yes?

Oliver : Yes, I have a desire to speak. I would like to say, first of all, thank you, for being with me. I think it is as frequent as I experience it. And I think there are times when I do not experience it, but I know that I am making progress, and that I am enhancing my ability to listen. And I thank you for being so patient.

Alana : Patience is the fabric of faith. We give you our patience. You give us your faith. Together we create the love tapestry, the tapestry of love. A flag to be fluttered in the wind for all to see.

Yes, you make progress, as you say. Yes, you are learning to listen, as you say. Do not think that you must be humble, that is to say, that you must grovel before the altar of our patience. You are well worthy, my son, to hear my words, to receive Daniel’s guidance.

Humility, that natural state of gratitude, that is for you to wear upon your personality with the pride of joy. Humility, the natural state of loving joy, that is to be worn by you as you stand tall.

And so, my friend, yes, you will learn more. You have yet to refine your patterns of communication, still we rejoice in the growth you have demonstrated, even today, in your ability to exercise the patience I have given to you. Still, again, I say to you, combine your patience with the certainty of your faith, and allow your tongue to speak with greater clarity. Not the clarity of self-satisfaction, but the clarity of love tempered by hard-won growth. I would not, however, take away from you such satisfaction as you presently enjoy, for, yes, that has been well earned. Yes?

Oliver : Yes.

Alana : It is the….one moment please….it is the fear of being small that resides within the word she used, the word “groveling.” Yes, you understand? It is the fear of being, once again, unworthy…too little…not enough. This, my friend, drives you, drives your little engine of insecurity. You do not need to compensate for others. Yes, we will keep your “Mr. Practice” for awhile. (laughter) For I wish that you understand thoroughly that the stillness practice is for you… for you, my friend… for your growth, my friend. We wish that you pay most…we wish that you pay attention…focus your healing energy upon yourself. You have made several stairways full of growth, yet we would have you reach the top where Daniel awaits your embrace. Thank you.

Oliver : How sweet. I have come to the stillness practice by being told by one of the teachers that this is the best and nicest thing one can do to make contact with God. I have found that. Then I had trepidation for awhile that I was revering the teachers more than God. Or Michael. I have now found Christ Michael in my stillness, as well, and I am very grateful for that.

Alana : Yes. And in that still pool his light shines forth from you. Yes.

But I would interrupt you, although I did no such thing for your gratitude was most beautiful to enjoy. However, if I had indeed interrupted, it would have been upon the words of your “reverence.” Reverence, my friend, yes…reverence for God, reverence for Father, Mother, Michael. Yes. Reverence, yes, even for me.

But my beloved, Sir Reverence, I have reverence for you. And this, my friend, is the lesson I give to you today. In the stillness practice, as you discover your reverence for the glory of God’s love poured down upon you, know, also, God’s reverence for you is real. Thus, should you, each one of you, my beloveds, always know that you are loved, and so should you bow down, if you will, in reverence to you, as well. Yes?

Oliver : Absolutely.

Alana : Yes. This is a lesson so difficult to learn. The human tendency is to flop down in misery, or jump high in arrogant self-delight. Humility is not to be understood as “little,” or “small,” but as the greatest understanding of the mutual gratitude that exists between God and all God’s children, like you. Yes?

Oliver : Yes, that is also my understanding. I thank you for this lesson.

I just want to clarify that on this planet we do have a belief system that has come from revering many gods to the one god. And when you teachers came in to my life, I started revering you, and you have explained the process beautifully. I understand what you said. I just wanted to make sure that I was coming from my own doubt…that I should not revere any other being but Michael, the creater of our universe.

Sandy : May I interrupt?

Alana : Please, you are always welcome.

Sandy : My understanding of reverence, Alana, the way you are expressing it, is nothing more, nor less, than loving gratitude. Not adoration of something separate from us. It is part of us. God is part of us, and we are part of God. You, our teacher, are a part of us, and we are part of you. It is an acknowledgement. This reverence of which you speak is simply an acknowledgement of this, and nothing more.

Alana : Yes. He refers to the ancient practice, the separation once believed between the human being and the powers not fully understood.

Sandy : So there was much fear in that, too. The reverence was out of fear.

Alana : Yes. The reverence of love permeates every one and every thing. So, knowing this love, one does not fear…does not fear any thing, does not fear no thing.

Sandy : It’s so simple, to balance fear and love. They are so mutually exclusive. This has become so clear to me in this last year. Thank you so much.

Alana : Yes. Mutually exclusive to the human mind, yes? (laughter) From my point of view, my beloved Sandy, my no fear point of view, fear can not exclude my love, even when fear grips your mind and shakes your bones to the devil, shall we say. My love is with you even then.

Sandy : Oh, I know! And when I am tempted to feel fear, I turn to you. And I remember love. And that chases fear, just chases it right out!

Alana : And when you turn to me, I am so filled with joy.

Sandy : As you fill all of us, beloved Alana.

David : Alana, you spoke earlier of “the pride of joy,” and that intrigues me. Also, I read in one of the past lessons, perhaps yourself, it was said “the essence of Father’s love is joy.” The pride of joy, and joy is the essence of God’s love, those concepts are intriging to me. Would you be willing to bring us lessons on these?

And also I am reminded that you have spoken to each one of us around the table, and I am wondering if you would like to say some words to our transmitter about her trip and her growth.

Alana : Thank you. Yes, Legion will bring to you the words you seek of pride and joy.

And yes, we drape your friend in the cloak of our love and gratitude. She allows us to speak so easily, yes? (David : Seems that way.) She monitors with so little fear. We are glad. Her anxiety that she might be a fraudulent pudding puffed up with pride has melted in the heat of her willingness, this past journey of challenges, to meet every test with faith, grace, gratitude, and abundant love. Yes, I thank you for allowing me this time to acknowledge her. Yes.

David : Yes. Thank you.

Alana : Devina would flutter a moment. And so, I say to you, my beloved friends, we shall work together, yes? To welcome others into your warm cocoon of love, yes? (Oliver : Absolutely.) Thank you, for welcoming me back into your midst, yes?

Sandy : Thank you, Alana. (Others say thank you.)

Devina : This is Devina.

David : Welcome, Devina.

Devina : Ah!! The top of her forehead fills with my butterfly-blue light. I am so very happy. You must know I have been given the great courtesy of your acceptance of my mission. I am here to say thank you to my beloved Susan. As well, I say a thank you to each of you, as you have supported Susan as she accepted my request that she allow me to teach her and to bring through her my beloved teachers, Alana and Legion, and others who shall even yet come to you. So, tell me, each of us now dance in the light of God’s love as it pours into your hearts, filling your beloved heads with light, as I touch each one of you gently in the middle of your forehead, now. (Long pause.)

And pray with me as we rest within the walls of beloved Alana’s heart room: Beloved Father. Beloved Mother. All gracious Michael. Mother Nebadonia. I lay my heart open before you to be filled with your love. I thank you. I thank you. I thank you. And may the mission of love on earth be known by these I bring to you. And as your love passes through me to them, and through them to others, may all joy arrive. Thank you.

Oliver : (After long pause.) Devina, are you still there? (laughter)

Devina : Yes.

Oliver : You come, today, as a surprise, because we have not heard from you, or I have not heard from you. And I have always been curious about you because Alana says frequently that you are fluttering about, and one time she said that you had almost manifested yourself in front of us. (He refers to an incident shared by Susan.) So my question is, are you…you are a teacher…but are you an angel? Are you one of the many categories of angels?

(A long silence.)

Sandy : Oliver, asking his specific questions, again. (Oliver : With permission.) Maybe we should call him Mr. Question. (laughter)

Devina : (After continued silence.) Let us say this, I rise above you like an angel. I rap my wings upon your mind, like the wings of a butterfly flutter against the net. Were you to remove the veil, the glory you would see would surely convince you that my light-heartedness is the stuff of angels. Still, I would have you believe I flutter about you like the butterfly, as well the angels of your mind. When you are ready, my friend, then I shall reveal myself more. But it is our desire to keep your mind fluttering about the question of Devina, as she flutters about the questions in your mind. What matters, my friend, is that you understand: I am as light as the butterfly appears to you, and I bring you light, as you imagine the light of angels, in order that you may practice light-heartedness with me. Does that satisfy?

Oliver : It would be arrogant to say no. (Burst of laughter.)


Devina : Yes, my friend, you have indeed hit the nail right on the spot. It is not usually my task to speak to you as a teacher, for that, my friend, is my special love with your transmitter. But your pure-hearted persistence has kept one of my wings upon your mind, and so I shall leave that touch upon your thought of arrogance, and now, indeed, I shall flutter away. Thank you.

Oliver : Thank you, Devina, for coming and touching me…us, touching all of us.

Sandy : And reminding us of the fact that love is light-hearted.

Legion : Well…

David : Welcome, Legion. We recognize your voice.

Sandy : We are getting the whole party today. (Laughter.)

Legion : My words, exactly. A rare opportunity for me to indulge in the party animals that you be, yes?

Oliver : We take you along any time.

Legion : I am here only for a moment, for we would not wear out our welcome, nor the abundant energies of the transmitter,…nor ignore the calling of the addictions among you.

Sandy : Oh! How did he know? I am dying for a cigarette.

Legion : This is not the perfect time to speak to you of discipline, yes? (laughter)

I play with you, yes? (laughter)

Oliver : Yes, but the longer you are with us, Legion, the less we smoke, for we have agreed not to smoke while the teachers talk.

Legion : Yes. We have the possibility of a new program to offer, yes? (laughter) Will this go over on your t-v, do you suppose? (laughter)

My friends, I came only to say that yes, we will speak of pride, and yes it is a different meaning than the one most ordinarily used by Mr. Ordinary, himself, yes? Ah, I am indeed having fun today. And we shall be prepared, yes? For your welcome of others to your meeting. I shall be there. Thank you.

(Everyone says thank you. Much laughter comes from transmitter as she stretches and says, “It is such a joy to be home!” Everyone expresses their joy to be back together again.)