2001-08-21-Something from Maui
Topic: Something from Maui
Group: Costa Rica TeaM
Teacher: Alana, Aaron
TR: S. Butterfield
Healing is…(the tr sees the meadow of flowers covered with the blessings of the sun, filled with the joy and beauty of light…she understands love, truth, beauty, goodness, are the ingredients of the joy of healing. She struggles to understand further)…To be a healing force, you must know it is a force of pure gratitude, untouched by demand, untouched by the belief that healing comes only to one, and not to another, based upon your personal preferences. The child cares not that the dog in the street belongs not to him. The child weeps, the heart feels woe, because the dog is dead and squashed upon the pavement. Yet, the child understands, some things are beyond his personal preference, his child powers. Is present and speaks to the dog. The spirit of God within. This child and the dog. And innocent of complaint, surrenders.
The child powers to heal can be seen in the smile upon its face, and the smile engendered in others by its pure delight. Come to the table of healing with such innocent surrender. Your friend, whose ability to love is not impeded by her ability to walk upon the planet with speed, is a healing force. Her acceptance when placed upon your serving platter of acceptance will bring to her the healing powers of love, God’s love. It is not your task to create healing miracles, although I will say, you have that capacity. You have the power to create miracles of healing, and you may, in what you call the future, you may effect such miraculous joy among those you touch with your healing love. However, it has not been decided that you should be aware of the results of your care, your touching. First you must let go of that desire, that wish to be absolutely certain you have mastered the art and created the results. Healing is pure gratitude, innocent of desire, even innocent of satisfaction. Thank you.
You have a further question?
David : Yes, of course, of course. Some weeks ago, I was in phone contact with my friend David, in Florida, who expressed some disappointment and discouragement that he could not be in touch with the spirit of God within him, and at that time, I suppose out of compassion or any number of other responses, I suggested that I might ask you if you have any guiding principles in regard to David.
Alana : Yes. I will speak to him now. Thank you.
Aaron : This is Aaron. Your friend has a very strong belief system, surrounding himself with the great wall of intolerance. So great, his intolerance prevents the light of God’s love to be reflected in everything that he sees. This friend, I have spoken to, just now, and his cry, his plea continues, even as I stepped into his heart and spoke that he is loved. God’s love, and my love has transported him through many difficulties and trials and tribulations, if you will, in life. This man’s intolerance prevents him from knowing the deep love that is his. He has lain upon the ground begging, still he fails to recognize the peace that was brought to him in the chaos. The peace that is our love, that allowed, allowed, allowed the circumstances of his despair, allowed, allowed, allowed the consequences of his intolerance to disappear, to eradicate the great stone wall, to allow him the love that has sustained him, so little recognized, so little respected, still it has sustained him through all.
Yes, I speak now to you, that you may continue to bring him the comfort of your love….
David : Excuse us, just a little interruption. (Interruption by Jehovah’s Witness folk) Perhaps we should have invited them in. I’ve never been in a noisier environment in my life. There have been five helicopters, dogs, planes, trucks, cars….I can see where Maui is going.
Aaron returns.
Aaron : I will support you in bringing to this friend the comfort of love. Speak to him regularly by whatever means available that the comfort of your love bears with it the comfort of my dedication to his well being. Suggest to him that he begin, quietly, to remove one stone at a time the great wall of intolerance which is the cause of his sense of isolation. He looks for what he believes he can not have. He looks for it. Seeks it. Imagines he finds it in those, or what he can not have. Removing the seeds of intolerance buried beneath that wall will allow him to allow God’s love, my love, our love to fill him with the love, joy, and respect necessary to bringing the love he seeks into his daily life. Thank you.
David : Thank you. Would you perceive it to be permissible to send this transcript to my friend.
Aaron : Certainly.
David : Is it permissible to ascertain if you are the same teacher who comes to the Pocatello group?
Aaron : Yes.
Alana : Thank you. This is Alana. Yes. Communicate with your brother, Bill Kelly. Give him the blessings of my love. Send the welcome of my heart room to all those who so beautifully responded to our visit.