2001-09-02-Sandy's Loss
Topic: Sandy's Loss
Group: Costa Rica TeaM
Teacher: Alana, Legion, Hakim, Devina
TR: S. Butterfield
The group listened to bells being rung by Susan. They listened to the tones. aligned themselves with the tones, and then moved into stillness practice.
Alana : Yes, this is Alana.
Oliver : Welcome, Alana.
Alana : Thank you. For whom the bell tolls. (laughter) Yes. To listen. To listen. To listen. This is a good idea. Yes?
David : Seems to be so far.
Alana : Yes. We shall bring your beloved, Sandy, into my heart room, now. Welcome, welcome her now, into my arms.
Beloved, weep not. You brought joy. You brought love. You brought understanding. You brought the joy of song and music. Accept. Accept. Accept. Beloved, she is well. She has begun her next journey. Her understanding will be greater. Her fears gone. Allow. Allow. Allow her to leave. Beloved, know that you are loved. Loved still. Allow her to go.
Step forth from this passing standing tall, greater. Greater in the awareness the time comes, the time comes for all, the time to set forth upon the greatest and most glorious journey of all. Your love, beloved, your love gives wings to her heart now.
(Alana hits one of the large bells three times.)
Alana : So, my beloveds, I hold her still. Speak to her, if you will, or speak to me. Death comes so often as a surprise to the human mind, the human attachment. Death is but the shedding of all lies, into the light of God, into the understanding of God’s love, and into the participation in God’s shedding of darkness and spreading of light and love upon all. This mother’s pain, she leaves behind. This daughter may take the pain and reshape it into the glorious music of love. Love remembered. Love. Love continued. Love. Love always. Thank you.
David : I would like to say to beloved, Sandy, bon voyage to your mother. She is graduating and she has some beautiful children as part of her adornment. My wish for you is that in the midst of your sense of loss, that you will rejoice in the fact that she is going on a lighter journey and that she is being well taken care of at this moment. We send our love to you Sandy. You are very much in our hearts. (Alana : Yes.) May you feel the presence of the circle at this moment. (Alana : Yes.)
Oliver : Sandy, I want to rejoice in the fact that we have become family. (Alana : Yes.) I think it is remarkable how our friend, Alana, knows everything and immediately steps in to give her love to us, so that we never need to feel any loss. The loss that you experience with the loss of your mom, probably came to you very suddenly, but immediately the love of God comes in. It is most difficult for us to take this loss, but it seems to be not difficult for your mom because she goes to a place, a world, where there is none of this pain, none of this fear that we experience here. So you have said that I am your brother, and you are my sister, and I am with you in this moment.
Alana : Thank you. (Again speaking to Sandy in her arms.) I bring to you the mother’s love. (long silence) Thank you.
So, we have the Silent One with us. Yes? (laughter) Welcome. Welcome.
The silence is allowed, and when allowed, it speaks. Communication is most important between those who love one another when the silence becomes filled with confusion, presumption, assumption, fantasy. (Which is not to say that fantasy does not serve a human purpose.) Still to learn to communicate into a silence filled with horror and mystery, doubt and fear, is one of the major tasks for the human being. Yes? Do not allow the mind to fill silence with acrimony, division, abuse.
So, our beloved Silent One. Your silence touches the stillness, which touches love. This, yes, this silence we allow. The silence of fear, the silence of avoidance, this silence we would speak into, and in the speaking, the tongue wrapped around love, in that speaking, the speaking brings love into the silence, and brings the silence into the stillness which is God’s love, God’s joy.
I am grateful, yes, very grateful. I am grateful as a member of your group that you, my beloved, Sir David, and you, my beloved, Sir Oliver, brought speaking, brought tongues touched with love, into your silences and spoke love to each other. Spoke love into your group. Spoke truth with love. Embraced your emotions. Embraced the emotion of your transmitter. Embraced each other with truth spoken with love. I am grateful. I give you my gratitude. I bring my gratitude today, now, into the heart room. I let my gratitude spill over into your hearts. Each one of you, I bless you.
Nena, my little one, I pour my gratitude, my love, my blessings, into your heart, now. Oliver, into your heart I spill my love, my gratitude, my love, my thank you. Into your heart, dear Silent One, I fill you with my joy, my love, my gratitude, and my gratitude touches yours, as you surrender, surrender to change. surrender to love. surrender to standing tall. Yes. Yes. Yes. Stand. Stand tall. To you, my beloved, Sir David, always, always, always beloved, beloved, beloved, thank you, thank you, thank you. Yes, and I fill her. (TR makes a sigh of joy.)
Oliver : Alana, you filled me so much up with your love this week. I thank you so much for your love, for your joy. You allow us to grow, grow, grow, each time we hang out with you. Thank you.
Alana : So, yes, as she (the TR, is smiling, eyes tearing up, swaying with emotion of love, joy, and gratitude) breathes in my love, and breathes out her emotions. Yes. The joy! The joy!
David : I think you are going to manifest one of these days, if you’re not careful. (laughter)
Alana : And we shall dance together then to the steps presented to our feet by Devina. Yes? The steps of light heartedness. The steps of joy. The joy of love. The joy of love’s power to erase. Yes? Thank you. Thank you for learning. Thank you for learning. Yes?
David : Are you suggesting that we are actually learning things now, Alana? (laughter)
Nena : Boisterous, shut up. (laughter)
Alana : The truest learning is the learning that brings joy. There is learning from sorrow. There is learning from pain. There is even learning from war, the most tragic learning of all. But when the learning has come, when the learning is structured within the heart, when you stand tall upon the steps of your learning, then, my beloveds, you know. You know that learning is joy. that the learning of love brings joy to the darkness. The learning of love brings light, and light evaporates the darkness. Yes?
David : Wonderful.
Alana : Thank you.
Legion : This is Legion.
Oliver : Welcome, Legion. What a nice surprise.
Legion : Yes. I would not leave our beloved, Sandy, without a word of love. I let her crawl into my lap, as she leaves Alana for my strengthening embrace.
Yes. Now my beloved, the discipline of love. This you will know, supports you. Supports you in joy. Supports you in grief.
Surrender. Surrender your mother. She is here. Surrender your mother. Surrender her to our Mother of All. She is here. Surrender. Surrender your love for your mother, your mother who walked upon the earth with you. Surrender that love. Allow. Allow her, allow her to rise, to rise with that love, to rise, to rise up, up, up, into, into Michael’s embrace, into, into our Mother’s embrace, into, into our Father’s total love.
Surrender. Surrender your attachment. Surrender. Surrender your love for your mother as she held your hand, as she stroked your cheek, as she embraced your shoulders. Give this love now, give this love to your self. Hold your hand. Stroke your cheek. Embrace your shoulders. Love your self, Sandy. Love yourself with all the love that came to you through the gift of your mother, through the gift of your birth, through the gift of your life.
Love. Love your self, Sandy. Feel my love. Feel Alana’s love. Receive our love. Receive. Receive. Receive. You are loved, beloved Sandy, you are love.
Thank you.
Tar-al-hakim : Hakim speaks.
Oliver : Welcome, Hakim. Long time no hear.
Hakim : It is an occasion of great joy to be recognized. Division disappearing in the transformation by love, words re-written with love, stories re-told with love, the passing of one into God’s love, an every day occurrence, but new to one recognized by me as beloved by you.
Welcoming life is to welcome death, the death of pain, the death of lies, the death of darkness, the death of destruction, the death of dissension.
- Welcoming the life of love.
- Welcoming the life of living light.
- Welcoming the life of the living waters of Jesus’ message to all: Love one another.
This is your strength. This is what will raise you to stand tall, to speak with love, to know, to know, to know God is with you. I will speak to you. Alana loves you. Jesus-Michael, our beloved Michael walks with you every step of the way.
This is good. She (the TR) sits tall. She allows my words without hesitation. Yes. We will work with you. Yes.
Oliver : Hakim, your message is most beautiful. You are a Mighty Messenger, indeed.
Hakim : Yes. Hold the tone of the bell. (Hakim raises the bell high, hits the bell once.) Hear how the sound, first close, then far away, is still with you. (Hakim hits the bell again, three times.)
And so it is, Michael’s message of love, still with you, always with you. The words written upon the page bring remembrance, even as words written on a page are also far away, already past.
In the remembrance is the life, the love, the glory. (Hakim hits the bell again, once.) Words come alive in this remembrance of him. Words come alive only in the communion of love. Love one another as he loves. (Hakim hits the bell again, once.)
Pray. Pray with gratitude. Always pray with gratitude. This is love. Thank you.
Devina : This is Devina.
Oliver : Welcome, Devina.
Devina : Each of you, imagine, imagine a silver string attached, attached down through the uppermost space at the top of your skulls, down, down, down to the center of your heart. Yes? Now, I hold these silver strings. I tug upon them, but just a tiny bit, now. Yes? (Said with exhilaration.)
Oliver : (laughing) Yes.
Devina : And they are a little bit more light hearted. Yes?
Oliver : Yes. (laughter)
Devina : Remember this, I tug upon these silver strings to bring you a little light heartedness, every where you go, every time you forget. (Devina raises the small bell and strikes it once.)
(TR : At the end, Devina told me to pick up the little bell and hit it. The teachers told me to bring the bells to this session. They told me when to pick one up and hit it.)