2001-09-17-Your Hour Has Come
Topic: Your Hour Has Come
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am Abraham. Greetings. How am I to teach with such wisdom in the room. Your shared feelings and comments are creating healing. I know this week's tragedies welled up within us each a great many thoughts and feelings.
Are we all realizing the gratitude we should have for the simple understanding we have learned? Many in the world are under such misconception about our Divine Caretakers. Many believe God is wrathful and angry, and He will punish His erring children swiftly and severely. I am with the highest gratitude to be among you who know that concept is so wrong. You know that Father is a true Parent, one with supreme love and wisdom. In all His ways He is guiding us towards Him, not pushing us away when we are erring.
We are in overwhelming gratitude to be aware of the Correcting Time, and to know that come what may, the value will overshadow the negative. We are with hope and trust. We are with faith and tolerance. We are with growing understanding, instead of stagnating traditional beliefs. This past week's tragic events show the power of the animal-self, the evil that resides in ego. I have said so many times, 'your joy is my joy. Your sorrow is my sorrow.' This planet will soon discover how true that really is and how we are really one.
I have known hatred. I have practiced it. I have been dominated by it. I have lived my life from a place of hate. I cannot express the difference that I experienced when I began to know the living God--not the God of my ancestors, but the God within. I do understand, unfortunately, these terrorist's position, and for that I am regretful. I do understand how power and wealth can drive a person to smother other people so that they can rise above.
Power was most sought after by the sons of self-love. To belittle others to make themselves more was their scheme to attaining their hearts desire. Peoples joy was not their joy. In fact it was a threat to them. They could not share in the oneness. Your sorrow was their joy because that made you weak, and they gained power from that. This is also true for those terrorists who seek to build self with the pain of others. They are truly misguided. There is no unity for them. There is no gratitude of real spiritual joy. They believe they are serving a spiritual cause, but really deep down they know very well they are an empty shell.
This tragedy is perhaps likened to those apostles who sought those higher seats at the table with the Master. This was not unity. This was self-serving. This was not humility. This was self-exaltation. Who was the one who knelt on the ground to wash His brethren's feet? Who was the server of all? Who in the world would run to attain the highest seat, and who would be first to volunteer to wash his fellows feet?
This is really a small event in your history, unfortunately. This is why we have entered into this Correcting Time. This is why we have been here week after week, year after year. Your hour has come. This is where you will put into action all that you have learned, and you will do it because you love God; you love your brothers and sisters. You count yourself as part of the whole--not higher or lower than anyone else, side-by-side in unity, in oneness.
Grieve now, my friends. Be angry. Share your thoughts and feelings. Go toward healing, not towards hate. Remember all are called, but few will answer. The world's people will need a spiritually sound, practical voice in the chaos of beliefs in the second coming or rapture. Be open to be spirit-led. You must know by now Father will be there with those words you need to impart to your fellows to sustain them in the days ahead.
Forget not to take time everyday to be with Father to regenerate energy, faith and strength. Forget not to allow Father to tend to you. My friends, this is the realness. This is what we have been working toward. Mystical thinking cannot save us now. Your sensible, spiritually guided voice will be a light in the darkness.
I thank you each for this unity, this Brotherhood, this Kingdom Family. Go in love and confidence that our Mission moves forward. Until next time, shalom.
This was an address directed at the trauma sustained by this world on September 11, 2001, aka 911