2001-10-01-Season of Late Summer
Topic: Season of Late Summer
Group: At Large
Teacher: Asha, Machiventa
TR: Henry Z.
Session 1
Asha, a Finaliter: I greet you as one having completed the ascension program, to one who is just beginning. Note that your connectedness to Father is the vehicle by which you maneuver the various tasks you are called to perform.
To call upon God is to respond to his presence. Father is the only changeless source of presence. Always will you find Him exactly as He IS. He is always personable, always listens, and always calls upon you to do His Will.
Beings such as ourselves were created to serve His Will. The qualification of the absolute demands a compensation no less than creature will, motivated to respond to the call of perfection--that this creature will contribute to the ever-expressing and manifesting deity of the Supreme. The evolving Supreme will one day give full expression to the qualified absolute.
Though a universe age may pass for the Supreme to gain full identity, the temporary compensation to the ordinary will-creature is the promise of sonship and Paradise residence. You may truly grow into perfection and light, and gain full resource to finaliter status, by your steadfast contribution to the Father's will, by your dedicated effort to pursue a path of sonship in the divine kingdom, and consecration of your will to the service of this Kingdom.
It is truly a season of late summer on this world that the ripe fruit shall be gathered, that the many be fed, that the trumpet call of urgency has been sounded. The time of great possibility is at hand.
Many of you are over-trained and under-tested. If you could just be transported ahead in time when you will be in another garden, one which has been meticulously cultivated and manicured, to hear yourself talk about the opportunity you did not take while you had the greatest chance. Hear the echo of your future voice in the shallow storehouse of your soul, yearning to be filled to capacity.
Learn to sense the need by the smile of thankfulness which accompanies receivership. Worship with your whole spirit to the fullness of divine creation, that the Father of all creation is given the honor of your will.
Begin to sense the eternal consequence of the momentary acts of volition. Inspire within your heart a desire which can only be fueled by divine recognition.
Begin to live without sin, by conscious attention to the details of your mind, and as the boundaries of your mind begins to dissolve within the greater mind, the borderland of forgiveness having been traversed, you enter the valley of the Kingdom where there is no sin, nor iniquity--just the steady rhythm of truth, the harmony of peace, the beauty of service, and the merciful and bountiful goodness of the joy and happiness of everlasting LOVE. I continue to serve the task at hand, I am Asha, a finaliter attached to mortal service on Urantia.
Session 2
Machiventa Melchizedek The Grace Period Is Passed BY, My Friends.
Machiventa Melchizedek: Greetings to those of you who read this message. I am Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Prince of Urantia, one time Sage of Salem, and a loyal friend to Michaels' plan of salvation for this world.
There is a tremendous task at hand in the world today. One does not have to imagine this task with great consciousness. It is important to sense the urgency without the fear. In service with the Most Highs and the Jerusem Counsel of Elders, the task of ripening the soil for the harvest of the soul is upon you. There is issued a consensus to upstep the spiritual pressure attendant to the Father's Will. It is time for you to put your tools aside and begin the work of the kingdom. Go forth and proclaim the gladness of truth, and sonship with the divine and loving Father of all creation. Honor the presence of Michael and Holy Mother Spirit with the gifts given you.
Motivate your spirit in the consciousness of divine proclamation, "Take my message to the ends of the earth." It is upon you to take the living Jesus into your living Faith, and be not afraid to take this word to those who will hear. Many are asking and praying for a miracle, a divine disclosure. Brothers and sisters, you are that miracle, that divine disclosure.
It is time to put your differences aside and begin the unification of purpose in the building of the kingdom. The grace period is passed, my friends. You will begin, and already may have felt, within your meditation, a sense of urgency which the spiritual kingdom is calling to be filled. You must use the initiative you have to motivate into service, and know that there is a tremendous availability of spiritual help and guidance ready to assist all who begin to work.
There will be no material manifestation of spiritual personality to direct and comfort your effort. There will be a manifestation of personality in all who go forth to proclaim the glad and comforting message of Jesus' living faith to the world of doubt, confusion, indifference, apathy, ignorance, injustice, and intolerance. Many are those who will gladly hear the words of truth from one who speaks from clarity and experience. Begin to bring forth the ripened fruit, that the hungry may taste of its spiritual nutrition, spiritual fragrance, and its lasting energy.
Know that you who have dedicated your lives to the service of Michael will not be misled or misguided in any of your efforts by force of man or spirit. The people and religions of the world are in a strong sense of unity of effort and purpose. A strong and lasting peace cannot take hold without the foundation of living faith. Living faith is only brought forth by those dedicated ones who are fearless to stand and proclaim such faith to the world. Jesus was living faith, and his Spirit of Truth inspired living faith in the apostles, and has continued to inspire men and women throughout the subsequent ages of its bestowal upon this world.
Do not be concerned about the political climate which is beginning to manifest. There is a tremendous spiritual task assigned to this. Your task is the people. Political attention is of no consequence to the faith hearty and those who will, by faith, enter into the kingdom which has been prepared.
Thank you. Shalom
from Henry Zeringue while traveling in Kenya, Africa on a spiritual ministry.