2001-10-14-Allowing Love
Topic: Allowing Love
Group: Costa Rica TeaM
Teacher: Alana
TR: S. Butterfield
Alana started right in, after only about one minute of stillness, practiced by the group holding hands. The T/R had forgotten to turn on tape recorder, so the welcome is not recorded. There were new guests present, so Alana asked to present the detailed construction of the heart room so that they would have something to take away with them and be able to use in their daily practice. The transcript begins shortly after she had begun the construction.
Alana : Allowing. Allowing love. Allowing love to fill you and to pour forth across to the ones before you. Open your hearts now. Open the tops of your heads. Allow. Allow God’s love to pour down, down through the tops of your heads, filling your bodies. Breathe in my love. Breathe it out. Allow your bodies, now, to fill, fill with love, fill, fill with the light of God’s love pouring down upon you. See the light now. See the light filling your heads, pouring down, filling your hearts, filling your bodies. See the light pouring down into your legs, filling your feet. Allow that light to pour out through your toes across to the ones before you, creating the light floor of the heart room. Allow. Allow the light to pour out through the sides of your bodies to the ones on either side of you, creating the walls of the heart room, the light walls of the heart room. Breathe in my love, now. Breathe it out. Filling the heart room now, filling the heart room with your love. Your love is God’s love in the heart room. God’s love is your love in the heart room. Breathe it in. Breathe it out to the ones across from you.
I ask you now. Open. Open your backs. Open each spot in your spine. Open. Allow me now to blow love in through your backs, the back of your head, the back of your neck, blowing love now, through your spine, filling your bodies. God’s light and love pouring down through the tops of your head. I am moving slowly around your circle, blowing love in through your backs, out through your hearts to the ones across from you. Breathe it in. Breathe it out. Allow. Allow. Allow.
Very good. Feel the love growing, filling the heart room, filling the heart room now. I lift your love up, up, up now. I lift your love up, up in gratitude. Allow your love, pouring through you into the heart room, lift it up, up. See the light. See the light of that love pouring up, spreading out. Breathe it in. Open now. Open. Let God’s love fill you. Let God’s love pour through you. Let God’s love rise and spread from you to the many others on your planet.
Move the love. Move it now. Allow. Allow. Allow. Allow the love to come down, fill your bodies, refresh your minds, open your hearts, pour through you to the ones before you, fill the heart room, and rise, rise, rise. Rise and spread to the many others upon your planet. God’s love is yours, receive, receive, receive. Let your bodies expand, be filled, allow the love to permeate your bodies, then filled with love, allow, allow the love to flow through you, pour through you to the ones across from you, to fill you, to pour through you and rise up through the heart room to spread far and wide to feed the hungry ones upon your planet.
Focus now. See the light. See the light pouring down into your bodies. See the lines of light connecting you, one to the other, to the other, to the other. See those lines of light carrying love, one to the other, to the other. Creating the heart room, lines of light, criss crossing, creating the heart room, lifting love up, up, up, spilling forth from this beautiful heart room out, farther out, farther. Allow this love to spread to feed the hungry, to reach those whose love has been diminished, to reach those whose hope has been diminished, to reach those for whom fear prevents the knowledge of love, to reach those for whom doubt has blinded them from love. Breathe it in. See the light. Breathe it out.
Very good. And so, I welcome you. I, Alana, who sits now in the center of your heart room. I, Alana, willing to speak to you in the heart room. So my beloveds, bring into the heart room with me those you love. Bring them now. Welcome them into this heart room. See them. See them, now, in my heart room, and we shall blow love upon them. Yes, many loved ones. Blow love upon them. Yes. Embrace them. Yes. Forgive them. Yes.
And now, my beloveds, bring into the heart room those for whom you have no forgiveness. Those for whom forgiveness is difficult. Bring them, now, into the heart room. Those you would call your enemies. Those whom you would call not-friend. Those with whom you quarrel. Those with whom you hold like a treasure your favorite grudge, your particular anger, your perfect misunderstanding. Bring them now. Welcome them now. Ah so, I welcome them into the heart room. Open now. Breathe. Welcome them into our heart room and with me blow love upon them now. Yes. And now. Blow love upon them, your enemies, your angers, your grudges, your misunderstandings. Blow love now with me. Yes.
And now my beloveds, we have one here who would speak to me. Yes?
Sandy : I want to thank you, Alana, for the beautiful sense of peace that I have right now with you.
Alana : Yes. Beloved, we have tugged upon your heart strings to encourage you to step more lightly upon your…well, she (the T/R) would say, “to step more lightly upon your troubles.” I blow love upon that word, and I say to you, step lightly upon the path you have chosen, to give your intelligence, your expertise, away, to serve. When the feet trod heavily upon the planet you are asked to rest a moment. Put the feet upon the footstool of peace and love for a moment. Allow God’s love to change the direction, or to clear the way, so that your eyes see more clearly, for the mind to understand. Your feet may then resume the path you take with joy.
Sandy : I also want to thank you for continuing to remind me of my mother’s presence. That has been part of the heaviness, missing her. You have helped me with that. Thank you.
Alana : Beloved, put your feet upon the footstool of love and what you miss will be there. Your mother’s love is in you, surrounds you, is with me now. As you allow the missing, the heaviness of the missing will become yet another opportunity to practice, to practice the presence of God, which is love, which is joy. To practice the presence of the Mother’s love, which embraces, embraces all, embraces, embraces you, lifts heaviness into her embrace, takes sadness and sorrow and turns pain into the greatest understanding of all: which is that the Father’s love, the Mother’s love, Michael’s love, which is Jesus’ love, is yours, fills you, permeates you; is yours to give away.
The deep thread of your mother’s life as it continues in you is the thread of God’s love, recreated in the beauty and the harmony that has become the sign, the significance, of the path you have chosen. In her absence, in the missing, is the fulfillment that is you. In the missing is the task before you, to use your ability to communicate and to touch others with a clear, beautiful, harmonious understanding of love, how to love, how to cross the bridge of sorrows with the light hearted step of one who has learned to give love away. Yes. Thank you.
Sandy : Thank you, Alana. I welcome that task.
Alana : Yes, little one. (Cannot hear Nena’s response.) When you are alone, as a human being, so often one becomes vulnerable to the fears and doubts of the unknown world. Human beings seek each other for confirmation that they are not alone; not alone physically, not alone mentally, not alone emotionally, not alone spiritually. Human beings, therefore, create relationships, first in the families of birth, then ever reaching out farther, greater circles, wider circles, farther. Always there is that still point that is you, you, you, you alone, individual, alone. Many times, in the creation of relationships, of this alliance, that alliance, this group, that group, my group, their group, your group Ah! You understand I could go on for a very long time, but I hope you understand my meaning. It is natural for the human being to wish to associate with one, two, and many others. And then comes a time in every one, every one of you, sometimes this time comes again and again for you have the human capacity to forget, but there comes this time, called by many names, the dark night of the soul, the abyss, the vacuum, the terrors of the night, the loneliness, the deep loneliness of being all alone. This, my beloveds, is a challenge to each and every human being: to surrender to your physical human being individual aloneness of condition. It is ever, and always, a supreme joy to see and to hear and to welcome each individual human who faces, as you say, the frightening visage of what you call nothing, no more, all gone, emptiness, I am all alone, and is able to discover love, to discover joy, and to smile. To smile away fear, to smile away doubt, to open to what appears to be nothing, and to discover the infinity of love awaiting. I welcome you, once again, my beloved little one, into the infinity of love that I have brought to you and your companions in this heart room.
I speak now into the silence of one who is learning to stand tall. I greet you and I pass my greetings through you to one far away, yet near, for in the heart room, if you are willing, we welcome all.
So, I have perhaps been, would you say, too lacking in the delight of the pleasure of playfulness. Yes? Would you have me speak of joy?
Oliver: Yes, Alana, any time.
Alana : Yes, my friend.
Oliver : Of heavenly joy, and the laughter in the heavens.
Alana : Laughter, my friend, is a human word to describe the physical response to joy.
Oliver : You mean you need an organ to love.
Alana : I mean, my friend, once you have opened your heart to God’s love you know the experience that is God’s-love-is-God’s-joy. There are many who would tell you, or have experienced, that opening creates the spontaneous, unstoppable, physical reaction, or response, you call laughter, giggles. This is physical, but it is the combination of allowing the true reality of God’s love, which is joy, to collaborate, if you will, to enter into and collaborate with the physical, the physical body, which is many organs, the organ of the heart, if you will, which must open up and breathe into the experience, the presence of love, of God’s love and God’s joy. There is the organ of the mind, the brain, if you will, which must open up to allow God’s love, which is God’s joy, to be know, to be understood. Yes?
So you, my friend, would you, with me, allow, allow now the humble joy of the heart room to fill, to fill your heart, to fill your mind, and guide you? Guide you along the way of spreading this joy, sharing this joy, and allowing the joy to fill your understanding, to eliminate, if you will, that modern desire to accomplish it all, to understand everything, to carry the burden everywhere. Allow, and allow, and allow joy to infuse your desires. You, my friend, suffer from the belief that you can capture one message and in the capturing you must carefully bring it to all. I say to you, my friend, this is the error in your suffering; there are many messages, there are many pathways. The opening to God’s love is an opening to this understanding, that the opening to God’s love will always bring with it God’s joy to be given away. Do not hold to suffering. Do not distribute suffering. Allow joy. Distribute joy. In the unraveling of human relationship, seek the path of joy. Your laughter, my friend, is the most contagious comprehension of God that you have to share. Do you understand?
Oliver : Yes, Alana, I understand and I agree.
Alana : Thank you.
Oliver : Thank you.
Alana : Sir David.
David : Yes.
Alana : I enjoy your laughter, too.
David : Well, yes. Two or three weeks ago I was praying that I would laugh as much as the Dali Lama. I haven’t quite made that yet, but also I have been instructed today, dear Alana, by none other than our beloved transmitter, that I should not be so playful. That is why I have been so quiet. Do you understand that? (much laughter by group) There has been a damper put on my boisterousness.
Sandy : (continued laughter) You’re still getting it in there, David.
David : However, I would like to direct some attention to Germann, who is leaving us this Thursday to return to Chile. I’d like to see if we can get in a message that will send him on his way with our love, that he will remember us and perhaps spend a little time at this time of day in Chile and be with us in a special way.
Alana : Thank you. It is the laughter in your heart to which I speak. Yes? Thank you.
(Speaking to Germann.) And, he knows he can not go where I can not be. I reside now in his heart. He has chosen to expand his understanding of my presence in his human life. We will not forget each other. Devina’s strings are very long, are they not? Let your silence, too, be filled with joy, for like my friend, Sir Oliver, you, as well, may benefit from practicing the discipline of joy.
Oliver : I am glad you did not say to practice the discipline of silence. (He laughs.) Yes, I understand what you are saying, Alana. Thank you.
Alana : Yes.
Sandy : Germann should know that he goes with the love from all of us. We are all in your heart, Germann.
Alana : So, this group, today, would contribute to the love and joy that would be what you call peace on earth. Yes?
Sandy : Yes. I think we have all been heavy hearted about matters in the world.
Alana : So. Lift up your hearts now. I would have you join hands, for I interrupted that familiar, time-honored tradition on your planet. I would have you now, in joining hands, to feel the warmth that is your willingness to love, that is your willingness to give love, that is your willingness to give joy. Feel that warmth. Know it is the energy of love. Yes, it is the warmth of life, but I would have you understand beyond doubt, beyond fear, it is the energy of love. For when life is gone, the love continues. It is your desire and your purpose to know love, to share love, to have love and to give it away. When one you love passes on, as you say, the body is cold, the life, as you call it, is gone, but the love continues. Love once known, once you have surrender to love, it is love, always.
So, feel your love, feel your love, allow it to flow between you. Feel your warmth, the greater heat of your dedication, your desire, your prayers. Let it go now. Traveling through your hands to each other, receiving, giving, receiving, giving. Give this love now. Greater force. Greater strength. Strengthen your minds with this love. Send this love out, out, now. Clearing away fear. Clearing away doubt. Feel the heat rising. See the light expand. Filling, filling the heart room. Spreading, spreading beyond, beyond, beyond. Many pray with you. Many you do not know, many you will never meet, pray with you. One prayer. Many prayers. Join us in filling hearts of fear with the peace of love, and the knowledge of joy. Join us now, join us in greeting doubt with the confidence of love, with the certainty of unreasoned joy. Shed your pride. Humbly now, with the humility of respect for the complexities of human endeavors, allow, allow your love, your joy, and give it away.
Let the lines of light reach out beyond this circle to circle your world, your planet. With the humility of respect, allow, allow your love to reach out to all. Cleanse your hearts of the pain of wounded pride and misunderstanding. Allow. Allow love. Allow love. Allow love.
I thank you.
Sandy : Thank you, Alana.
Alana : I welcome each of you who has come here today. I give you the blessings of this heart room to take with you. Be you near or far away, remember, and do this in remembrance of one who’s love is given freely. Thank you.
Tanya : Amen.