2001-11-12-New Enhancements
Topic: New Enhancements
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. Sorry for the delay. Sometimes we must allow for more time to pass to create a balanced energy. When emotions are strong there is static in these communications. To relax and be assured that each one of you is very much loved and well cared for, will bring us the balanced energy to carry forth, yes.
There is new and growing strength in this world. Many are taking steps towards newness that they have not dared to do before. Many are finding that a life without meaning is no life at all, therefore are many searching. Down through the ages, traditions are formed and most faithfully carried out. Beliefs are a major motivator in how mortals live. The benefits of the Supreme Being bring us mindal expansion and the courage to move forward to new adventures.
With this growth of the Supreme all beings are enhanced, all beings are made more with this growth. Certainly is each Adjuster enhanced and less limited by their experiential circumstances. There is nothing so close to you as your Indwelling Father Fragment. There is no one who knows you more. There is no one who works harder for your success in all areas, spiritual and otherwise. With this new Supreme upstep do we find stronger communion with our beloved Monitors. In this connection there is enhanced spiritual power and courage to face and fully live in each and every moment with the certainty that you are Father's child and very much are a part of His perfected plan.
Be aware, children, of this new strength for it is the catalyst to change. This strength is what will help direct the masses in these confusing times. This strength will empower you to fully live each mortal moment with a spiritual outlook. You are not the weak and dark planet you thought you were, no. Urantia has played a major role in the growth of the Supreme Being and the new enhancements throughout Nebadon.
There are many individuals who become bored with living and seek adventures that bring heightened emotion feelings. With the strengthened communication with our Father Fragments, we find we do not seek outside sources for new thrills and adventure, no. We see it in everyday mortal living. We become fully present in it. There is a unification occurring where you can feel at one with all living things, all mortal avenues such as creativity, education and relationships.
With the new reflections from the Supreme we not only find enhancement with our wonderful Adjuster's, but also with our awesome Spirit of Truth. The Supreme's growth is also Michael's growth. Michael is our Brother/Father and the heart of all that is true. We will further see His works on this world--in that all things will be brought to light. Truth will carry power and definitely make unbelievable changes. As we embrace Michael we also embrace the truth and how this helps us to function in everyday living.
If you think deeply on the subject of truth you may be surprised to find out that truth weighs equal on the scales with falsehood in life. As we feel the heightened power of the Spirit of Truth we first learn to come true with ourselves. To stop the self-deception, to make effort towards an openness that gives Michael an opportunity to show you truth in all its reality. The ego however is a great distorter of truth and at times would have you be in a place of denial, when you should be making attempts at delving into truth to reach greater understanding and spiritual solutions.
To close off or deceive the self is only a delay in spiritual progress. Not to worry however, experience will teach us truth in any fashion it pleases. Be willing first to be honest with yourselves and open to Michael's definition of the reality of truth. Past experiences can certainly color your view of what you think is true, yes, and spiritual practices can help bring clarification to your concepts of truth. Spiritual practices meaning stillness, study, fellowship and worship, yes.
In these changing times, courage and truth will not merely help you endure but set you free, expanding your spiritual perception, making the spirit life more of a reality concept instead of only a faith alone concept. We have such excitement for you, such hope, such faith in you. These evolutionary steps are quite inspiring to all of us who have watched this small planet take its first baby steps out of darkness and into the ever expanding light of true vision.
This week find time to ponder the augmented relationships you have with your spiritual Caretakers. What feels different to you? How have you put it into practice? What enhancements might we see from our dear Mother?