2001-11-24-Oliver's Tape, Forgiveness
Topic: Oliver's Tape, Forgiveness
Group: Costa Rica TeaM
Teacher: Alana, Legion
TR: S. Butterfield
Alana : This is Alana.
David : Welcome, Alana.
Alana : Yes, this is a friendly gathering. Yes?
David : Yes.
Oliver : Yes, you were listening in, right?
Alana : Yes. Laughter, even laughter at the foibles of your friends and yourselves, at the remembrances of past encounters, is good medicine. Yes?
David : Yes, indeed. Yes, indeed.
Alana : So shall we blow love upon your friend, Eugene, love, the very best medicine of all.
David : Yes.
Alana : So, each of you place him in the heart room now. See him there, your beloved Eugene. I blow love upon him. Open your hearts. Open the tops of your heads. Allow. Allow Michael’s love to pour down, through your heads, into your hearts. Blow this love upon Eugene. Open. Open the center of the heart room, allow the light of the Father’s love to pour down upon this beloved friend, Eugene.
Laughter, like love, often bursts in upon you, spontaneously, without thought. Pure laughter is the joy of love. We, in the vibrations of our love, have a laughter of our own. It is our streamlined connection with the Father’s love and joy, the Mother’s heart embrace, Michael’s loving care streaming down into you, your hearts, your minds, your heart room. There is so much joy in the full, complete communication of this stream of love that the vibration through us is the first soft wave into you, that is the first inkling of joy that becomes your understanding that you are greatly loved beyond your comprehension and understanding. And so, you chuckle, you giggle, you laugh, as the unending flow of love, passing through our soft wave into the shorter vibrations of you, becomes joy expressed.
We welcome your laughter. We might even encourage Legion to develop a discipline of laughter. Yes?
David and Oliver : (chuckle) Yes.
Alana : So, we are gathered here for…?
David : For the purpose of allowing our beloved Oliver, Mr. Practice, to have a private session with you. So that he can ask all those gnarly questions privately of you, and not have to be embarrassed. (laughter) No, I am very glad that he asked for this session. I think it is important. I just want to have a little say here, sweetie. One of the things that I learned very early on with you teachers is that you like eager students, students who are eager to learn. I see Oliver’s wanting to come and be here with you in this special way, as an expression of that eagerness in him to want to learn. Thank you.
Alana : Yes. And, who would you have speak with you today, my friend?
Oliver : My friend, we were sitting out on the back porch a number of weeks ago and we had a long session together, but that day we had some technical difficulties and we did not record your words. I had asked a question and your answer was so beautiful, that if we could talk about the topic again today, the topic of forgiveness, forgiving Felicitas, for instance, I would be happy. I had asked what the steps were that I could take, but the teaching got lost (unrecorded). Could we talk about this today?
Alana : Certainly. The first step, my beloved, is to step into the deep pool of forgiveness and love for yourself. Allow your mind, your multifaceted mind, your active mind, to be dipped under the waters of forgiveness as in baptism, a baptism of the mind, a baptism of the hurting heart.
Beloved, the deep pool of forgiveness awaits your step. To desire forgiveness. To desire to know forgiveness. To thoroughly immerse yourself in the pool of forgiveness. Thoughts of forgiveness. Welcoming forgiveness. Drench yourself, my friend, in forgiveness. As you rise from the pool, you will notice, like tears, the dark thoughts and fears and doubts fall away. But you do not forgive once. You dip yourself into the pool of forgiveness, as in a continual renewal of the mind and the heart. As you forgive yourself the shortcomings, the mistakes, the errors in judgement, the flights of arrogance, the depths of darkness, you will begin to know forgiveness of the other. And as you return, again and again, dipping yourself, soaking yourself in the gentle waters of forgiveness, you will feel heaviness disappear. You will feel a lightness of step, a willingness to stand tall. And as you continue, even so enlightened, to return to the pool of forgiveness yet again, to splash your face, to wash your hair, to bathe your body in forgiveness, you will discover a lightness of thought and feeling.
This, my friend, is what you so long for. This, my friend, is also what you fear. To be so light. To laugh at yourself, as well as the other. To dance with feet of joy lifted by a pure heart of love known and understood, received and held and given away. To know beyond doubt and question, God’s love and joy in you. You seek it, you see it in others, you want it, and yet your fear and doubt intervene. This, my beloved, is the forgiveness you deserve to give unto you; your fear and doubt, forgive this first, for they fill your mind and crowd your heart.
The second step is to forgive yourself again, and in this forgiveness, in the forgiving, you give the other an opportunity to know forgiveness as well. In forgiving yourself, you listen. In forgiving yourself, you observe. With forgiveness of yourself in hand, so to speak, you are able to recognize and open the door to forgiving another, for you fear and doubt in others what you have not forgiven yourself, my friend.
I lift you now into the center of the heart room. I dip you. I dip you, leaning over backwards, into the deep pool of my forgiveness.
Thank you. Legion wishes to speak.
Oliver : Thank you, Alana. That was very, very helpful, Alana. Do this time and again.
Alana : Yes.
Oliver : Thank you.
Legion : If not laughter, then the discipline of forgiveness. Yes? (laughter) She has made it quite clear, yes? That forgiveness is, like love, a lifetime journey of one step after another. The forgiving male stands tall, remains a strong individual, accepts fear and doubt as the human experience, accepts error and misunderstanding, and in this humble acceptance…correction…with the humility of acceptance speaks with forgiveness in the tone of the voice, with the words upon the tongue. Forgiveness is not a binding of the self or the other. Forgiveness asks nothing in return. Forgiveness allows for, as we have said, the perfection-ing of the individual over time. Forgiveness does not ask that you be perfect to forgive. Does not ask that you be perfect to be forgiven. There is no demand in forgiveness.
There are few models for the forgiving male. (Oliver : Yes.) There is, therefore, much confusion for the growing boy and the masterful, if you will allow me to use that word to describe what is really the mature male striving toward mastery. Very few male human beings are taught to ask for forgiveness. They are, rather, whipped into shape, and forgiveness is lost in the emotional, even sometimes physical brutality to the sensitive emotions of the growing male. It is a valuable practice to step upon the earth with thoughts of forgiveness: Father, forgive me. Mother, forgive me. I, forgive me. Father, I forgive. Mother, I forgive. I forgive me. You forgive me. I forgive you.
Is this a practice that is attractive to you? To regularly walk your planet with thoughts of forgiveness. To practice wrapping your tongue and your mind around this puzzle of forgiveness, which truly is as simple as stepping into the deep pool, as Alana has taught you. The confusion, the alienation from forgiveness, this must be overcome by a deliberate practice. Become used to the word. Become comfortable with the idea. That you must forgive yourself. That in forgiving another you must receive and accept and allow their forgiveness of you as well. It is as in the center of the heart room, there is no hiding in the heart room of forgiveness. Feel no blame, no shame, that you must practice forgiveness.
Oliver : We are all in the same boat on this planet, forgiveness is difficult. But tell me, why do I have to accept forgiveness? Isn’t it enough that I learn to forgive myself, and work on forgiving others? Why do I have to accept forgiveness? It might not be important to me to be forgiven.
Legion : Yes. We are delighted that you should ask. You see, the question arises from the idea of importance. To know forgiveness of oneself, and to truly give forgiveness to another, can not be separated from the human value of experiencing the equality of love, the humility that allows love to permeate so…one moment please…
Oliver : A love vortex is very strong now.
Legion : Yes, and this has so permeated her mind that she looses contact with words.
Oliver : (laughter) I don’t blame her. I have the same problem.
Legion : So, my friend, if you step into this vortex of love, as you say, and if you dip yourself into the pool of forgiveness, totally, completely, there is a chance that you will understand, briefly, that what you consider of importance has
Nena : Disappeared.
Legion : Yes. The idea that your forgiveness is important, but whether or not you are forgiven may not be important, is part of the mental confusion. When you are angry with God, his forgiveness is important, as well as your forgiveness of him. God dwells within each of you to swim in the pond of love and to dip into the pool of forgiveness which has not those mental ideas of “this part is important, that part is not.” She struggles, but do you understand? It is that pond without edges again, yes?
Oliver : Yes, I understand. She struggles beautifully.
Legion : Thank you. Is there more?
Oliver : I was intrigued by a friend of mine asking about a particular book that the teacher had not read, and the teacher was able to tap into a celestial recorder and get information on that. Are celestial recorders available to you at all times?
Legion : Yes, if it is God’s will. (long silence)
Alana : So, we are here because your minds and hearts have joined together in love and forgiveness of each other. This, to be effective, must always be, within your heart, mutual, reciprocal. It is not always necessary that the individual release the forgiveness in words, but the heart must be open to recognizing forgiveness within and without, allowing, giving, allowing, receiving. Creating the still waters of peace, the peace that surpasses your human understanding. You may not understand, but the forgiveness takes place here (poining to the heart)…
Oliver : That’s why it feels very dense, at times.
Alana : And if you shut out, even a little bit, the real importance of knowing, of accepting, of receiving forgiveness from ‘out there’, from the other, then you will be blind, even if only a little bit, over here, to forgiveness of yourself. I say again, the experience is here (pointing to the heart), for many times the other can not speak forgiveness, but when you have so dipped yourself into forgiveness that you are saturated with the light of loving forgiveness, you…(she, the t/r, uses the word “create,” not quite specific, but it will do)…you create the complete connection needed for forgiveness to be real. Not just here, but over there, as well. It is not exactly that you create the forgiveness over there, but you accept it and recognize it in your acceptance. And sometimes…well it is truly more that it is simultaneous, but it may be in your experience that having rested in the pool of forgiveness, it is as if you see it and know it “over there” first, before, perhaps, it is even recognized and accepted “over there.”
Oliver : Incredible thought for me. Thank you.
Alana : Yes.
Oliver : David, I don’t know what you are thinking. Telepathy is not totally happening. Do you have something you…..
David : How can you be concentrating on what I am thinking when you are getting shovels full of this stuff shoved in your direction? I’m just thinking it is wonderful to be here, and I have been absorbing the energy of the teachers. It is difficult for me to.grasp precisely what they are saying, in the aural scheme, I get it more when it is in hard copy. I understand what the teachers are talking about, I’ve been immersed in the pool of forgiveness, particularly with my family problems, so I know what they are talking about. It is…there is a sort of grace connected with forgiveness…something’s been done to you, that makes you feel so gnarly on the inside, you’ve been betrayed, your trust has been betrayed, whatever, and things are so gnarly on your inside, and you are praying to Father for forgiveness, just some relief from the turmoil that is going on, the inner turmoil. And then, it is like being baptized, or flooded. Alana began with, sometimes this love just falls on you. I feel that way about forgiveness. That when you can’t forgive, and then all of a sudden you are flooded with it. It is like a gift. And it works in every direction, in terms of forgiving yourself and forgiving the other. I was so rigid in thinking my daughter had to walk the plank and ask forgiveness first, and dah-de-dah-dah, all the usual ethical demands. None of that worked (laughter), until the teachers began to work on me. It was a growth experience, the experience of forgiving myself and forgiving her.
That’s what I am thinking now. I wasn’t thinking anything when you spoke to me. See what happens when you call attention to me? Excuse me for such a long excursis.
Oliver : Thank you, David.
I remember the session that got lost for technical reasons. Alana was saying that love can only be experienced in the present. We can bring Father’s love down at every moment. And the same holds for forgiveness. We can only forgive now, and now, and now. Not just one time…you know, like I say to you, “I forgive you…”
David : It is a wonderful journey, isn’t it?
Oliver : It is as wonderful as love, it can only be experienced in the moment.
Alana : Saturate yourselves with my love. Now. (long stillness practice) I lift you up unto our Father, that his love may make your way easier, with the comfort of knowing we are by your side, She embraces you, He is always there. It is with everlasting gratitude we know the forgiving love; God’s love for you. Thank you.
Oliver : Thank you, Alana. I was just thinking that it would not be very godly to create creatures such as ourselves, imperfect, growing children, and then not be totally forgiving. That would not be fair at all.
Alana : Yes. God is forgiving love. (Words said as if, God is for giving love.) Thank you.
Oliver and David : Thank you.