2002-01-28-Seeing Love is Giving Love

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Topic: Seeing Love is Giving Love

Group: Costa Rica TeaM


Teacher: Alana, Legion

TR: S. Butterfield



Father,-Mother love, I surrender my love to you for renewal. Freshen my mind. Allow me to shed the old skin. Let your thoughts come into my mind, your guidance. I give my will to thee. Let my will be your will. I pray to you, Jesus-Michael, brother of two names. And Nebadonia, mother. Show me the way, for only you can show me the way, love. Thank you.

I want to put my fears and doubts into the heart room now. David, I am making the heart room with you now. I don’t always know how to love you, so I let love show me the way. So I put you and me and our relationship in the heart room, and I blow my love upon it. Let love show us the way. I blow love upon Rebecca. I surrender to the heart room my desire that she know your love. I give that to God.

I put Jason and Judy and Georgia into my heart room. My brothers Sam, Tom and Nan. And Hawley and Laura. All my loved ones. May Brian and Leslie be safe on their trip. And especially, heart energy to Eugene. Thank you.

I put Oliver in the heart room. I blow love on him. And Neena, and Sandy, and John and Kim and Elan. Thank you.

Alana : Yes. My beloved, I blow love upon you. And Legion blows his love through you.

David : Thank you.

Alana : Yes. And through her (the t/r) as well. And I am blowing love through her heart into her heart room. So, we are here to talk about trust in love. Yes?

David : Yes. I would like to say before you begin, thank you for the loving presence that we felt at the wedding party on Sunday. There was joy in everyone there. We spent so much time making it beautiful. I walked around feeling your presence, as did others in our group. I am very thankful that we were able to express the discipline of our love and joy through this social occasion. Thank you for your presence there.

Alana : Yes.

(Seems like a break in the tape….don’t know if what follows is right.)


Alana : And I would say, with equal emphasis, we extend our gratitude, for each of you radiated love, and saw love even when the circumstances and conditions of your experiential existence on the planet led you to see not love, if only for a moment, a camera shutter’s brief pause before the click.

To see love is to give love. For you will reflect your way of seeing, such is being on your planet. I give gratitude to your partner, the one who opens her heart to transmit my words to you. I say to her, with all the delight of a spontaneous smile in private joy, that, indeed, she was so with me, and Legion, guided by her heart strings in Devina’s hands, that, indeed, her moment of stillness practice was so complete that her hour and more of waiting (the night of the wedding David had to take someone home and was gone far longer than expected) was but an instant. I commend her for the silence of her stillness, no mind activity grabbing for fear and doubt. She let love flow in and through her and out to you, freely. She was rested upon your arrival. Yes? Thank you. Your beloved had made clear, “Alana, I need your love, now. Alana, I need you.” She surrendered her fear and doubt to me, and to God, to Michael and Nebadonia, whose love poured down with the flow of permission for me to speak to her. Beloved Susan, sister of many names, you are loved.

So, you, too, have asked for my presence. Yes?


David : Yes. Yes.

Alana : Beloved, step into my heart room now. Beloved, give me those burdens you carry.

David : Gladly. Gladly.

Alana : Yes. Let us blow love upon them now. Beloved, come into my lap. Renew your mind within my heart, beloved. Refresh your love with the drink of the living waters of my love, and Michael’s love, and our Mother’s love for you. So, do you feel better now? How about your spine, are you standing tall? Are you feeling light?

David : (laughter) Indeed. Yes. Still shaking too.

Alana : Well, good for you. She, our beloved t/r, becomes irritated sometimes, does she not, with your shaking?

David : Yes, she thinks I’m getting turned on when I’m shaking like this. She looks at me suspiciously.

Alana : Yes, she still has some memory patterns to exchange for better ones. We shall blow love upon this, now. Yes? (David : Yes.) And you shall see her irritation with love. (David : Yes.) Do you suppose we are in collusion?

David : Yes, I like to be in collusion with you.

Alana : Yes.

David : Can you give us some word about Oliver. We’ve been going through another cycle again. Writing to him and receiving his response…some of it is so confusing, I get bogged down, so much work, worrisome to me. I started out serving, bogged down terribly, I read what I had written to him to Susie and I ended up feeling kind of “to hell with it.”

Alana : Shall I suggest that rather than to hell, we might put this into love, into the heart room. Yes? And so, should you be so inclined, I would suggest that you make note of that about Oliver which you see as most efficiently, powerfully, lovingly, may become the vehicle for the welcome of change with love by blowing love upon it. And bring these to our group heart room at the next opportunity, and we shall have the group blow love upon your difficulty with Oliver. Legion and I shall be there to speak with you. Yes?

David : In other words, sweeping my own floor, right?

Alana : Your struggle is made more difficult when to sweep your own floor is perceived as separate from the brothers and sisters sweeping their floors. You will discover, when you look at your difficulties with love to choose which ones you would bring to the group heart room, to Legion, to me, you will discover, beloved, you need the group love to sweep with you. (long silence) Did I render you speechless with my wisdom?

David : (laughter) Let me see if I get you correctly. You are suggesting that I sit down and choose the things that trouble me with my friend, bring them to the group, share them with the group, and put them in the heart room, and you and Legion will be there as well to deal with this. Is this correct?

Alana : Yes, beloved. And that you will read again. The first step I would have you experience in trying “to get” someone, as you say. Trying to “get” Alana, is to allow yourself to feel loved. Do you feel loved with Alana’s assignment?

David : Asking me to be naked as a baby again! Yes? Hmmm, yes, I do feel loved, Alana. As I do whenever you are present.

Alana : Yes. Do not fear. Do not doubt. If you find yourself struggling, once again, as you attempt to pull out, or to fulfill Alana’s assignment, come to me, I shall relieve you of the struggle. Yes, there is more in your heart that you wish to say.

David : I had such a joyful response to Oliver’s beginning to hear you teachers in this special way, and then I got into some of his letters, trying to answer them, and I started with this loving, joyful, humorous spirit with him, but it gets bogged down so heavily, so quickly, that it depletes my spiritual energy…and then when I get an answer from him I know it depletes my spiritual energy. If it is possible to speak of wasting good heartedness. I don’t think it is, really.

Alana : Let us blow love on that idea. Change comes slowly. And, change comes so quickly, once the slowness has gathered momentum. Beloved, you have given this man love. Love will not fail you.

David : Thank you. Thank you. I needed that. Thank you.

Alana : So, have we more? Legion is here if you wish to speak with him.

David : Thank you for all your loving care to my friend, Oliver. I have felt from reading what you are trying to say to him, that he is so hungry and needy for love and feeling unworthy to receive it. But it feels like he is opening his heart to your love, and I know that can only be for the good of all of us. Thank you for loving him, Legion. And thank you for taking the burden off my shoulders, as well. Thank you.

Legion : Yes. Yes, my friend. I am here with you as I am with him. I thank you for the comfort you bring to him, offer him. Remember your practice, your discipline. Strengthen your body. Master the emotions, the mind, wrap the tongue with love. You have done well, my son, my brother. Do not fear your question, they are questions of love. They are questions concerning how to love. These lessons will be, must be, learned over and over. In reality, the reality of love, there is no repetition implied in the phrase “over and over.” That is her reading of seeing the numerous times a lesson is experienced in its magnificently wide variety of expression. The first step of fairness, alone! You look at your history and you see this. In fairness of love, you have barely lifted the foot for the footstep.


David : We are just in the middle of our first step on the path of love?

Legion : Well, I would not wish to insult you with such a small image. Men prefer the comfort of something larger. Yes?

David : Well, not really. Well, yes, what I was thinking of was…I guess I didn’t understand the metaphor, the half-step.

Legion : Yes, your understanding of the metaphor was correct. I would choose a metaphor that might include an understanding of the joys of lessons learned, the joys of learning lessons. I might say that like the expression of your sexuality, linked with love, guided by love, in the light of our love, ever grows more beautiful, true and good. So mankind is in the first steps of fairness of love, but I would not see this as a small undertaking. To know loves fairness.

David : Thank you ever so much. Thank you for soothing our troubled hearts.

Legion : I am with your friend, as I am with you. Surrender your fear.

David : I don’t know what my fear is, can you tell me?

Legion : You fear you have no patience of love for this man, not enough patience. You doubt your spiritual energies are well focused. Let me be patient for you. Focus your attention on writing to me.

David : Thank you. That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day.

Legion : Yes. Thank you.