2002-02-10-Glenda Green's Book
Topic: Glenda Green's Book
Group: Temple City TeaM
Teacher: Andrew, Michael
TR: Larry
Prayer, meditation and stillness.
Andrew: TR, Larry. Thank you Father for blessing our lives with Your LOVE. Father, please open our hearts, minds, eyes and ears to the Spirit of Truth. Father we thank you for our lives and for leading us to perfection. Father we thank you for forgiving us as we forgive our brothers and sisters. We dedicate our lives to doing Your Will, Father. We would serve Your Sons and Daughters, our brothers and sisters. We would bring to them an understanding of the Fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of man and doing Your Will. We would do this by being positive and loving in our thoughts, prayers, meditations and actions. Father we are so very grateful and thankful for Your LOVE. We love you Father. Amen.
Larry: Thank you for your prayer Andrew. I would like to thank Geoff from Australia for sending his comments in on tonight’s lesson. Also Nel from West Covina, California has called and said she is reading our posts on TML, she has ordered the book and would like to join in with us in the future.
Michael: TR, Larry: This is your Elder Brother/Father/Friend Michael, your Mother Spirit, Nebadonia and I are happy to be here with you, as we are with each of our children at all times. Thank you Andrew for your heartfelt prayer. Thank you Larry, Donna and Geoff for coming together to study Glenda’s book, Love Without End. You are each an apostle of truth and love. You are the light of the world. Let your light and love so shine before your brothers and sisters that they may see your good works and give glory to our Father who is in heaven. The Father is love and He has created you in His Image, LOVE. You are love, be the love that you are.
Andrew: TR, Larry. Welcome Michael and Nebadonia, we love you. Shall we continue with our discussion and study of Love Without End?
Michael: TR, Larry: Yes.
Page 48:5 Jesus: With less effort, greater prosperity is attained. The same is true of physical well bring. A man who believes in illness will struggle all of his life to be well. And his mind will provide him many ways to prevent or to remedy the ailments without ever removing the source of trouble. Yet a man who believes in health and wholeness will set his mind to the positive service of making it true. Given a negative belief or impulse the mind will operate dysfunctionally. There may be perfect logic, but applied in reverse mode (as if reflected by a mirror) to compensate for not solve the problem.
Larry: I have always believed in health and wholeness and my mind has performed in a positive way to make it true. Very early as a teenager I learned the importance of balance between the body, mind, and spirit. So my mind has brought balance between my body, mind and spirit blessing me with good health. I have been blessed with good health all my life with very little sickness.
Donna: The topic of health and wholeness is a huge area of concern and interest to most of us. I do believe some kinds of health problems are inherited genetically. I have been basically healthy in my life with the exception of childhood allergies, which resurfaced in my young adult life (when I was under great stress). I also believe that it is God’s will that we be healthy. That may be why I was able to recover from some health problems, which occurred later in my life (1986-88). Again, extreme stress, I believe was the culprit….I have since learned to balance my life better and to not expect too much from myself (or my body)…in short, to take better care of myself. I refused to believe or give in to the idea that I needed a hysterectomy….I tried alternate methods of treatment (and prayer) and was healed completely, of a problem which was not supposed to be treatable.
Geoff: For me, this is undoubtedly true, but I am only beginning to realize it. I have certainly observed my ex-wife, over 25 years of illness (but not really so, but a long list of problems, which began in childhood), and myself with hardly a day's illness. I joked to someone in our group that you might then start to believe in that mind technique marketed by Anthony Robbins - NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)? But there is a big difference in turning all your energies to believing you are going to make heaps of money, and having total faith & trust that God will provide. For starters one's criterion of enough is VERY different. The second part of this point is harder to grasp. It makes sense, but total understanding eludes me. It needs a few examples. Take my ex-wife, who believes she has many ailments. It is pretty obvious her mind is at fault here, and it does not solve the problem, but I don't see it compensates either. But you might observe that it seems in a perverse way to have an investment in being ill. But it does sound as if NLP could bring real benefit in some areas, for those folks who start off with the wrong mindset.
Michael: TR, Larry. Thank you each for your comments and sharing your experiences and understandings. Just as with prosperity, your health is affected by your mind. When your mind has been directed by your heart to believe in health and wholeness, your mind thinks positive thoughts and turns them into positive actions which brings about a healthy body, mind and soul. Unfortunately, Donna, you’re correct about many health problems inherited genetically on Urantia, due to the default of Adam and Eve. However, a mind ruled by the heart with a positive attitude would go a long ways in helping the situation. I am sure that each of you knows of someone who has not allowed their affliction to stop them from having a balanced life and a positive attitude. Of course a negative belief or impulse shall cause the mind to operate dysfunctionally.
Page 48:6 Jesus: My Father’s universe is infinite and infinitely abundant. By beholding and believing in this the mind can then work in a direct and proper way to bring abundance. If given a positive impulse the mind works properly. If given a negative impulse, the mind works in reverse. That is its logic. Just behold infinity. Behold, and be in awe of the infinite everlasting creation.
Larry: I think my heart has understood this all along but has been unable to overcome my mindset until just recently. I now behold infinity and I am completely in awe of the Father’s infinite everlasting creation.
Donna: The Urantia Book and it’s teachings have certainly helped me to behold the infinite and abundant universe as nothing before. I now understand that there is always enough and to spare for everyone. The Father is generous beyond words and he is generous with us, his children, as well, in that he has given each of us a fragment of himself (our Thought Adjusters) as well as the Spirit of Truth from Michael and various angelic helpers and now, our Teachers. Within each of us are resources for problem solving and creativity. All of the above brings me great hope for our world.
Geoff: This is easier for a Urantian, I suspect than many others. The potential scale of the universe is well described there. But for most of us, we have to believe there is abundance on earth. If you are a black parent in Africa with six starving kids, it is going to be very hard to believe in abundance, and heaven knows, their needs are not great.
Michael: TR, Larry: The Father is infinite in love for his children. By believing that the Father’s universe is infinite and infinitely abundant you shall have abundance. It is by the command of the heart that the mind becomes positive in thoughts and actions that shall bring about health, wholeness and abundance into ones’ life. Behold, abundance is all around you. For our Infinite Father makes the sun to shine on the evil and on the good, and He sends the rain on the just and on the unjust. Yes, my children you have been very blessed by our Father. It shall be through the positive thoughts and actions of each of you that shall open the hearts and minds of each of those whose hearts, minds, eyes and ears are closed to the infinite abundance of the universe. You shall lead many of my children to reclaim their sonship and daughtership with our Father. We are all sons and daughters of our Infinite Father. It shall be due to your working in our Father’s LOVE and being the love that He has created you to be, that shall bring about Light and Life on Urantia. When all my children are in full knowledge of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man in the family of God and when all my children are doing the Father’s Will with their hearts commanding their minds with positive thoughts which will lead them to take positive actions, then there will be no more starving children anywhere on Urantia.
Page 49:1 Jesus: Consider the lilies of the field. They do not labor or spin, yet I tell you not even Solomon in all his splendor was arrayed like one of these.[1] Behold infinity every day and all that you seek shall be given you.
Larry: “Consider the lilies of the field….” is one of my favorite sayings of the Master. “Behold infinity every day and all that you seek shall be given you.” Is saying the same to me as: “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all things shall be given to you as well.” Your teachings are so beautiful Michael, thank you. The Father has blessed me all my life with such abundance which my heart has known and my mind has only recently come to realize.
Donna: This is a beautiful saying of Jesus. Whenever I hear it I think of how God has clothed the lilies in such beautiful raiment. God has taken care of the flowers and the birds and the animals in so many magnificent ways…..can He not also take care of us in wonderful ways? This saying comes together for me with these thoughts.
Geoff: I am not quite sure these two sentences go together? In LWE there is quite a discussion about infinity, and the value of looking into the sun in the early morning/late evening, but I don't recall at that point being told it would bring abundance, merely stimulate the soul, and I assumed, connect to Our Father. But perhaps it can be interpreted that those who have expanded their consciousness and come into communion with God, can expect abundance?
Michael: TR, Larry. Thank you for your admiration Larry, yes you are correct, these two teachings are saying the same thing. You do well Larry in your gratefulness and gratitude for all that our Father has given you. It is through your continual seeking for truth that has brought you to your recent realization.
Indeed, Donna, the lilies of the field have much to say about the infinitely abundant universe that you live in. Each day my daughter you are growing spiritually, you do well.
Geoff, continue with your labor of love, continue to have an open heart and mind. You are my faithful apostle, you do well.
Your mother and I love each of you and are with you each. Come to the Father and us each day, we shall listen and we shall speak to your hearts. You are each a creation of LOVE, be the love that you are. Freely give, for freely you have received. My peace I leave with you. Goodnight.
Nebadonia: TR, Donna. Dear children, it pleases your Father and I that you are studying so diligently the teachings in LWE for love without end is what we have for you. I can only say continue on your paths of seeking, studying, learning and experiencing all that you can which has the flavor of truth, beauty, and goodness. Hugs and kisses from Michael and me.
Andrew: TR, Larry. Thank you Michael and Nebadonia, we love you. Thank you Larry, Donna and Geoff, I love you. God bless you each. Goodnight, live in our Father’s LOVE.
Next time we will be studying and discussing the following:
Page 49:2 Glenda ask the question: “How does the mind relate to the soul?”
Page 49:3 Jesus: the soul is the totality of your love, awareness, experience, ability, memory, emotions, and potential which comprise your immortality. Your mind is the recorder and administrator. In this capacity the mind is a useful and important asset to your existence. But it was never built to be the commander. The mind has no power of its own, and it can’t alter basic conditions.
Page 49:4 At the center of your soul is the Sacred Heart. This is the point at which you are one with God. The heart sees infinity within and without. It can behold perfection. It can ascertain the origin of conditions and change them. The heart is your higher intelligence. It is centered in a viewpoint of infinity established by your Creator. Thus the heart honors your individuality, the oneness of God, and the integrated unity of all the is.
Larry: We welcome anyone who would like to share your comments or understanding about the above quotes. Please send them to me and I shall include them in our next lesson.
Live in our Father’s LOVE, Larry
The Temple City Teaching Mission Group is reading, studying, and Discussing the Words of Jesus from Glenda Green’s Book: Love Without End, Jesus Speaks. Quotes of Jesus from Glenda’s Book are numbered by page and paragraph and in Italics. Members of the study group are: Larry, Donna, Geoff, Andrew, Nebadonia and Michael plus anyone else who would like to join in. The book can be ordered from the web site at