2002-03-04-Giving Out Your Energy
Topic: Giving Out Your Energy
Group: Arcadia TeaM
Teacher: JarEl, Greydahl
TR: George B., Chris
JarEl: TR, George. Greetings, it is I, your teacher JarEl. Welcome back all of those who come here on a regular basis. You have certainly been busy in recent weeks. I just want you to know that I will be here on Saturday for your wedding, Larry and Donna.
Donna: Thank you JarEl.
JarEl: TR, George. I look forward to it. Now to spiritual business, let’s focus our energy once again as we have been doing for the last few meetings. Let’s bring this energy into the center of this room, each of you are contributing your own personal energy. Imagine that it is a piece of clothing that you are taking off and you are gently setting it down in front of you in the middle of the room. When you set down this clothing, it merges with the other cloths and it becomes pure raw material. It has no form or shape, it becomes fluid. It is your job now to give form and shape to this material that is before you. Imagine what you will, do what you want with it, send it wherever you want. Take it back if you want, but do something with it. Now that you have this idea in your mind, what you want this energy to do, focus it and send it out. Let it drift beyond these walls, let it go beyond these cities and let it find its’ way to the heart and soul of the situation that you are sending it to. Allow this energy to work though the people’s minds and hearts. Imagine it curing their disease or making someone happy when they feel sad. Imagine this energy as a force that upholds a crumbling wall which is about to fall on the innocent. You direct this energy and you hold this wall up so many may survive, so many may be cured. Send this energy wherever you want, it is yours to direct and with the help of the group it is much stronger and more potent. When it reaches its’ destination it does what it is told. Now it is time to bring this energy back. Now that it is in front of you it has changed and has become something more. Something more powerful than what you originally intended. It is laced with the Father’s love and with your good intentions. I will not go through each individual person tonight, but I do want you to still focus this energy and send it to each individual in this room and for this we will have one minute of silence.
One minute of silence.
JarEl: TR, George. You have all done well tonight. You have exceeded much of what I have expected from you. Keep practicing, keep sending this energy out. It was much easier tonight to direct all of you. The reason why is because you have experience and through this experience I have gently directed each of you to focus your energy and send it out in an efficient way. Next time we meet I will expect the same from you. We have guests tonight who wish to speak. I will now step aside.
Greydahl: TR Chris. This is Greydahl speaking. Tonight is a night of extraordinary possibility. I would like to share with you what the TR has received regarding a project of extreme faith; quantum leap of faith. The TR has absolute and total faith in the fact, that on June 11, 2001 something extraordinary happened. The presence of Jesus was manifest with the signing of the revelation; The Secret Revelation/ Unveiling the Mystery of the Book of Revelation by Stella Religa (ISBN 978-1931254076 ). Michael looked into this TR’s heart and he saw extraordinary possibilities and he shared with the TR that he is slowly and steadily revealing what he saw. What I can see from what he has given back to me, (even though I am not a good TR and I am not a good speaker) and being filled with his love, are the extraordinary possibilities with this project. This project is totally about faith, it’s totally about interfaith, interconnecting all people, holding hands and sharing a moment of faith to heal the world and bring peace. It is not possible unless everyone just jumps in and does it. It’s like a magazine subscription.
I am only asking you to subscribe to this project and put it away like a magazine subscription you have not read. Even if you have not kept up on it, just check in now and then. Give it some time to grow and when the time comes there is going to be so much service, such beautiful service for all these people who are making this thing possible. This goes beyond the Teaching Mission, way beyond The Urantia Book Readers, and Unitarians, and Moslems, and Buddhists, and the whole works that are interconnecting, holding hands and just experiencing faith itself. To make the difference in this energy to spread this energy out all over the world for healing all. So I would like to give my e-mail address and simply ask you to take a leap of faith and jump in to this and forget about it for now. There is a lot of work to do on this thing before it really gets going. The time is coming and I am asking you to leap in and go about your own projects. Don’t let what I am trying to do distract. Just check in and discover what is happening and see what you want to do with it. It’s not like I am going to tell anybody what to do. I am just saying it is an opportunity for service that speaks to your own heart. My e-mail address is . . . . I would also like to say I am sure that the TR was breaking in here a lot. To my understanding, growth in TR’ing (which I am not good at), is co-creational. I have an ego, I am sure it got in there. Forgive me for that, I am asking for your prayers because of the faith that I have. This is a partnership and the more faith I have - the more real it becomes. The more you pray about it and jump into it, the bigger difference it will make. So I’ve got a revised letter to send out to the people who subscribed. Read the letter, think about it and then just do your own thing.
Michael: TR, George. Hello my children, it is I, your Brother/Father/Michael. I am so happy to see all of you here tonight. I see you united once again in your usual meetings, taking time out of your busy lives to come together. I see you talking to one another as friends and family and listening to teachers who you do not see, but who you do believe in. You are a special group to me. For you see beyond the things visible, you see beyond your own reality and you believe, which makes me so happy, so proud of you. It pleases me that you come here and unite once a week and that you develop a schedule for yourselves. It does please me, because I know that when you continue to do this you carry the torch of light. May you continue to take small steps forward. Inch by inch you bring in the kingdom of heaven. Continue as you are and continue to love one another and believe in me and my Father. I do wish you all a very good night.
I bless the union that Larry and Donna are about to embark upon. May your life together bring joy and happiness. May it bring an example to the people around you. May you, always be surrounded by friends. You are truly my friends and likewise I am yours. As a friend you can always count on me for whatever need you may require. Continue to be vigilant over your lives. Trust in me as I trust in you. Good night my children.
Larry: Thank you Michael, we love you.
Donna: Yes, thank you Michael
Lucille: Thank you for your love and your comfort.
Steve: I have seen your image the last three times that you have visited me personally, that was enough to reassure me that you are personally here for the watchcare of this very troubled world at present. I thank you for it, for your guardianship, for keeping us safe in America, keeping the world safe, so far.
Virginia: Thank you Michael for coming to see us. I am so thankful to you, grateful for all the help which you have given us.
JarEl: TR, George. He is truly blessed and he appreciates all of your acknowledgements. Are there anymore teachers here tonight who would like to speak, if not, are there any comments or questions?
Steve: Yes JarEl, I have recently, in the last several months, day by day I have become more acutely aware of the reality of my existence in the physical realm as a three dimensional physical being, in a three dimensional physical world in which we live. Yet, at the same time, I sense the spiritual realm more strongly day by day. It seems that there is almost a gap which is widening between the two realities. I am wondering if I am having trouble reconciling the two? Or am I just overwhelmed by first glimpses? Can you comment?
JarEl: TR, George. Certainly Steve, you have answered your own question by saying “wider perspective” you are seeing more and more each day. You are seeing much more of the ground, as you back up, as you rise above what you are looking at. The gap that you see between the material and the spiritual is only widening because your perspective is changing. You are seeing the long road that is ahead. You are seeing into eternity, that starts here and ends with God. Your perspective will still change as time goes by. It is not you that is having trouble reconciling, it is only your point of view, you will soon find out that all, everything in the Universe resides in God. Does this answer your question Steve?
Steve: I would say that it greatly helps me to see things in new celestial light. Yes thank you.
JarEl: TR, George. You are welcome.
Lucille: JarEl, it was a year ago yesterday that Hal left to go to the Mansion Worlds. I want to send my love to him.
JarEl: TR, George. It has been received and he is sending it back to you. He wishes you all the best of his love and he wishes all of his love to you Lucille.
Lucille: Thank you.
JarEl: TR, George. You are welcome.
Nel: JarEl I would just like to share something. As you know Ernie had a motorcycle accident and it has been a phenomenal experience actually because for Ernie it was a realization of the love that surrounds him and the reaction of the loved ones to him that support and care without judgement, without accusing. For me it’s a confirmation of what we have learned, that we all can come from love without judgement and it seems that there is tremendous energy, tremendous joy. He is healing very fast and it made him realize; many things got him out of his isolation. It just has been a blessing in disguise and I see this is how it works, we make our choices and the Father accepts that and then He always comes with you and He just allows it.
JarEl: TR, George. Thank you Nel for sharing that. The trials that we have are here for a reason and the attitude that we bring to the table determines the outcome. Ernie is a strong soul and he is destined to survive. You are all strong. I would just like to update on the effects of your energy transmissions around the world. People have been getting up out of bed and for some reason they don’t feel that the world is so bad after all. They feel that they can continue, others are feeling less pain, their illness is receding, their pain has lessened. Other are much kinder to the brethren, they are beginning to treat them with respect and love. Many others are very grateful for feeling this sense of love that is surging from within, not knowing of its’ origin, and yet it has arrived in their hearts. They are grateful and I am grateful to all of you for the outstanding work you have been doing. I look forward to seeing you all next time. Until then, goodnight.
All: Goodnight JarEl.