2002-03-11-Intention to Love

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Topic: Intention to Love

Group: Costa Rica TeaM


Teacher: Alana, Tar-al-hakim, Legion

TR: S. Butterfield



David : I would like to put the world in the heart room, all the sorrow, all the struggles. My prayer is that men and women will come some day to recognize their brotherhood and sisterhood and help create peace on earth.

Oliver : I want to put our sister Sandy in the heart room, and connect with her. And Nena. And blow love upon them.

Group Stillness Practice

David : I’m remembering Gene and sending love to him at this moment to comfort his mind and body for any distress he is suffering. I want him to remember that he is loved.

Alana : Yes. This is Alana.

David : Welcome, Alana.


Alana : Feel. Notice. Allow the opening that is your desire, your intention, your commitment to love. Feel. Notice. Open your minds to this reality. You give permission for that which you do not understand, but that which you so dearly wish to bring into yourselves. Your commitment of thought to the intention to love, creates the listening and the hearing and eventually the speaking that is love’s functioning on your world and among you. Some of you discover the reality of love accidentally, as you say, by the unexpected encounter with one whose ability to receive, absorb, and carry love as if their body was a vehicle for that express purpose, which it is, and so you, without forethought, receive from them that for which you have been searching, that you have been longing, but that which you had yet to be able to express, or put into action. Filled with love, they give it to you and you, beneficently surprised, look about you and your world seems changed. You feel your body. You touch it and you say “What is this? I feel so new, so content, so sweetly peaceful. And I have done nothing but listen to this one who has stepped into my midst.” As you see the one walking away, you think, you say, “That one has given me so much, and yet that one does not look to be empty, or depleted.”

And carrying this new understanding of love, you turn to one with whom you had so longed to experience the simple beauty of loves flow, unhindered, unhampered by the fears and doubts and thoughts of futility, thoughts of bigger, better, and more. You love flows into this one. You are amazed to see the touch of love allow that one’s face to gently relax into the radiant smile of pure joy. You stand there and you wonder and you say to yourself, “But I did nothing!” except turn to that one and allow love to be transferred, allow love to be given and to be received. Then you turn yourself around, and you feel your body, and you sense your mind, you notice your thoughts, and you feel the center of your heart, as now we have the heart room. And you say to yourself, “I am full. I have given and yet I am full, like the one who stepped before me in my midst, just as that one walked away I saw that one had given to me and was still full.”

And so it is, with your beloved Michael. You turn to him, so many turn to him, and he gives in your sorrow, in your pain, in your happiness and joy, still he gives, and still he is full. And so, if you can understand our Father’s love, our Mother’s love, always spreading down, pouring forth, filling endlessly filling all the way, the many ways, all the vehicles, all the willing opportunities to bring love, the energy of love, joy, peace to surround you.

There is enough love for everyone. If you receive, do not fear to give that away. It is in the giving that you receive more and more. Fear not, you do not need to take the love I give to you, or the love you discover and know and feel and absorb in the heart room, or the love that strikes your fancy in the delight of a butterfly in the sunshine…you do not need to hold this to you. Grabbing it and wrapping it around you to hold it ever, ever about you. No. When you see that joy in the dancing butterfly, sing, holler, shout, shout your joy, send it across the way that another might hear the song, the sound, the gaiety.

When you absorb my love, fill the bowl of your heart room, and return to the home, or the place among your people, in your daily existence, Shake yourself! Let the living droplets of the living waters of my love that have filled the bowl of your heart room, let them fling themselves away, that they may touch another, who feeling that tiny drop, that sudden inexplicable teardrop of joy, dewdrop of brilliant prismatic light, they turn and say, “That one! That one gave me joy. That one left a slight touch of love upon my skin. And yet, they do not appear empty, but full.” And as small as the gesture may have been, the tiny flicker of a smile that sent the waters of my love in their direction, that one knows something different, and it is a new beginning, a new opening, an opportunity for that one to be full, and to understand the reality of love in the midst of confusion.

And so, Sir Oliver, I speak to you. Yes, your friend, in such a hellhole, as you call it, of confusion. But one little drop of love you have placed upon his mind, you have thrown into his heart, and he is turning to give it away. Continue, my love, my beloved Sir Oliver, continue. Give it away, my beloveds. This is why you are here! This is why you have been connected to one another and to me. The bowl of your heart room is so strong, yes? And so full, yes? Dip it always into the flow of love that you have chosen to believe, into the flow of love that you have chosen to have faith will always pour into your heart room, then to be dipped and poured over you. To take yourself out into your world and shake that love, like a puppy shakes with joy in the sunshine, to share it wherever you may be. For it is to learn how to love, and to learn how to share love, that is my purpose of being with you, and your purpose of being with me. Yes?


David : Yes.

Oliver : Yes, Alana. Beautiful. Beautiful.

Alana : And so, Sir John, you have met a beautiful lady, (John had attended a Quaker meeting at which an eighty year old woman, one of the founders of Findhorn, spoke of her experiences.) who has said to you, “ I see them. I hear them. And they speak to me.” And you wonder....