2002-05-04-On The Cusp of Great Change
Topic: On the Cusp of Great Change
Group: Post Falls TeaM
Teacher: Mantutia
TR: Daniel Megow
Mantutia: Truly, now is your world living on a Supreme cusp. Many thousands of years from now humans will look back upon these times which you are now experiencing, as the turning point in the evolution of human society, as it may be termed. You are beginning to make the step from relative ignorance, to understanding maturity. You look about you in this world and you see strife and war and terror, yet indeed these are the remnants of what will one day become obsolete.
This world has never seen an intellectual and spiritual renaissance such as is in process right now, this very moment. You look back at what you would call this planet's "Renaissance period," and indeed truly it was one. And yet compared to the Renaissance which you are participating in now, this one will influence the world in far more vast and far-reaching ways.
Your mapping of the human genome has opened up opportunities in such ways that your understanding of many, many things will be practically turned around, and with this turn around comes many steps in the right direction. Discoveries bring discoveries bring discoveries, and this is happening at a tremendous rate during these times of this planet's history.
The fight will go on between the old and out worn, and the new and promising. That which is, does not give up without a fight. And yet I assure you, that the fight is hopeless, it has already been lost. It may seem to you as if the "fight" were winning, because it is so obnoxious to your higher natures, but trust, it is losing. It is less prevalent than even but a few hundred years ago. You have already discovered much that you do not even recognize you have discovered yet, and it may take but a few more (years) to illuminate what you already possess. That which is to come, that which is evolving, is so soon to come, is the beginning stages of worldwide maturity. People in the years to come will look back on these times and wish that they had been here to be a part of it.
Be the best children of God that you can be, and you will have participated in the forward propulsion. Live Love, and prosper.
I leave you now. This is Mantutia.