Topic: Cooperation
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Sandy Montee, Jennifer, George Barnard
Session 1
Machiventa: "Hello Sandy. This is your friend, Machiventa."
Sandy: "Good morning Machiventa. What should we talk about today?"
Machiventa: "Let us speak a few words about cooperation. Cooperation can be a seemingly highly complex matter. If you think about Our Father, Jesus (Michael), and Mother Spirit, if you can just imagine, then you would begin to comprehend to what great degree They work together.
"Theirs is an indescribably loving relationship, and They must be able to cooperate to the utmost degree of "oneness in decision making". As we go down the line, we see the Melchizedeks, the Life Carriers, and the list goes on and on.
"Cooperation is of the utmost importance for us teachers, for us to be able to transmit our words through the Midway Helpers, and to bring our teachings to many people on Urantia -- those who are involved in the Teaching Mission, those who believe in a spiritual life, and to those who generally live their life of sheer faith in God.
"Cooperation is also necessary in all human relationships. There is a degree where one person is fully cooperating, and if the other person gives to the same degree, you have a better than average relationship. Many times the balance of cooperation will inevitably change. This is where the art of listening becomes vital, if cooperation is going to bring about the desired end product.
"We could talk about large, powerful countries that try to bring peace to another nation. Many times, these large countries, even big corporations, bring their heavy-handed tactics to the bargaining table. The smaller of the two will simply be forced to cooperate, however, the smaller of the two will be discontent, and eventually rise up in their own defense.
"A good relationship is seldom static. It is virtually always undergoing transformation of some kind, and a change of attitude can add to, or take away from, the success of any relationship.
"So often in relationships, cooperation only means; "who can get the best of the other". Those who must submit to the tactics of the larger nation, or the more powerful individual in that partnership, will show its, his, or her, discontent in giving the least amount of cooperation.
The relationship will then enter a downward spiral until there is no relationship left. To agree upon a goal, and to try your combined best in achieving that goal, is an-easy-to-understand "secret". To have a content and loving relationship, one must also believe that the other is giving his or her full cooperation. And if a crisis befalls the partners, they can either pull away from each other, or shake hands in negotiation and promote further collaboration.
"As you go about your days, be aware of whom you are cooperating with, and look at the degree to which you refused to cooperate, thereby becoming the bully who insists on doing, or saying things your way, and refusing to consider the other person in the least.
"When you give the gift of cooperation, it encourages the other person to trust and believe in your honesty. He or she will then offer the very best in return.
"I will leave you with these thoughts for today, and I send my love to all.
"I am Machiventa."
Session 2
- Idaho, US of A, July 2, 2002.
- Subject: "Expanding the Horizons of your Mind."
Machiventa: "Hello, this is Machiventa."
Sandy: "Hello Machiventa. I'm glad you came to see us this fine day."
Machiventa: "I'm always pleased to talk with you, and I delight in visiting this part of the world you call home. God really does a wonderful job of landscaping, doesn't He?"
Sandy: "Yes. He certainly does! This is the place I call home, and I often feel that it is also the most beautiful country I've ever seen in my travels. Australia does come in a close second, as I love the beaches and sea shores and the tropical forests. I feel very lucky to have seen many a different of God's creations in my travels."
Machiventa: "I would like to talk this evening about expanding the horizons of your mind -- of all minds by all people. I do understand that as a mortal your struggles for survival on Urantia take up most of anyone's time. However, it is often necessary to create a new mindset in order to discover a greater degree of spirituality.
"God is indeed the Creator of all there is. One honors His work by noticing and appreciating all the wonders that are spread out around you, and this is a way of thanking Him for your existing in this time, and on this planet.
"Bringing the mind to a degree of meditation in appreciation makes it very easy to enter into a new rationale. The far horizon of your contemplation can behold a thrilling new adventure when you can approach it with an open and relaxed creative mind. Not so with your mind's strictly directed thoughts.
"It is very much like controlled imagination. However, when you let your thoughts expand, and you begin to grasp the validity of these new thought processes you can acquire that will allow new possibilities of comprehension, they will carry you on to the ultimate in possible truths.
"This new concept of reflection I bring you, is much like true Faith, and, as you know, Faith allows the God Fragment within each of you to teach you lessons that are beyond the grounding gravity that 'chains you to this earth'.
"There are many who have expanded their introspection to bring forth new discoveries through the experiment of broadening the horizons of their minds. Let me assure you that the place in which you find yourselves embodied is but a small speck in the universes -- the duration of your lives but a wink of eternity. And yet, the very vibrating energy fields that bring upon us Universal Mind are not at all beyond reception by mortals.
"This is precisely what I mean by 'expanding the horizons of your minds', and allowing your thoughts to combine, to merge, to synchronize, with the vibrating energy of His many creatures, on His many planets, to help create the very universes that have no end of possibilities.
"Let your mind 'climb onto this new level' of comprehension, and believe as does a small child, that most things are possible. This new approach in contemplation is only the beginning of your being more and more open to the messages of Christ Michael, Nebadonia, and the many Celestial Beings who are waiting for a chance to help you develop wondrous new possibilities of advancement in your dimensions.
"I will leave you with these thoughts, and ask that you might try expanding your thoughts to include an openness for greater wisdom.
"I will leave you now. I am Machiventa."
Sandy: "Good day to you, Machiventa. Thank you for stopping by."
Session 3
- Toormina, Australia, June 25, 2001.
- Subject: Treasures of the Earth. TR Sandy Montee.
Circuits, Sharing
Hi Sandy this is Machiventa. I see you have done very well today. You get so greatly excited about the small treasures the earth can bring forth. I am so glad that you can enjoy them, and perhaps George will begin to value these gems, as well. We, also, do work with crystals in that they are grounding devices for energy.
Your new gems, too, are crystals. Urantia has many, many of these beautiful works of art – these natural wonders -- and Michael is proud of the wealth your planet harbors (the wealth that is harvested on your planet) in these treasures.
Urantia does indeed have many people who go to extremes. They believe they must have excessive amounts of whatever they can grab, especially in those countries of extensive technological progress.
We, the Teachers, are often trying to make a point about values. We want you to realize there are also great treasures in the Spiritual Realm. The circuits that are re-opening are such treasures. It is through the circuits that many lessons can be learned – that these soul treasures of (value to) character building can be acquired.
Be mindful you practice the stillness (kind of) prayer that expresses gratitude to Father. It is so important, nay vital, that time is spent in thankfulness for and on each day. Many who hear this message are considered to be well informed about this. They know the lessons of Michael.
It is in the work for our heavenly Father, that there will come a time of great sharing. There will come a time when it is realized that the greatest gift, the greatest treasure, is that of giving, not grabbing.
This will be a time of great joy.
We have only just entered a new timeframe, a paradigm, a pattern – the Correcting Time. It is a time when Urantia is beginning to reclaim its birthright, its rightful inheritance, its rightful dowry – Light and Life.
More and more you will recognize those of the Light within your neighborhood. You will recognize them in the country, in the cities. They are those who will flock to the Father. They are those who experience the joy of knowing the Father. They are those who are claiming that which is their birthright, their inheritance, their dowry, available to each of His children. These are the real treasures of Urantia.
Michael and I are merely His Representatives. We are only the Emissaries and Ambassadors of the Father. And, still at this time, it is possible for Urantia to fall prey to the thoughtlessness, selfishness and "hassling" of man, and his single-mindedness in driving himself to invest all his energy and resources in the pursuit of luxury items and great wealth in monetary terms, and only for self.
For you to have been granted, and for you to hold onto, the Gift of Eternal Life is a matter (that is) between yourselves and your Father.
I would like to add that Michael and I look forward to a time when all Celestials can do their work for, and with, Urantia mortals (who will then be) largely functioning within the established pattern of wanting to do God’s Will.
Little do you know (of) the much bigger picture we see. Mortals are still grasping at straws and trying to apply the old rules to a new spiritual life. Remember, the mortals’ spirits, in trying to attain the higher realm (the new pattern), are always hampered by the grounding within their (mortal) bodies on Urantia
I will go now, but I send all of you children my love.
I am Machiventa.
Session 4
- Urantia, April 10, 2006.
- Subject: "Here On Edentia."
- Received by Jennifer.
Machiventa: "Greetings. I am your Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchizedek. I come with tidings of great joy.
You are now in the midst of the Correcting Time, and all is going well and as planned. You are now beginning to see the opening of many channels for worship and healing. Communications among your brethren are strengthening and you will soon come to see great changes upon the earth. These changes will not appear in newspapers or be noted on the radios or televisions, but in your hearts.
"You will begin to see a new connectedness with your brothers and sisters that you have not been able to experience before. The world is growing ever closer in its ability to share the good news of Michael’s Correcting Time.
"We, here on Edentia, are happy to see so many that are earnestly seeking the Father in their daily lives. We are heartened to see many searching their souls and hearts for the messages that are coming in daily, almost nonstop, for there is much love throughout the universe for this little planet.
"Many are working nonstop to bring you to the awakening that you so richly deserve, and have so long waited for. Harken my little ones, all is well, and we are so pleased to inform you that the messages are all good. Do not believe in the sad news that you see reported around you.
"Do not believe the sorrows are going to last forever, for we are seeing the sun coming over the horizon, and it is the beginning of a new and wonderful day for you on Urantia.
"So ends my transmission. Thank you for being such a willing participant in Michael’s Correcting Time. Your services are much appreciated, and will benefit many. Now, have a wonderful day, and praise the work of your Father in every soul that you meet.
"I am Machiventa."
Receiver’s note: I did not know Prince Machiventa was stationed on Edentia, or presently ‘visiting’ Edentia, but I’ll just report what I hear.
Session 5
- Illawarra District, Australia, May 6, 2006.
- Subject: "Ambassadors For Michael." (an abbreviated message).
- Received by George Barnard.
George: Creator Father and all who have been individually involved in bringing us together, these are my heartfelt thanks you will receive from me every day of my life. We thank You and all those who were involved in bringing about this astounding miracle. Amen."
Machiventa: "This is Machiventa Melchizedek. As per usual when important new moves are made, I am in attendance at my observation post, although far away as you measure distances in your realm.
"There are many present, both near and far, and although, at times, you may feel this way, you are far from alone. A million eyes are upon your work as ambassadors for Michael and His cause for Urantia. Their hearts sing with joy for the work you have begun, the plans that you have made, and the goals that will be achieved.
"They are my thoughts for you for this day that you will not be sidetracked with the involvement of others within the extended Progress Unit. Though I trust and as always expect you will make the necessary turns on the windy path to bring about the projects, achieve the goals, fill the needs, and so fulfill your mandate to serve the Michael Creator of this local universe and therewith the Father Creator through Him.
"I thank you for your time and on my part, I am delighted that you have decided to set aside a specific time each day for worship, for stillness, for thanks, and to receive the messages from the many you two have become acquainted with between you. Your Celestial friends embrace you. They are proud and delighted with your forward planning.
"This is Machiventa. I send my love to all who will hear my words." Those present: "Thank you Machiventa."