2002-07-13-Look For More Ways to Love
Topic: Look For More Ways to Love
Group: Post Falls TeaM
Teacher: Nebadonia, Malvantra
TR: Sheila, Daniel Megow
NEBADONIA (Mother Spirit) (T/R-Sheila): My children, I welcome you to this circle that is of greater love than you know. There are those of us who sit with you this evening with great excitement. Do you understand that you have one foot through this veil? Please do not be discouraged with the trials and tribulations of your daily doings. Do not think for a moment that you have taken a step backwards because you have not. Please be patient with yourselves. You have so much to learn and new ways of knowing.
Keep looking for just one more way to love. Look for another reason to love. Search for something else or someone else to put in your pocket of love. Spend more time loving everything that you don't already love, just for the sake of being love. It is essential for you to achieve even a greater level, a deeper essence of love. Find new ways to love, to experience the calmness, the peace of feeling love. Every outside thing you love brings even a greater degree of essence within you. Love the ones who are feared by others. Love the ones whom others are angered by. Discover what you dislike the most and find something to love about it. This is not a request that is unnatural for you. It is and will be your most cherished aspect of yourself, that you are capable of so much love. We sit amongst you tonight with our arms around you and it is our choosing, it is our honor, to share this most loving evening with those who are reaching so faithfully.
MALVANTRA (T/R-Daniel): In the Morontia and Spiritual realms as well as on the more spiritually developed mortal worlds, we all know that we are loved. It is a most natural part of life. There is no guesswork about it, at all. Not so on this mortal world and so one of your greatest handicaps is that you have great difficulty at times discovering what is lovable about yourselves, and one must learn to love themselves as God loves them.
It is a part of the human condition at this point in your world's development that you must learn through experience to love yourself for the child of God that you are. This does not mean that you must per chance love everything about yourselves for none on your world has attained perfection yet, but it is of Supreme importance that you learn to love yourself as the little child that you are-falling down, skinning your knees, getting back up, going forward; at the threshold of learning, always; making mistakes, indeed, and learning and growing from them, as is the way of all little ones. Beyond this world we have no issue with self love because it is wholly natural. It is not a prideful thing, although it can be taken to extremes and become so. It must be embraced with humility and love. When you are able to love and accept yourself for who you are and who you are becoming and who you can become, then are you better prepared and better able to let your love and love of God flow outward from you to others. The Father loves you each infinitely. We all love you each individually. Do not make the mistake of thinking that we are all wrong about you for I assure you, we are not. You are beautiful children. You have much within your souls that is reflective of divine beauty. Do the best for yourselves that you can in love and it will radiate out from you. This is Malvantra and I know whereof I speak.