2002-09-08-Balancing Love and Pain

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Topic: Balancing Love & Pain, Treasure of Giving, A New Welcome

Group: Costa Rica TeaM


Teacher: Alana, Raborn, Devina

TR: S. Butterfield



T/R: Father, Mother, I think you for the gift of knowing love. I surrender my point of view, today, to allow your love to pour through my mind and heart. I surrender my understanding to your will, good will. I thank you for the goodness and the beauty and the kindness you have helped me to know, and to share. I am willing to learn, and learn again. Thank you.


Alana: Yes, this is Alana. So, we say thank you, again, for the willingness to pursue the path of love with what you might call dogged persistence. Allowing yourselves, again and again, to forgive and be forgiven, and to step newly each day into a greater understanding of the challenge given to every human being, the challenge to love, to know love, and to be love.

Your beloved friend, Jean, whose passing has brought you to that unique understanding and compassion for pain and letting go. You may understand that she is welcomed by love, and even in her unconscious human state, she was aware of this love and came unafraid. She has left her legacy of love and human understanding. In remembrance of her, you will find yourselves giving attention to greater love and understanding between you. Surrender her with love. Blow love upon her transition. She is well cared for as she enters into that realm of understanding that recognizes human pain but feels it not and pours love down upon those remaining. Thank you.

So, it is good to see any human being balancing love and joy with the natural difficulties, even calamities, of life on earth. It is wonderful to hear your laughter with that soft touch of sympathy for how very human you are. Yes? Two legged beings struggling with four legged thoughts and feelings, as well as that light lust for the flight of angels. Living one day at a time. Practicing the stillness.

Allow the laughter of love to fill your hearts. Recognize this joy as natural to you, this willingness to turn toward the love that was given to you by God. This love, God’s love within you, is meant to be discovered, treasured, then given away to others, that they, too, may understand. The evolution of love toward the consciousness of love, toward the conscious choice to love, toward the willingness to choose to share love, is in progress. You try to master all at once, more than you can. We ask only this: open your hearts, open your minds, to know the love that is yours.

Allow love to enter into your thinking, your patterning. This, my friends, brings you to the opportunity for change. Loving yourselves, knowing yourself with love, accepting and understanding your being from the still point of the perspective of love, creates the change you seek, allows the change you wish.

Welcoming change with love gives you the strength to grow beyond the errors and failures and mistakes that are limited your understanding providing the opportunity to grow.

Welcoming change with love does not automatically eliminate pain or suffering or confusion. It provides the framework and foundation for a new way of being, permeated by the forgiving love that dwells within you, a gift of God, so that you, each one, may move more smoothly through the flow of life in the flow of love.

Re-affirming intention, re-affirming your focus upon love, even in those moments of shaken certainty, fear and doubt, is your life line bringing you constantly back to the one reality you seek to know, love is real. Our love, God’s love for you, wants you to know you are loved, and wants you to love one another as we love you.

So, I ask you now to open your hearts. Open your minds. Breathe in my love. Breathe it in. Beloveds, breathe it in. Allow my love. I am here to love you. Allow my love within you to shift the sands of time into the limitless eternal joy of love. Breathe it in, now, my love’s attention. Allow that love to fill you. Create the heart room, allowing the love to pour through you to the ones before you and to the ones to either side of you. Allow that love. Allow it. Thank you.

Is there one who would speak to me? Or perhaps another? (long silence) Letting go, allowing change.


Nena: Your love words always are a comfort for me.

Alana: Yes, beloved. Take this comfort into your heart. Our comfort will be with you as you share your life and your love with others. Our comfort of love will be with you as you welcome and accept the changes that will create a new way of being. We are pleased with the calm you have mastered. (Thank you.) It is the calm of love growing. Keep your mind clear, so that love may shape your thoughts, your decisions, your choices in the future. Thank you. (long silence)

When you are in the darkness, you pick a white flower by the determination to know that the light of love exists. You may stumble, scrape your knees, scratch your head, tear your fingernails, but you succeed, by determination to choose God’s will, which is good will toward all. God’s love is to be shared. God’s light is to lift the darkness from your understanding.

It is that determination, that choice, that allows the discovery, the opening to one single flower of light and love. That single flower treasured, lived and breathed, will grow. Even one weak little flower, with the nourishment of your determination to practice the discipline of love, which is the discipline of joy, strengthened by the practice of the stillness, even one weak little flower will bring another and another and become a meadow of flowers. Imagine a field of flowers dancing in the sunlight. This is your destiny. My beloveds, this is our welcome of you.

We are grateful. We are grateful. Always we are grateful that you come to us in time of need, in time of joy, in time of sorrow, in times of tranquillity. Each time you allow yourselves to welcome our love, it is a welcome for love to pass through you and go beyond you, bringing our message, “love one another,” to those who know only the most meager light. But that light, sparked by the radiance of the love you give away, allows. Allows for change. Allows for growth.

Treasure your ability to give, even in the smallest measure. Upon that gift of love, small as it may be, grows the magnificent and abundant love outreach of communication, connection and expansion into the greater love we would have you know.

Welcome into your heart room now those you love, those you struggle to love, those for whom you imagine you have no love at all. Welcome them now. Surrender them to the heart room. Surrender them to the forgiveness of the heart room. Step with me into the pool of love and forgiveness. Shake yourselves off in the living waters of love. Let every particle of your being be saturated. Open now. Allow, now. Thank you. (long silence)

Allow yourselves the delight that you have done it! That you are here! That you have, in the face of fear, doubt and confusion, welcomed love! Take delight in the small contributions to peace and tranquillity among you, around you. When you fear, surrender. Surrender that fear and turn to love. Fear not to ask, “Love, come to me. Love, pray with me. Love, enter me. Love, please flow through me.” Thank you.

(Long silence, during which t/r feels a strong new presence enter and immediately focus attention upon Chris. It was later confirmed that Chris has the same experience, “a direct hit,” as he said.)

Raborn: This is Raborn.

David: Welcome, Raborn.

Raborn: I have come to say one word to you, Chris. “Welcome.” This is for you, my son of the long road and vast expanse of emptiness. Welcome. I have long awaited an opportunity to enter her (the t/r) mind and speak through her fear and concern in order to say, “Welcome.” Hold to the certainty of that small point of light that says to you, “Follow me.” Love is real. Love dwells within you. You have the capacity to draw from this tiny still point of light the sustenance you need to expand your light, and your love, into joy. Thank you.

Alana: This is Alana. I wish to tell you, the tenderness of this circle today allows the transmitter to rest peacefully with the task that has been given to her by her own choice. We take the comfort and joy you have shared with us today, and like a feather pillow, we spread that love…out, out, out…to sprinkle the soft down upon your world. Be peaceful, my friends. Your love, the love you know and the love you have yet to discover within you, has brought you here and fulfilled, once again, that call, that commandment, as you put it, to love, to love one another as you are loved. Thank you.

David: Alana, is it possible to ask a question at this point?

Alana: The possibility of questions is always welcome.

David: As you know, I have hearing difficulties. What was the name of the teacher? And is this a personal teacher of one of our students gathered around the table? I missed some clues when he identified himself.

Alana: This is one who appeared within her (the t/r) stillness, unexpected only by her human mind. In the opening to his presence, she understood he was familiar, in that he has been waiting to take the hand of your friend, he who sits before you, Chris, who has so long wished to be re-born into love. His name is R..A..B..O..R..N. This, she thought, as once so long ago she thought about Legion, “No, this name is far too corny for me!” But we will allow her the opportunity to step delicately into the willingness to transmit this new pattern which is unfamiliar to her. In time, she will become less concerned with the unfamiliar and allow. Raborn’s welcome is for one, so loved, to become more clear. Does that answer your question?

David: Somewhat. Perhaps Chris would have a question more pertinent than my own. Can Raborn be considered Chris’s personal teacher?

Alana: We will allow for that to be true. As well, we will allow for that to be clarified as she (the t/r) becomes more skilled with his entrance and his energy pattern. Yes? You understand?

David: Yes.

Alana: I would have you hold hands. Grow, my friends. Grow. Grow in love as a seed grows in the ground. Stretch every fiber of your being into the stream of love that is yours and with you now. Thank you. (Thank you. Thank you.)

David: Thank you, Alana, and all of your wonderful friends, for your visit. It is beautiful today, and we feel like kindergarten children learning these ways of love, stumbling, getting lost in the darkness…

Devina: But you will remember, my friend….

David: (chuckles) Devina, hello!

Devina: You will remember, children laugh and play as they tumble. Yes? (Yes, they do.)

Nena: Devina, you are the love that is the sound of the light.

David: Nice to have you with us, Devina.


Devina: Thank you. Yes, I speak now in order to bring my light into her (the t/r) awareness more fully by sharing it with you. Yes? For she (the t/r) has a natural sadness for the loss of the company of a friend (who died that morning), but she knows, the love is the same, the love is not gone. Still we allow her human tears of sadness for a friend who gave her strength, a friend who gave her comfort. They shared love as they struggled to keep the laughter of love in their words of humor about their human predicament and situation. Thank you. All will be well. Love-light is always and forever more. Thank you.