2002-09-13-Accept Mantle of Trust
Topic: Accept the Mantle of Trust
Group: SE Idaho TeaM
Teachers: Machiventa, Daniel & Midwayer
TR: Isaac & Bob S.
Opening Prayer
Machiventa(Bill): Trust the protective mantle that the Father lays upon you, that the Son delivers to you, and the Spirit enlivens. Trust that its buffer of protection keeps away anxiety and cares of life from the sensitive contact with your personality mechanism. Receive and accept this mantle of trust that you may ward off all the arrows of anxiety, of fear, of guilt, of mistakes, and therefor grow in approximation to Christ Michael's superlative and completed faith in God, His Father. I am Machiventa, present with you this evening. These words of admonition I offer as a prayer for your upliftment and your continued struggle for perfection attainment.
Michael, my Father, I petition You to make effective Your comradeship with these, Your children, who are spiritually my brothers and sisters. I know it is Your will to display mercy and love toward them. Help them to believe in the promises that we give them and to know that having started out on the way everlasting with determination and intention, they will succeed, they will prosper, they will some day administer wondrous creations beyond our understanding. Today, however, they plod in the mud and soil of Urantia worrying about the dirt on their boots and the sweat on their brows. May peace be their measure and purpose. Amen.
Daniel(Bob S.) This is Daniel. Greetings, my friends, my students, my colleagues, my comrades, my equal seekers of the truth. How glad we are that Machiventa is able to be with us this evening for this brief period of time. He represents that which we all seek...living faith. As you know, he has been tested as a mortal, tested as Vicegerent of this planet, and in other ways. Always he has been found worthy of the trust given him. It is this style of leadership which gives us additional strength and encouragement.
I personally wish to commend all of you present for your sincere and insightful conversations held earlier this evening. We deem it a characteristic mark of your maturity that you are willing to expose your weaknesses publicly and work at improving the quality of their evolutionary status. I will not be providing the lesson this evening. For that we have a guest presenter, who will now come to the microphone. One moment please. (Long silence)
Midwayer technician(Bill K.): Technical difficulties abound. Patience is requested. (Pause)
Machiventa Melchizedek(Bill K.): Greetings! I am Machiventa, once again. Our microphone was shorted and therefor we needed a Midwayer technical adjuster to bypass the short circuiting of fear, ego confusion and natural animal anxiety. [Ed. Note: I think he is saying that the TRs were hung up! If so, he got it right!]
I come tonight to bring a planetary perspective before you. As in all things, the Father's rule is final. His purposes for the Universe of Universes will prevail despite the time delays due to error and sloth. This planet, where Christ Michael made His glorious bestowal, has long been a sentimental shrine to me as well as to Michael's universe at large. As acting Planetary Prince I act with the complete approval and oversight of Michael, Himself. The appearance, then, due to my involvement with Urantia on a voluntary emergency mission, is that this experience has been deemed satisfactory training for the role of Acting Planetary Prince. Since appearances can be misleading do not be surprised when I tell you that living among Semitic nomads more than three thousand years ago was not sufficient experience for me to anticipate the state of affairs in 1992 and henceforth! However, while I have not the comfort of past experience to rely on in terms of particulars which have evolved since it has come to my responsibility to oversee this planet, nevertheless my heart and mind both tell me that even as Christ Michael, incarnate as a human being, was able to do the Father's will in perfection, so I will, also, by displaying the same trust, fulfill the role that I have been given as Planetary Prince.
Once again, we are talking about living faith; for faith is not limited to the mortals of the realms. . Faith is not something that you will relinquish upon transit to the morontia worlds. Faith is something that all subabsolute reality requires for its functioning. Living faith is the essence of our relationship with the First Source and Center, the Universal Father. It embraces cognitive belief systems and intellectual understandings, yes. But it is more fundamental and emotional. Actually, at its root it is the result of decision making.
You and I can be faced with the temptation to trust our own thinking and our own wisdom when it seems to conflict with the wisdom of the Trinity or when it conflicts with the wisdom of others whom we esteem to be competent in their judgments and their understanding. At this juncture of divergent pathways, the Father's way, and the way our minds say is better, is the choice to take the left road or the right road. We stand at this juncture many times in our life, whether that life be mortal, morontial, and even occasionally as spirit. The juncture is because we do not have unlimited intellectual understanding and unlimited power of omnipresence and omniscience. We come at those moment to confront our condition of finitude, of limited reality. To accept and understand our finiteness and limited nature is, in fact, true humility.
Even as little children in their younger years cannot understand much of what their parents tell them, still, if the relationship between the parent and the child is fundamentally sound the child will acquiesce and accept the parent's direction. In like manner if our relationship with the First Source and Center is fundamentally sound, if we trust and believe in our great Parent's wisdom and understanding, then we, too, when faced with these crossroads, these divisions in the path, will defer, like a trusting child, to that Parental wisdom.
The beauty and grace of God is such that should we choose the wrong path and refuse to take our Parent's hand, we are not left to die of starvation in the wilderness but are sent messengers of love who tell us, "This is the way back to the path you were on. Come with me." Always does our Heavenly Parent, through the means at His disposal, the Thought Adjusters that indwell you, offer once again choices that lead toward His destination in Paradise.
So, what does this have to do with the state of affairs on this planet? It has everything to do with this planet, for this is, after all, a sphere of evolving mortals, each of whom with normal minds has that same light of God within them, that same Monitor Who is striving to do exactly what I have just described, providing ever and again new paths back to the purpose of each person's life....to become more like God and to desire to do His bidding. The mistake that is made, and has been made for thousands of years, is to not know of this divine overcare; or having heard of it, to not trust it and to take into one's own hands one's destiny, disregarding the divine overcare. It is to say, "In armies and arms we shall trust for our security". Or to say, "The God of Battles will work against our enemies and we shall prevail".
The fundamental deficiency at this time on this planet is that it does not know that you are all really brothers and sisters, not just ideally so. The fundamental lack of understanding is that you are all children of God, and therefor all related to each other. When this brotherhood under the Fatherhood of God concept is finally realized, then will be the beginning of Light and Life. Wars, rumors of wars, and provocations of wars will arise so long as people are divided from each other by national boundaries, racial boundaries, ethnic boundaries, and religions boundaries, by the pride and prejudice of histories.
So, my friends, that is why our task is to alter the perspective of the whole world! But it starts with each person and then spreads one by one to others. I realize I am saying the same thing that has been said from the beginning. But some are under the misunderstanding that there might be some means to transcend this individual, one on one, process in some dramatic intervention. Short of evacuation of the planet, any dramatic intervention of this sort would be a violation of free will and cannot happen.
Don't become discouraged because there is no miraculous cure for the ills of the world. Rather, understand that free will is God's great gift to the evolution of the Almighty Supreme and His great gift to each of you! For you, by your free will exercise, are indeed co-creating the Supreme and yourselves as power-personality synthesis, just as is the whole evolving Grand Universe.
It is one thing to be involved with error, because error can be corrected. It is another thing to be involved with sloth, for sloth, laziness, the "I give up" attitude, is much harder to curtail. None of you are slothful and your error is diminishing. (Laughter) You are correctable by your own choice and your humility is becoming more accurate. I commend you.
Understand that you are the hands, the feet, the mouths, the eyes of the Spirit of Truth. You are each incarnations of Christ Michael in a certain sense. He lives anew in each of your lives. His influence is greatly magnified through His Spirit of Truth to all Urantia. You will not live to see the era of Light and Life through the eyes of your mortal tabernacle. You will live to see it; and perhaps you will even be involved, as is Abraham, in its further evolution preceding the first stages of Light and Life. But even that possibility is not as great as this reality: now you are involved! Whatever you are doing, do it to the best extent that you can!
Finally, relax your critical self appraisal. Let it go! It is not accurate. It isn't even your business! Your job is to follow in the faith path that Michael, Jesus of Nazareth, has exemplified. His "way, truth, and life" statement refers to his living faith and the revelation of trusting humanity that He made for all the world to see, for all his Universe to emulate.
There will be no questions this evening. I have delivered an extensive exhortation. Thank you for your rapt attention. My love, and the love of the whole universe be with you. Good evening.