Topic: David
Group: Costa Rica TeaM
Teacher: Alana, Song, the Teacher
TR: S. Butterfield
David - Prayer: Alana, Legion, Song, thank you for your presence with us, thank you for your presence with us this moment. We allow your love. We drink your love in and from the center of our heart room we send this love to all of our friends, those who are in heart sorrow, those in difficulty, those in unhappiness. We send our heart love to this planet, to the trouble spots, to those who hate, to those who have no knowledge of your love. We send our love out. We accept our part in the drama of the reconstitution of this planet, a planet belonging to our master, Christ Michael. Thank you for the help you have given us. Thank you for the faith that we have grown in the power of love, trusting in love to do the work, letting it do the work while we are quiet. So, teach us to love, teach us to know our love, teach us to know we are love, and teach us to know that we do love. Give us confidence in our lovingness, in the lovingness of God, and in the lovingness of the whole universe, and even the lovingness of our planet which sometimes seems to us like such a desperate place to live. We accept it all. We accept it all. Love’s power is in the allowing. Help me to love. Song, Legion, Alana, Devina have helped me to love. Thank you. It is not that she (the t/r) is difficult to love, but that love is difficult to master sometimes, particularly when you have old patterns going. Let your beauty be seen in us this day, your guidance, your love. Give us patience. Give us the spirit of thanksgiving.
Song: Yes, my friend.
David: Welcome.
Song: You wish to speak to me.
David: Yes, I just wanted to share. I wanted to share my thoughts and feelings with you, and for you to share with me. I feel like I am going through some incredible inner changes. I don’t know what they are, exactly, but I feel some anticipation, as if something new is going to happen, or an enlargement of some kind in our life. Also, I wanted to say to you that I have been choosing to turn to you more frequently now, as I turn to the celestial realm. I feel at ease, and an intimacy about that, and I wanted to have some feedback from you about that. And there is a third thing, I am looking forward to getting acquainted with you. I have had some thoughts from time to time of you being by my side, and having been by my side and observing all of my life for these 70 some years, and I think it must have been a roller coaster ride. I thank you for your endurance. Thank you for your patience. Thank you for the persistence of your guidance. To quote our friend, Sonja, I have the feeling of “I am lucky,” as I look at my life with Susan, my beloved, in this beautiful place and she has the gift of being able to receive messages from you in this fashion. I am amazed that I ended up here, but I think you may have had something to do with that. In the event that is true, I wish to say thank you. I’ve said quite a bit…
Song: Yes. As you turn toward the celestial realm, as you say…as you step toward the real and true understanding that love is the reality into which you are born…when you turn toward acceptance of the faith structure, built into life upon your planet as a means of transformation from the material/animal existence toward and into the spiritual reality of love…you discover love is so thoroughly a part of any human beings development and the evolution of the species (and never is this more clear than when you begin to contemplate your progression into what some of you may call non-existence, which is the transition involving letting go of the body as your vehicle, and surrendering to the vehicle of love).
The Spirit of Truth, which resides within your mind and heart, guides you daily toward the surrender to love. In surrender, you exercise faith, and you utilize acceptance, a necessary step toward surrendering all you do not know to love.
Your performance in life has been shaped by the understanding that categorizes and evaluates. Performance was essential. Performance was part of…..
- Long Interruption
Song: Yes…the conditioning that…the conditioning to perform, the conditioning of performance, wed into your understanding of yourself as a person and a being, and your understanding of yourself in relationship to others. This remains ingrained in you. And so you are easily susceptible to guilt and shame, which with your diligence in response to the lessons of Legion and Alana, is now a conditioned response that has diminished. Your negative experiences connected with this conditioning has created a resistance to who you are, especially in moments when the more visible aspect of performance, when that is required of you, or requested, or invited, you experience a resistance which may take the form of refusal, anxiety, distraction.
Yet there is a lighted path that draws you forward along the way toward your fuller realization of your dedication, devotion, and love of God, our Father, our Mother Spirit, and Michael. This, my friend, is drawing you, bringing you closer to that aspect of performance which was the genuine call of the young child. You struggle with this split between the genuine performance of the true spirit speaking through you without thought, concern, anxiety, fear, doubt, self consciousness interfering, and that aspect of performance which became associated for you in your life with self-aggrandizement, self promotion, betrayals, confusion and lack of integrity with your true self. Tucked away in a pocket, you might say, as “god on the shelf.”
And so, my friend, your new experiencing of yourself, now, as loving must eliminate those remnants of, shall we say, performance anxiety based on a lack of certainty that your life reflected the path of knowing god’s love, abiding in god’s love, sharing god’s love, being god’s love in your performance toward others. Your lapses of tranquility can be attributed to such remnants at work. It is wise, then, to join with me in examining what old pattern is disturbing the new balance you have created within your experience of being alive on your planet. When you speak to me in your moments of stillness and contemplation, you can look with me at the cause of your concern without fear, and without doubt that love is yours.
What would you have me evaluate with you now?
David: I can’t think of anything momentarily. I just wanted to initiate some dialogue with you. As you know, I’ve developed some ease in addressing you, communing with you, as Alana suggested. I just wanted to have the experience of getting acquainted with you through this experience of having you speak to me through my beloved. Thank you.
Song: Has this experience been satisfactory?
David: Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Thank you kindly. I’m not able to catch everything you said in a way that would eventuate in me asking you further questions. The speed of the transmission on this end makes it difficult to retain the meaning, sometimes the sentence can be quite long in its delivery. I am hoping that as we get up our speed in transmitting with you, I will be able to respond more immediately to the communication that you have just given me, but the answer to your question is, Yes, this was most satisfactory. Thank you. I am looking forward to doing this again and again, if I may.
David – Prayer: Dear teachers, bless with your shining energy all of our group members wherever they are. I am thinking of John and Kim. I don’t know the answer to their dilemma; except more love. I don’t know how we can give them more love, except at moments like this when we pray for them. I pray for Paul, that he may have solace tonight at the loss of his beloved. And to Suzy tonight, back home, may she be blessed with our love. I pray for all of our friends and relatives that are in our heart room. Let our love flow to them and to the rest of the world. May the peace and love of our hearts fall like honeyed rain upon the world. Thank you.