2002-11-23-We Journey Together
Topic: We Journey Together
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Michael
TR: Unknown
"Allow only positive thoughts to enter your minds on this day, for that is the way we start each day's journey together. You may all, my children, come to me early each morning and receive the lesson plans for the day ahead.
"I ask you now to bear no grudges against your fellows of what were yesterday's stumbling blocks, and should anyone have angered you, 'set them free', for there is no need to review the whys or wherefores of your anger. There is no need to think about injustice, or your being treated unfairly. Simply say, "I forgive all that was wrong."
"And if you were angry with yourself, or thought unkindly of your brothers or sisters, there is no need to reprimand yourself, but simply say, "I let it go. I now cast this burden of negativity away."
"See the clouds begin to roll away now, and see the sun begin to shine. This is a brand new beginning and a sparkling new day lies here before us, in which we have new territory to cover, you and I. Let us take in the Father's love and know that we are here to spread His love to all we meet, and let us arm ourselves with kindness and gentle loving words.
"We live our lives in His great love and light on each and every day. Receive His loving touch each morning for it to light your Path and call you onward."