2002-11-24-Ultimate Good
Topic: Ultimate Good
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am always amazed at your willingness to put forth your best intentions for the highest good of the whole. This week I have been witness to some wonderful acts, where many of you have set aside petty differences in favor of higher good for the whole. This is certainly exerting self-mastery. You are each learning to go beyond concern for individual wellness toward enlarged concepts of doing what is the best concerning everyone. Well done.
As you each mature in spirituality you are finding that you are not just you, but a part of all there ever was, is and will be. With this enlarged concept, self-mastery becomes a natural part of life as if it always was. Said Jesus, "He who tries to save his life will surely lose it. He who willingly lays down his life for me shall be saved." Is that not a grand example of inner-knowingness? Yes. Is that not a beautiful display of trust in Father and a show of the supreme desire to do His will? Yes. As you view your life history what have you released, relinquished or if you have laid down your life in order to be saved, what have you lost; what have you gained?
As I view my own life history I find that every moment, moments of joy, despair, fear, sorrow, abandonment, self-aggrandizement and power, was indeed a worthwhile journey. Every moment, every minute was leading to ultimate good, leading me to where I am now and for that I am truly grateful, humbled, yes, and grateful. I have been on the mountain tops of self-glory and the valleys of self-loathing. I have felt the evil one's breath in my ear, and yet I have been cradled in the arms of our Master. I have cried tears of sorrow and tears of joy. I have been witness to Father's power, mercy, His participation and His simply standing-by.
I see now how it all led to the ultimate good, ultimate good for myself, as well as the Father's overall plan. I can surely find gratitude knowing that I am in a state of becoming. I could not have known then in mortal state what I know now, because it required every moment to give me the knowingness that I have now. I certainly would have had a smoother transition however if I had realize then that all of my mortal experience was leading to an ultimate good. There was always something with meanings and values to gain, to incorporate into who I am now.
Can you see that, children? That all of mortal life experience is quite valuable, and the more willing you are to embrace that fact, the smoother your spiritual transitions will be. Nothing is lost. Nothing good is ever sacrificed by you. When you vow to lay down your life in order to be saved, you are asking Father to free you from the clutches of the animalistic tendencies, to gain mindal expansion, spiritual endurance and personality enhancement. What is lost when you commit to a spirit-led life? ego involvement, controlling emotions, selfishness, orphanhood, self-unworthiness and narrow-mindedness, to speak of a few, yes.
My lesson is short this evening. This week review your life history. Find how it, all of it, has led to an ultimate good. Think about those mountain tops of self-glory and valleys of self-loathing. Think about Father's various aspects of His total being that you have been aware of as it pertains to your life history, your experience. Ponder your spiritual maturity and how you may be changing from individualistic thinking to incorporating the concern for the well-being of the whole. Know that in all our hours apart from each other you are always on my mind and in my heart. I am with growing affection for you each. Until next time, shalom.