2003-01-24-With You In Spirit
Topic: With You In Spirit
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Michael
TR: Sandy Montee
Michael: "Hello my dear ones. This is your Creator Brother Michael speaking. You may call me Jesus when communing with me, as do most Christians who have not yet learned of the Urantia Papers.
"The name you call me by when you speak with me is not of relevance, as I bring my love to you and all who are listening this evening. I am very proud of each of you. You are indeed taking in the lessons, and from your different viewpoints.
"Some of you are well able to receive my voice and I do appreciate your bringing my words to others. This is a very important task, as you well know, for some of God's children are on the brink of hopelessness, and any tiny bit of happiness, and joyful uplift is well worth the effort on my part, and the time spent by those who receive.
"As each person silently goes into prayer to God, or communes with me, they take a great stand in the name of faith.
"We always hear what you have to say, so do not hesitate to step within the circle of love that we send to you constantly. We open our arms to embrace you in times of peace; in times of joy, as well as during those times you seek help and comfort.
"This week, listen to your heart and to that inner voice that assures you that God is with you, and He desires to have your times of happiness triumph over your times of sadness.
"Some of the active members of the Teaching Mission have journeyed from planet earth to join the many, many spirits who now welcome them, and are so happy to have them in their circle. This is much in the order of a reunion of family and friends. We bless them with our love and care as well, and we know that some of you will dearly miss having them in your everyday life where you can call them on the telephone, drop in to visit them, or send them 'one of those messages on your computer'.
"We know you will miss them, but they remain with you in spirit, and they have truly found an even larger circle of friends and family. And they will soon be introduced to the new and easier ways of life here. So do not despair and know they are very loved and cared for in this their new realm.
"I bless each one of you, and want you to know that I am with you at all times, and that I am delighted whenever one of you lifts your voice to talk with me, for I hear your every word.
"I thank you for doing God's will, each in your own way, and with love.
"I am Michael."