2003-02-02-Take the Long Term View
Topic: Take the Long Term View
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Michael
TR: George Barnard
Michael: “This is you Brother-Father Michael. I am with you always, awake or asleep, and in the sense that I came and never really left, as your hardworking friends (Midwayers) explained to you long ago.
“Truly I’m here, for I did not go away, from this, my favored and troubled planet -- my home. There are so many difficulties for you to overcome, and my life too, as short as it was, became a mighty challenge.
“You and your friends, in the tasks you have undertaken, have not gone for the easy life. Indeed you have not. How consistently simple and constant life is on so many well-organized and loyal planets! How troublesome and distractive your lives can be with so many obstacles here to overcome!
“Yet you can build no strength of character without ample difficulties placed in your path. You cannot develop the tenacity of your kind, your races, your species, without the day-to-day concerns that test and case harden your resolve. You would never become one of our universe’s ‘treasured planners for the longer term’ without the uncertainty of survival, without your frequent doubts about success, without the knowledge of your being appreciated, or even being known to me.
“Without these hurdles to jump, you cannot build the faith that will carry you over the threshold, yes, of Paradise, and with an everlasting, yes, eternal ‘certificate of excellency’ to your name. So take the long-term view.
“We heard of your oft-quoted desire to one day arrive on the Mansion Worlds and shout, “WHY?,” in order to get your numerous answers to wherefore things must be so in your present realm, but I promise you that these answers will all become known to you in time and in eternity.
“I assure you that here, in our realm, we are aware of your every challenge and endeavor to pick you up after every fall. We know of your every despair and smooth the path for you where we can. Hold on tight to an appreciation of your planetary existence. Shine your light on the path you choose to travel, so you will not veer off it. Keep our treasured planet in your thoughts and prayers. And stay in touch with me, and with the Father, for we are the Travelers, the Wanderers, the Scouts who walk beside you, always. Ever.
“I am with you, my dear ones, more than you can imagine. I experience your rejoicing, as I experience your pains, and I grieve for your losses as I delight in your successes. Even more do I treasure your creative endeavors.
“This is Michael, and I hold you all dear to my heart.”