2003-02-05-The Work We Do
Topic: The Work We Do
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Andrea
TR: Sandy Montee
Andrea: "Yes, my dear earthly comrades, the presence you so clearly feel is indeed mine. This is your friend, Andrea.
"I am so happy that you are willing to set aside this moment to accept a message from me, for as well you know, my life-long function and foremost expertise is in the field of communication with all kinds of Celestial Beings, but this task would do me little good if I could not find someone human to accept my thoughts as well. It's the work I do. The work we do by His grace.
"I would like to say a few words about a mortal who is brave enough to report messages from myself, my extended midwayer family, and all your Celestial Friends who talk with you. They live in the hope that our messages will be sent on, to practically all those you know, and all those who are willing to believe in our existence, our love and care.
"I want you, and the others of our beloved and trusted Progress Group, and all those who share our words on the lists to know how much you are appreciated. You live on the present-day cutting edge, and in acceptance of the chances you will be thought of by many as 'the odd characters' that actually believe it to be possible to 'talk with spirits' -- entities that you cannot always readily see.
"You are also accepting the help and care of those of us who look after you, and walk with you in your daily lives in which your joys become our bliss, your heartaches are also ours to share with you. We are your true-blood cousins, the midwayers, and we pray that you will continue to talk with us, and accept us as your caring guardians, and especially as your doting friends.
"I remind you of a visual/audible communication of some time ago, when you witnessed those beams of light energy with which your Celestial Teachers 'push their messages of love and understanding through the circuits', and how you witnessed that few individuals would accept these prompting beams, and absorb the lessons and teachings of their Celestial Carers.
"So many of you, still, will not enter into the awareness that you are constantly receiving these 'bumps', these 'prompts', this 'positive input'. And to the greater number, these 'beams of light' bounced right off, and back into the spiritual realm like a 'return to sender'. So few mortals accept our messages, for they have no idea that any of us are even here.
"We carry on, for this is the work we do.
"Each of you mortals living on planet Earth right now has so many spirits, angels, guardians, teachers, guides -- whatever name you prefer to give us -- with you at all times. We cheer you on when you meet with success, and we feel your sadness when you encounter failure. We know how alone you may at times think yourself to be, yet that is never the case. Heavenly hosts of helpers are waiting for you to ask for their assistance.
"We, here, are all involved in the task of co-creation, together with our Creators, just like you are. We, too, are in the service of Christ Michael (Jesus) and dedicated to help, heal, and love you - God's children and our equals. Your Planetary Prince, Machiventa Melchizedek is our immediate Boss, and confers with us about where we should be, and what we should do, for to serve is his delight, as it is ours.
"We are an ancient species in the sense of how you reckon time, and we are greatly experienced and knowledgeable, and, yes, we so often perceive you doing things the hard way, as we try to keep you safe, or attempt to catch you when you fall.
"Our work of appointment would go entirely unnoticed if we did not have people like you working for spiritual progress and to have our messages heard by your comrades. I say, keep pushing the limits, and there may be a person out there, each time, who will treasure a tiny seed from one of our teaching, and that seed may mature and in time produce.
"I thank you for accepting this truth, and assure you of my appreciation for your endeavors. "Goodbye for now. My love is with you always.
"I am Andrea."