2003-04-29-Group Graduation
Topic: Group Graduation
Group: SE Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Daniel, Michael, Minearsia, Klarixiska
TR: Bob S., Bill K.
Opening prayer by unknown being (Bill): Lift up your hearts on high to mix with the supernaphim of Paradise as they worship the Central Shining presence of God: Father, Son, and Spirit. You lowly mortal creatures of animal origin have been given the highest divine gift there is, the very presence of the Trinity within your lives, even with this far distance from Paradise. Tonight may the words that are spoken, but more importantly the emotions that are shared, convey the reality of your status as son and daughters of God, and the reality of your everlasting and loving, perfect Parent and Creator. Amen.
Daniel (Bob S): Greetings, friends, I am Daniel. Welcome to tonight's session. I am not using our usual TR to give him a few moments to himself, and using the #l substitute. (Those are Bob's words, not mine.) [[[Laughter]] and comments.] Friends, this is a wonderful time when we are able to be together and converse one on one, where your elder brothers and sisters can assist you in growing in wisdom and in truth. It is our greatest pleasure to be your teachers, for we, having been where you sit, understand almost completely what you are going through, and we are so empathetic. We can clearly put ourselves in your shoes, and that creates many opportunities for us which we take great delight in.
I am not the main speaker tonight. That position is being taken by another, so with these words of welcome, I now hand the microphone to our guest speaker. One moment please.
Michael (Bob S): My children, this is your Father/Brother, Michael of Nebadon. My presence with you tonight is two fold. I wish to commend you on the growth you have demonstrated to your supervisors and guides, who have, without exception, told me that you all are growing rapidly. In fact your speed of attainment has caused difficulties in the staff's planning of lessons.
My other point is this. My friends, you are becoming more loving. I hope you all can feel that quasi-emotion growing within yourselves, for it is clear to us. We, your elder brothers and sisters, particularly those who have direct supervisory responsibilities, take great heart in seeing your progress, and that is the reason for my words to you this evening. It is a graduation of sorts. We feel you are prepared for the next phase of teaching. Some are calling it Phase III. Those, however, are not my characterizations, but let's use them for purposes of attempting to explain where you now lie on your path to the Father. Your teachers would take great pride, if they were allowed such human emotion, but they have grown beyond that. As Talacia has been explaining to you, trying to convey to the immature human mind concepts which are difficult at best and completely foreign for the most part, is most difficult. So let's just call it entering a new phase, and taking our word for it, you are graduating, and will be entering this new phase of your spiritual development. And it is my great pleasure to be the one chosen to give you your diplomas this evening.
This concludes my remarks. Questions regarding my words will be taken by your regular teaching staff. Ladies and gentlemen, I commend you. Good evening.
Daniel (Bob S): This is Daniel again. Friends, my congratulations and those of the entire staff are with you this evening. Now let's open the session to questions or comments. What have you to say for yourselves? The floor is open.
Bob D: When you speak about graduation, a thought that goes through my minds is, gosh, I feel like I am going through a quagmire, going through the muck, the mud, trying to survive each day. So when you say it's a graduation, my first thought was from what to what? And then, of course, you mentioned the new phase. When you say that, of course, it piques my interest to knowing something about this new phase. What change or focus are we going into? Any comments you can say about that would be greatly appreciated.
Minearsia (Bob S): This is Minearsia. Friends, brothers and sisters all, I shall not go into any great details tonight about Phase III, but may at another time give you more of an introduction to just where we plan to take you next.
For tonight, it is my feeling that we should be in a more celebratory mood, and focus on tonight, and congratulations on your recent past. I hope, Bob, that meets with your approval, and if there are no other questions, we may perhaps later this evening get into Phase III. For now, however, let's focus on tonight's graduation, and remain with that topic for the time being. Bob, do you wish to pursue this, or does anyone else have questions or comment regarding this graduation event?
Bob D: I guess I'll just have to wait and see what it is. One of the questions that I wanted to ask tonight really isn't on this topic. So this may not be a question that you want to get into, but I have been working on this synthesis of Aaron's lessons that could be presented in book form. I was going to ask Aaron tonight if he had any insight as to how he feels about the process, because I am not being strictly literal. I am editing out a lot of the conversational stuff, trying to edit out and make a coherent synthesis of the core of what his message has been over the past 10 years. I have finished the rough draft and edited it to the point where I can read the lessons and see the topics. I feel some sort of release from having gotten that far. I felt that Aaron was actually participating on part of the process, but I wanted to get his view of how he feels about the process. Is this part of our graduation on a personal level, or is this totally a separate sideline thing for me?
Minearsia (Bob S): Understood. This is Minearsia again. Aaron is here, and will respond to your questions later. We wish to delay that to again focus on the celebration event, although your work with Aaron's words is part of our evaluation of your spiritual progress, and is one of the factors, perhaps the major one, regarding our assessment of your spiritual development. Aaron will respond to your questions later, if there is time, and after we have fully discussed this graduation event. I sense there are other questions regarding our celebration this evening. Are there others who wish to state their concerns or questions?
Bill: This is Isaac. I am taken back by the fact that we are in a graduation ceremony that none of us knew was going to happen. That doesn't mean it's not real or it isn't the way it is. It's just so unusual. In terms of progress on the planet we all know that graduation is the result of completion of certain things, and it's time related and all of this. Can you alleviate my confusion at this time? Maybe things don't work this way in the spiritual realm, but it comes as a major surprise to me. I also am in a mood similar to Bob. I am taken back by the idea that we have graduated. I feel I am slogging it out in the mud too. It seems that when there's a race, there is a finish line. I'm sorry if this sounds skeptical, but it is the way I feel. What can you tell me to readjust my thinking?
Minearsia (Bob S): This is Minearsia. Isaac, my son, consider this. What better time for a graduation than when one feels imbedded in the quagmire of human life. Graduation is not just a mark of progress, but as you know, refers to one's status potential, if I can use that term. The time when one is ready for growth, when your senses are heightened, when your motivation is best, is when you are knee-deep in the alligators, as they say. Would you not agree? [Ed. This characterization refers to the saying,"It's hard to remember you came to drain the swamp when you are knee-deep in alligators".]
Bill: I just laughed, so I must have recognized some truth there. Well, if graduation means getting out of the pond where the alligators are swimming, I'm ready for that, but that might mean I have to hang up the mortal life, and I'm not sure I really want to do that, so.
Minearsia (Bob S): Let me interject here, that this is not high school graduation, or junior high, or even grade school, friends. It is more like first grade to second grade. (That makes more sense.) And from that perspective you are wise enough to know that you have a long way to go, and the standards by which your soul growth is judged are not clear to the human mind. This too you know. Therefore, trust us. We, your brothers and sisters of experience, know the bench marks. We know where you are. Therefore our judgment is, you are ready for the next stage. Take heart in that. Take a moment to be proud of yourself, but don't get carried away, as you have been advised. Ego is not to be in control of your lives, and if you become too prideful, you know that is not wise. So take our word for it. Your diplomas are on the wall. Your progress is valid and clear. It is time for celebration. And then it is time to go to work again. That concludes my response. Isaac, do you have further questions or does anyone else have any comments?
Bill: Well, since you changed it from college graduation to from first grade to second grade, that reset the whole concept in my mind. Second graders do not understand the tasks they have to accomplish. Their teachers do, but they don't understand the tests and procedures. They're just little kids. They're just eager to get out of first grade and into second. (Comments.) Having explained it that way, you've diffused my shock at this announcement that you made, and I can accept that. I certainly have to agree with you that, in my own experience, I have a very hard time understanding progress, and I think I know these other people here well enough to know they're not egotistical, and resist the idea that they are making progress. So let's all be humble, and say thanks for the report card that says we're ready to go on to `the next thing. What are we going to have next, not just alligators, (comments) but sea monsters, all at once? (Laughter.)
Minearsia (Bill): Oh, my friends, that's the beauty of not knowing what tomorrow might bring, for you would just worry your hearts to excess if you knew what tomorrow had in store.
Bob D: Well, that makes me worry. (Laughter.)
Minearsia (Bob S): I am going to ignore that. (Laughter.) My friends, look at your kindergarten and first grade experience, and look at how your worries were almost completely wasted. Consider how wise your angels were in the problems that they set before you? Was not your experience helpful, strengthening, soul-enhancing, and joy building? Really now, friends, is that not the case? What comments do you have to those words?
Virginia: Minearsia, what I see when I experience a graduation is very much like when teachers have insisted that kindergarten children have black gowns and caps to move into the first grade. They did not wait for significant growth, but just simply put the gown and the cap on them and said, "You're in first grade." I think it's demeaning in the sense that the child really has no understanding of what the cap and the gown meant, nor does the child have any experience of what it means to recognize personal growth and attainment in an honest graduation from junior high, high school, or college, so I'm taken back too.
Minearsia (Bob S): Virginia, would you say those children took considerable delight in that experience, and, from their point of view, was it not positive rather than negative?
Virginia: I cannot speak for them. I can only speak for myself
Minearsia (Bob S): Now, Virginia, you are an expert with children of that age. Do you not have some idea of their reaction?
Virginia: My question would be, is it a false delight without real understanding?
Minearsia (Bob S): Those children have so much faith in you, their teachers, that they believe everything you say. Is that not true?
Virginia: I don't believe that it's true. I have been challenged a lot by very smart first graders.
Minearsia (Bob S): Yes, there are examples to the contrary, but by and large would you not agree that children take great delight in your approval, and when you say they have done well, they believe that?
Virginia: Yes, but it is much more important to me as a teacher to have them evaluate themselves.
Minearsia (Bob S): But you are not the teacher here, Virginia. You are the student. (I rest my case.) And in some ways, all of you here really two views of this. There is the child-side of you, the spiritual side that you know is growing, and there is the experience-side of you that, having been in school for years and years, which gives you some degree of experience in a point of view. Of those two, which do you believe is the more valid? Are you going to take your position as the student, and where you believe you are, or are you going to put your faith in us, your elders, and accept our definition of graduation, and prepare yourself to move on? Friends, what have you to say to that?
Bob D: Well, I'm always ready to move forward.
Minearsia (Bob S): Yes, and I am too, to a certain extent. This is Minersia again, playing devil's advocate here. You clearly are in a dual position here where you have some knowledge of where we are going, but it is incomplete; it is immature; it is child-like compared to where you will be a hundred years from now-a thousand years from now. Your experience with Talacia should open your eyes to this. He said, did he not, that it is impossible for him to explain to you what his experiences have been on his road to Finaliter status. You are progressing well, but you, my friends, have a very long way to go.
So let us accept tonight as a period of congratulations, and as a time of reflection, and pride, but do not get carried away, for as Virginia knows, second grade is going to be tough. Any other questions that we can deal with this evening? (Pause.)
Very well, let me turn the time over to Aaron. One moment please.
Aaron (Bill): I am Aaron. Be of good cheer, friends. Everything works out for the best. I know you, Bob, specifically wish to ask some question and wish some guidance from me, so proceed, please.
Bob D: My first question is on the record so I won't repeat it. My concern is basically this manuscript that I have been working on. I've been trying to take many years of lessons and find the meat, the core of what you have tried to tell, and bring that into focus, and now I'd like to bring you into the process of editing, wording of some things, and I wanted your input on how I am doing. Am I keeping true to the spirit of what you were saying to the various groups you were talking to? Have I been true to allowing you to guide that process, not control it myself?
Aaron (Bill): You have been a faithful friend, and hard working brother. Your insight into the meat, as you say, of the lessons has been profound. I, myself, have no hesitations or second thoughts about your efforts. The process of TRing, through which the material came to be, is necessarily fraught with efforts that are required by the thought transfer and the translation into English. Therefore, your editorship has actually refined the quality and the kernels of truth, you see, and, rather than think that you may have cut carelessly at the meat and sliced it to the bone and included the gristle, you have been very careful in your butchering, (laughter and thanks) if you follow my reasoning. So that is my answer, my friend. I am pleased.
Bob D: Thank you. I felt I had a recognition while you were talking, a profundity, if that's a word, because, as I was reading back, putting the titles, what the transmissions were about, I suddenly came across what I felt, for myself, was a level of profundity, the simpleness of how you work, slowly to become more complex, rather than trying to go over our heads at the beginning. It seemed there were some profound, simple truths, and then, as we developed this truth, there were deeper and deeper lessons. It seemed quite interesting to me that they seemed to go on in stages of lessons. So I guess I had a joy moment when you said that word, profound, and that is exactly what I felt as I was reading through them, so.
Aaron, (Bill): Excellent, for indeed, you have observed in action the intended lesson procedure. The basic ideas were first presented in very simple forms, and then elaborated as time when on, because experience makes for new levels of understanding, you see. So, my last word to you here is have no unnecessary hesitation about your project, my friend. It is a worthy one, indeed.
Bob D: Can I ask one more question? (Certainly.) The one question I have is that in the Spokane Group especially, there was such a combined process of TRing among several TRs. You came through pretty much everybody, so there are multiple TRs involved. And there were multiple teachers involved that seemed to work on a growth emphasis. I am planning to put in an introduction where I will basically state that you were the presiding person for the group, instead of naming each and every teacher as they gave us a lesson. I feel it is important for the reader to get the focus on what the lesson is, rather than all these different names. So I am planning on calling it the Aaron Group of Teachers as a spiritual staff, rather than name each particular teacher. Is that acceptable to do?
Aaron (Bill): (teasing) No, our egos are so large that we require all of us getting full credit! (Everyone laughs.) Of course, we don't need to have personal recognition.
Give some thought to the title of this document. (Yes, I have several in mind.) Yes, that is important in marketability; and yes, I fully agree with your general direction. An introduction is also essential so that those who are curious as to how this could happen will have some satisfaction for their curiosity. There are some who don't care who the source is, and simply read the material for itself; but there are a few, like Isaac, who would appreciate knowing how this came about.
Bob D: Yes, I've got it. Thank you very much.
Aaron (Bill): My friends, our time is somewhat hampered by the limitations of the tape, but also by your schedules, so we will conclude at this point, unless there is someone who must ask one more question. (Pause.)
Very well, let us unite our hands and our hearts. Klarixiska will lead us in prayer.
Klarixiska (Bill): O divine Father of mercies, Mother of blessings, dearest Friend, greatest Companion: we worship You with our willingness to share our lives and to be intimate with You, for we know You are our highest goal, that we want to be like You. And so we share with You that you may teach us. Sustain these, my friends, in the ups and downs of life. May their stance on their surfboards not slip. May their eyes behold the waves without fear. And may their intentions to ride the "big one" all the way to Paradise be successful. Amen.