2003-05-04-Nation Building
Topic: Nation Building
Group: N. Colorado TeaM
Teacher: Rayson
TR: Daniel Raphael
[Daniel began the session with mind and body relaxation and reverie and preparation for group intention.]
RAYSON: Good afternoon, this is Rayson. (Group greetings) Thank you, it is good to be here. I appreciate the work that you have done in the preparation for this session today, of quieting of your minds and stilling your bodies. It is a good preparation for receiving the subtle energies of these messages, for there is far more in this process than just these words through this voice speaking to you and addressing you. You are in a merkaba zone, where the vibration through the merkaba is filling your whole being and you resonate with that. And being open to that, you become more in sync, in tune with that vibration.
Today we will close the lessons on community building. This lesson today has to do with nation building. Nations are bounded, at least on your planet, by borders that separate one country from another, boundaries that separate one language, one culture from others. But there are greater boundaries within a nation that create greater separations between the people within a nation. And those in advanced nations are either dissolved or are in the process of being dissolved. Those separations between people are caused by economic differences, educational differences. You recognize that you have physical differences, and there are different social aspects to groups—this is normal on many planets. It does not affect the health of a nation or that of the individual. This lesson may seem like a historical review of your own nation, and in some ways perhaps it is. The principles of the expansion of your nation are fundamental to its future expansion.
And what is it that gave your people so much inspiration, so much energy for forward movement, for growth, for overcoming the challenges that lay before them? Yes, there was a physical frontier: There were forests to be turned into lumber, stumps to be cleared, earth to be dug, mines to be opened, steel mills to be erected for the forging of steel and the forging of a nation. But what was it that gave your people so much hope? And I say, "your people," for truly the people who came to this nation, came from the whole planet; it was a global event, the expansion of your nation.
What was it that urged them forward that enabled them to overcome huge obstacles—personal, social—it was hope. When people have hope, there are no limits to what they can overcome. Challenges arise before them but are leveled when there is hope—hope of a better life, a more prosperous life, hope of individual determination of the course of their lives, and the determination for a better life for their children and their grandchildren, and the future children in generations to come. Hope! And how was that hope empowered? That hope was empowered through freedom. You have to have freedom to determine how you will move forward in life. But what enables that empowerment? It is education, it is financial freedom, the hope of growth within one lifetime and the betterment of future generations. When a nation ceases to offer hope to its people, and opportunities through education and their own enterprise, then a nation will wither, its people will become bitter, and there will be resentment and there will be uprisings. The way forward for any nation, on any planet, in any material universe, is through the opportunity of education.
And what is it about education that is so vitally important? What does it tap into that empowers individuals, and levels challenges so they gobble up the horizons and overcome the distances between themselves and the future? It is the mind, literally the mind. You know from your transcripts and from your own contact with Nebadonia that the mind is infinite; there are no limits to the growth of your mind—yes, your mind, your individual mind. Those people sitting here, those individuals reading this, and those who have no knowledge about what we are doing—it is the infinite, horizon-less, boundary-less aspect of the mind. And were it not for physical, neuro-degeneration from aging and disease, your mind would continue to grow and develop.
Education is primary to your future; education is primary to the settlement of nations, cultures, clans, families, and worlds. Education is primary to overcoming ignorance. You say, "Ah ha, well of course!" Truly, education, consciously applied is meant to overcome ignorance along with prejudice, bias, bigotry, and hostility between groups—all are overcome with education. With education, there is the expansion of enterprise; individuals can enter into a business on their own, challenge their financial business acumen and move ahead. The risks are inherent—that is understood. As you move forward, dear friends, in this nation, some of you will be policy makers, will be on school boards, you’ll be part of an educational program. Always think in terms of encouraging more people to enter into the educational field, as students, as teachers.
Your nation is a primary example, in fact an exceptionally good example at this time, of the necessity of providing education to everyone who comes to this nation, whether they are illegal immigrants, legitimate émigrés/immigrants or individuals from any walk of life, any economic level or financial ability—education must be provided to these new groups. And what for? It will offer hope. Hope! Hope is what keeps people going, that builds communities, aids in family development, overcoming disease through education—people becoming doctors, nurses, health practitioners. Education is one of the greatest levelers of hostility and a catalyst of peace. Thoughtful, educated minds do not make war. There is always a way around hostility; there is much more in common with your enemies than there are differences. War and aggression are, and have been, an endemic part of your world due mostly to ignorance, rather than aggression.
We have spoken about this nation, but this nation has thrust itself into the pockets, deep into the pockets, of other nations in the past and today. And how has it assisted other nations to grow? Through the re-establishment of the physical infrastructure, of course, through new commercial and financial institutions, through the assistance of business development, and through the establishment of primary education, so that everyone in the nation has the opportunity to become educated, regardless of gender, age, or national background or religious preference.
Education is fundamental to everyone. Education is fundamental to peace; is fundamental to a happy family, a functional family, from which nation builders come. When you think of your forefathers, for example Mr. Lincoln, there are stories of him reading by candlelight, book after book and he would walk miles to borrow books. Today, individuals still yearn for education. Not all young people are glued to the television or to their games; many are inquisitive and inquiring. There is something about reading a book that is inspiring, which is so limitless in scope because it is the mind of the reader that forms the background and the scenes that pass before their mind through words.
Are there religious differences between the people in a nation that you have invaded? Perhaps there are. What is the best means for addressing this? In the short term, of course, it is tolerance and to encourage tolerance; but in the long term, it is education, the opportunity of hope, the opportunity of peace, the opportunity of self-determination. Only through education can new nations, new governments, rational individuals come forward to govern themselves. Individuals seeking greater political freedoms, civil liberties, must be educated to exercise them safely in the larger population. The greatest possible good for all is the greatest education to the capacity of the individual.
Oh, you are right, there is no money in education; it costs money, but that is an investment that pays for itself many times over. There is no money in the sewer system either, but you build them wherever houses are, and provide water—all the necessities of maintaining a community. Education is the same; there are basic educational goals that must be attained by all of the population—not just the wealthy, not just for those people who have transportation—but also for everyone!
The hope of greatness can never come about unless there is education, and the opportunity [of access] for a person to enter into the educational stream. These are not higher-minded goals or values; these are simply necessities—necessary goals and values of maintaining a growing, expanding, hopeful society.
Your nation is still very young and in its youth, it is very naVve. Those in power are kept in power in developed nations and on developed planets through their beneficence, their thoughts of aiding other people, selflessly. There is universal education that is available to everyone. Of course, there is always a payback, as there should be. Many worlds, many nations in developed worlds, have a reciprocal relationship with the individual. Basic, fundamental education is provided free; and individuals must attain certain goals of performance, or if they cannot, then they demonstrate that they cannot through a learning disability. Education past this is provided with a reciprocal agreement of service. Higher education is provided, and the individual serves their nation or community, or in some foreign service. Individuals then become aware that life in a developed world is education and service. Even in jobs and employment, it is service oriented. How do we help others and help ourselves at the same time?
We could also say the same thing about the medical industry on advanced worlds. There is a basic level of medical treatment that is available to everyone in every community, as part of the social, civilized infrastructure at a higher level. Everyone in your nation is paying for medical treatment some way—people who need treatment receive it, and it is paid for some way—it just depends on how you want to have the bills paid.
We are open for questions concerning this now, if you have any.
Student: Rayson, would you speak to the subject of nationalism. I seem to feel that a lot of our problems in this country tend to be exacerbated by extremes of nationalism and patriotism. How much is normal and helpful, and how do we cope with the extremes?
Rayson: Nationalism on your planet has always been an issue and a problem. In centuries past, there were no nations—or few nations—there was little identity other than in the local community. And as the centuries past, your world became explored and the people who occupied these areas, called it their own. It reminds us of children with their toys, "This is mine, mine! That’s yours, you can’t have this." And then others look across the borders and say, "Hmmm, we want that too," and so there is aggression, crossing borders with the military. And as the centuries pass, some nations find they have more in common than they have in differences, and this is occurring in your European community today. If I might examine this in a little more detail, give you some insights and we will return to answering the question in full.
You see, in your European nations, the economic European Union, this is another form of nation building; this is an evolutionary step into a larger state.
Soon you will find that this European state is much like your states in the United States in America—they are built of counties. So you will find in the future—or another way of looking at it even today, is that you have the European Union with it’s various counties/countries—the distinctions between them are lessening, and though there are language differences, there is commonality in money, finance, banking, commerce, and agriculture. And now, through the actions of this nation, some of those states/nations in Europe are now developing their own unified military presence.
Nationalism is an evolutionary step in the settlement and development of a planet. It is a civilizational activity, and if you could live another 5,000 years, you would see the borders of your nations dissolve. And though there might be dotted lines on the map that separate one region from another, for all purposes they are united, they have much in common. And so, this community will grow, and you see the presence of new nations, of old nations, applying for a new status within that European Union. They are opting into a cooperative effort. Eventually, there will be only a half-dozen nations on your world, and this will eventually give way to a unified world—I would not say "world government" but "world cooperation"—nations and regions knitted together so closely that thoughts and actions of separation are quickly suppressed and dissolved. The advantages of cooperation far out-weigh the advantages gained by aggression and separation. This is peaceful expansion in subtle ways.
The nationalism you speak of is harmful. "I’m right; you’re wrong," are formed statements of separation, rather than union. Taking a position, which is nationalistic, causes separation. The rules, the guidelines of mediation for building union are known, is that you examine your interests—what interests do you have in common—and you build on them. What is in our mutual best interests? And you build on those ideas. I did not answer your question fully or directly, but circumspectly—is this sufficient?
Student: In some ways. I find that we still have some serious problems because of our extreme nationalism. For example, with the recent war with Iraq, those who were against using force and pre-emptive war against Iraq, were criticized heavily by those who feel like, "We are all Americans, we should back our troops and back our President and support the war," even if we don’t believe in it. That is one part of what I was looking for; how do we get past those kinds of disagreements.
Rayson: We do not make statements, political statements, regarding national issues. That is why I answered circumspectly. The longer view of nations and nation-building is often invisible to you when you are so close to this moment in a nation that is at war, that has invaded another one (or has been invaded by another nation.) Nationalism has a place, just as war has a place in the development of a world, in its evolution, and then there is a time in that evolution when it diminishes the effect of peace and the cooperation and of development, and in fact retards the evolution of a world into one singular civilization. Your thoughts are in-line with the overall view. Another question?
Student: From your perspective, how close are we to gaining new energy sources, which would enable us to overcome so many of the big problems of limited resources in not only the Middle East, but Africa and other nations; those that need more water, or have to fight over water, need more electrical energy to expand their livelihoods—are any of those new resources on the early horizon, that you can see from your perspective?
Rayson: There is a flurry and "blooming of new buds" of technology on your world, and you are within decades of developing a new form or source of energy, which will be useful and act as a leveling element to this disparity of energy throughout the world. Yet, it will be technologically based and only available to those who have it to begin with. We will not venture to say that it is 5 years away or 10 years away or 22.5 years away, but that it is within decades. (Thank you.) You are welcome.
Student: I have another question. (Certainly.) Concerning the increasing AIDS and SARS, and probably many others, do you have anything to comment or to give us hope regarding the overcoming of those in the future?
Rayson: We are reluctant to boldly state answers to your question, which we do have the answers, but to let you know that these will continue. You see, once medical advances begin to eradicate common diseases, those uncommon diseases come forward. They have always been there, always latent, but other diseases caused early deaths sooner than these do. Therefore, you are beginning to see pathogens that can effect large populations quickly, and which are highly adaptable, meaning that they morph themselves or transform themselves, they evolve rapidly. And given a rapidly evolving virus, the unsuccessful ones are dropped by the wayside, and those that are successful come forward quickly.
The only hope for your species, large numbers of your species, is rapid containment of these outbreaks, so that they are not spread. You mention AIDS and it affects a larger percentage of the population of your world than most are aware. You will find that some of these new diseases, once they are introduced to this weakened population, will ravish their numbers quickly. SARS may be contained, but it will not go away. Your world health organizations, national and local and global, must be on their toes monitoring all areas of all countries to be able to effectively isolate outbreaks. As you may surmise, eventually there will be a pathogen that can be transmitted quickly, adapt itself rapidly, and cause great damage.
To finish your question, know also that these are natural developments on your world; these were not brought to your world by any external species but are natural developments from your planetary history. Further, this is not a development that is encouraged or discouraged by the managers of your planet. This is a natural development and an unfortunate one for a weakened species as yours. Had your world not suffered through the rebellions and experiments of times past, your DNA would be much more intact, whole, and less susceptible to disease. And no, the world spiritual management does not tolerate this as a way of weeding out sickened individuals; that is a pernicious idea and has no
founding. Do not think that the managers or your Creator Son, Christ Michael, is heartless not to intervene, but this is the way that all planets are managed. Through these unfortunate developments arise great genius; arise people with incredible fortitude; people who rise to the occasion, become great inventors and leaders and inspiring individuals. Thank you for your question. (Thank you.)
Student: I thank you also, as it answered many of my other questions.
Student: In summation, all things work to good.
Rayson: Such is the case. Are there other questions?
Student: I have a question about education. We seem to be going through a change in our approach to education. In the State of Colorado, there is a considerable concern about the ability of our public school system to reach the level of excellence that should be reached, and the same concerns are also occurring on the national level. It’s felt by some that monies collected for education through the tax system could be allocated for a choice of public or private schools by request from students and their parents. I wonder if you might comment on this approach. What is your thought on the direction we are headed, and are we headed in the right direction now or not?
Rayson: It is not a part of the Correcting Time to involve ourselves in policy developments, other than through the subtle ways of the Most Highs. All policies from our perspective of the Correcting time are to develop a higher good through societies, through families, through individuals. Education is at the heart of that. We—I speak for my team workers and myself—we are not necessarily conscious or cognizant of the [influence of the] Most Highs. Their work is in a plane that is not of our knowing. Your question is simple but complex. The answer is for us, is quite simple—it is the measurement of the capacity of an educational system to produce individuals who are educationally competent to manage their own lives. There seems to be much more superfluous interests and activities in the lives of students and pupils, than there used to be. Whether they are addressed through the private sector or through the public is a decision for your statesmen and local educational leaders, assisted by the input of citizens.
As for it being a positive or negative development, it is far too early to ascertain that. Our records of current status on other worlds is that the better educational systems are provided for on a public basis to everyone, and it is mandatory that everyone attain a certain level of achievement that is commensurate with their mental capacity. You will find that private enterprises come and go, but public enterprises remain. Establishment of a nation, a state, county, and a school district, will remain; it requires sound policies on those levels to establish sound educational systems. How education is paid for is not necessarily a part of that overall scheme. The goal of a society is to produce educated individuals; individuals who can aspire; individuals who know that they have the capacity for greater things, and this is hope. Whether the money goes to private educational
systems, or public is not an issue we are concerned about. Does this help to give you clarity? Or confuse you more?
Student: I’d hoped you’d give me the answer, but it has provided some thoughts around the subject, anyway. My more specific question is that by taking money away from the public system and putting public dollars into the private system, it seems to me it dilutes the public system and makes it very difficult to administer a public system where you can be subject to radical financial changes if people elect out of that system, or if they are encouraged to elect out of that system. However, the end result could be good—I don’t know—maybe it is too early to tell, as you indicated.
Student: It could easily become an instrument for economic differentiation, rather than equalization, and it appears that that is what it is for.
Student: Well, in some cases. Some of the proponents of the voucher system, which is what I was talking about, are ones who were seeking the opportunity to move out of the ghetto schools and into better schools—they are the major proponents of this idea, but at the present time, to me the whole issue is in a state of flux. So I was hoping I could tune into an answer to see where we are going, and if we are going in the right direction, but it is something that seems to me now, we have to experience it to find out…I think that is kind of where we left it. Is that correct, Rayson?
Rayson: That is correct. (Thank you.) You are welcome.
Student: I have a question also on the topic of education. Lately, we have experienced something that is rather new: We have a lot of highly educated people that cannot find jobs right now. Do you have any words on that subject?
Rayson: You recall the passages in the Urantia Book about life on another planet and spoke about people being highly educated, needing to rely upon ordinary skills, and that most successful people on your world and on other worlds are also educated in alternative means of supporting themselves, which may not be in alignment with their education. One might be a brick mason and yet hold a degree in physics or mathematics, or be a grocer and be well educated in education. Societies in their educational preparation of the individual must also provide individuals with a means of supporting themselves. You have a phrase about, "Don’t forget your day job," and this is really true, where you must be able to take on alternative means of supporting yourself in order to move forward. However, when individuals have become reckless in their financial obligations and cannot support themselves through more menial means than their highly educational positions; this is unfortunate, and this will continue to be an issue in a materialistic society. (Thank you. That does answer that question very well. I appreciate it.) You are welcome.
Now, let us address the future, please. This was the last lesson in community building. Education offers no hope unless individuals have access to it. And this perhaps answers your question, sir, about access.
Everyone must have equal opportunity of access to education, commensurate with his or her ability to absorb it, to use it. Education without access also limits your society, limits groups within your society. When we speak of education for everyone, we mean everyone! Access is open to all who live in this nation. This helps individuals develop hope to work themselves out of the ghetto, to overcome the caste society they may believe they live in, to overcome the social, cultural, financial barriers that have held their people down, their family down before.
A healthy society is flexible, and that means individuals are flexible—they can go from being a physicist to being a waitperson; they can go from the ghetto to buying a house in the middle class suburbs, or buying an apartment, or to be able to pay the rent on a nice apartment or condominium. When there are barriers that limit access of individuals to move about, to aspire, to grow, to overcome their limitations and the barriers, then your society, your nation, your culture is in trouble. Temporarily, it may assist certain groups to become more prosperous and more powerful politically, but in the long run, they are highly detrimental to the longevity of a community, a society, and a nation. Barriers that cannot be overcome cause hostility, and hostility will be vented. Then there will be war within a society. You see these developments through internal violence by groups in a nation. You see this development in other nations; the terrorism that you see is a virulent aspect of these differences. It is better to die hopeful of overcoming through violence than living without hope.
For a nation to succeed, for a family to prosper, for the mind of an individual to reach its greatest capacity within a lifetime, there must be no barriers that limit hope. Open the doors of your educational institutions; allow access to everyone. If individuals want to go from a ghetto school to a better school, perhaps that may be a new market place for the distribution of educational services.
[New topic] Last year, this group took a sabbatical through the individual decision of Daniel, at our suggestion. We have re-convened in the last 3 or 4 months, and begun again. We have reached the conclusion of this series of issues. During the last months, we have been very active to poke you, to push you, to step on your toes so that you move about, so you do not become a crystallized, social group that feels comfortable to come together once every two weeks and simply listen to the Teachers. We wish you to become active in our return to this group. This is Rayson, and I am available to you; I encourage you to meet as a group however you want to do that, to raise issues, questions that you have. You wanted to discuss community; we have done that. You wanted to discuss nation building; we have done that in part. If you have other aspects, other issues and interests that you would like to have discussed or developed as a full program that may last several months, please generate these interests within your group.
If this group has become crystallized and staid in its format, then it will shatter and disperse and will not reconvene. If you are interested in growing and sustaining the group as an ongoing activity, then you will devise conscientious questions and issues you wish to know more about that will help your living on this planet and your progress along your ascendant journey. I know that individuals in this group are highly interested in continuing this format; we will be glad to re-engage this with you given new issues and questions that you generate. Until we have a new way of relating to you—and there are many—this format of teacher/TR and participants will continue. When more of you are able to TR, then we could develop into a new evolutionary stage of the Teaching Mission in a group. I encourage you to continue your Stillnesses; go to the Stillness and listen. And even if you ask the simple question, "Is anybody here?" that is a beginning—you know that we are. Be still and know that your Creator is here, and all of his beings of light are available to your growth and education. Until you devise these questions, these issues, these programs, I bid you adieu. (Thank you, Rayson.)