2003-05-12-Expanding Your Capacity To Receive Truth
Topic: Expanding Your Capacity to Receive Truth
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
Good evening, my children. This is Michael. And I honor your being here with me tonight to engage yourselves with me as I and your Mother in Spirit minister to you in those deepest places of your mind that yearn for the light of truth. Know that this light of Spirit has the potential to illuminate those secret shadows within you that have been seared by the distortion of living life on a planet so beset by turmoil. I am your salvation. I am your truth. Come into my being, and I will create within you a new awareness of the light of truth that wishes to shine forth from your being as a child of great spiritual luminosity.
Imagine before you a great shaft of light. It is brilliant in hue, and beckoning in feeling. Its warmth glows and shines its embers reflecting within you a desire to enter into it. This is my presence, my children, and I invite you to walk into me and to ask me to envelop in my loving embrace. I am with you through all of the travails of your life. In walking into my presence you make more of a conscious decision to ask me to assist you, and to accompany you, and to instruct you in my ways. Come now into my presence, and my light will overshadow you. Step forward by making decision-this simple decision-to share your life with me, and I will envelop you. (Pause)
Now, my children, I invite you to open your mind more fully. Bring to me your willingness to be expanded in your capacity to receive truth. This idea to receive truth shares with me your willingness to be expanded in my being. I am not inclined to work within the constructs of the intellect at this time. Rather, what I would ask of you is to be in that place where you have a love, appreciation, and hunger for truth-the living word-the foundation of all reality that plants your mind in a healthy soil substance of my love for you; my value of you, and higher experiential expression of who you are as a child in this ever evolving and expanding universe we share together. Invite me into your mind to increase your capacity for truth. (Pause)
There is a cleansing action of the Spirit within you that has the capacity to expand your mind and to remove the dead particles of debris that accumulate within the mindal endowment of human life. You know these as the irksome habits and painful feelings and annoying difficulties that you encounter in your daily living. Truly, truly, my children, you are not meant to live shouldering these burdens. Once the living truth begins to whet your appetite for a higher living reality, the old must make way for the new. And it is this very healing action of the Creative Spirit, my consort, and your Mother, who steps into your mind, and by her very action cleanses it and sets you free. Those places of accumulation of this debris are deep, and it is our delight and our responsibility as your parents to remove these from you, so that you can grow in Spirit according to the plans within you safeguarded by your Father Fragments. Invite your Mother into your mind, and ask her to clean you. And here I ask you to be in that faith posture that desires first and foremost to be a living vessel of truth, thereby giving your Mother greater action within you to remove that which is no longer of use to you or to me. She draws near. Invite her in. (Pause)
Invite her to touch, to open, to clean all of those areas deep within you. Give her access to your mind by your simple desire to be clean as a newborn babe first resting in the arms of his loving, devoted parents freshly presented to the world. (Pause)
The Spirit of God within you is infinite. And, as it overshadows your mind, sense the greatness that is moving within you. You may in trust surrender, rest, rejuvenate in this presence within you. Truly the Spirit overshadows the mind, purifies it, and aligns it with everything holy, righteous, beautiful, and good. Call forth deep within you those secret places of shame, guilt, isolation, and fear. Ask your Mother to clean these-to make them holy and pure. There is no need to hide or to be embarrassed by what you see as unlovely and unrighteous within you, for I say to you, my children, those things within that are properly cleaned and spiritized are a living reflection of the Father's love and the Father's goodness. Verily, I say to you, they are the essence of the Father reflecting within you. Allow this to be purified by your Mother in Spirit. (Pause)
Through the ages you have carried a great burden and a great distortion of truth. Allow your Mother to liberate you from these and to walk in the light of true spiritual liberty that gives you a greater sense of purpose, place, and value in my universe. Truly this is the time of correction and cleansing on this planet. And all who present themselves in this way will be healed, will be made whole. I say to you, my children, have you the faith to achieve this now? It is by your very trusting capacity to come to your Mother, to present yourself to me-in faith-not trying to understand the wisdom of our ways, the nature of our workings, but that innocent, child-like faith to be made whole. This is our promise to you. Have you the faith to let us minister to you-to feed you and to grow you as our children? (Pause)
The action of the Mother grows stronger, creating deep rumblings within the deeply embedded unconscious mind. Let her uproot all that is unholy. Let it be replaced by the living truth-my substance-my essence within you, and be built anew in the word that frees your souls. (Pause)
My children one day this planet will be bathed in light, and you will look down upon it with such joy and love. You will see that the full potential has come to pass, and this planet is truly reflecting heaven on earth. And what will resonate so deeply within your soul is that you-my living vessels-on this planet were the bearers of light through your very desire to be healed, and to bring more light into your being that will erase all error-all sin-all traces and any glimmer of the willfulness to rebel against the Father. What you are embarking on is a glorious, magnificent renewal of Spirit-of living truth-on this planet.
Let this light of truth be so firmly anchored within your heart, within your desire to be free, and then again so firmly anchored in your desire to bring more love and healing through your generous acts of loving service and devotion to your brothers and sisters. For you are my instruments of healing, and I need each and every one of you, so that as you walk on the ground you will transform it into sacred and pure terrain that loves Spirit, that seeks renewal, and that constantly gives new life through the rebirth of the Father's plans. Your healing is paramount to us, and there is nothing that we cannot help you overcome when you present yourselves to us in faith and ask us to make you whole.
Now, as you come back into the more immediate consciousness of the present, I will address you one by one if you would wish to share what is on your mind and in your heart now. It is your time to spend with me as my child, and I will respond to your soul.
Student: Dear Christ, is there a place in the heavenly realm for one such as I, or are there are achievements or must I change to qualify for such a blessing?
Michael: Would not a loving father have a place in his home for his son? (Yes) And so, my son C, there is a place for you. You are growing in faith, and in your capacity to understand what life in me means. At this time in your development, rest in me more. Come into my embrace and let me expand your capacity to receive a greater picture ideation of who you are and who you are becoming. You have a place in my family. All I ask is that you become more aware of what that place is. Is this something that interests you?
Student: Yes, this is something that resonates deeply.
Michael: You are my child, and I love you. (Thank you)
Student: I feel as though things have been stirred up around me, and I'm not quite clear what that's about. I ask for clarity and if I'm moving in the right direction in my life, or if I'm being asked to move in another direction.
Michael: My daughter, the currents of change are about you. There is a whirlwind of activity undergoing new constructive patterns of thoughts and ideas within your mind that are now rising up to the surface. But as they rise to the surface, they permeate certain established thought patterns within your mind. And so, it is normal that you would feel confusion and that you would feel great mental activity and sometimes tension. As you attempt to evaluate what is happening within you, I invite you to go into that undercurrent of spiritual pressure that you sense deep within you. Find that now and I will add something within you that will increase your foundation to be trusting as you emerge into new levels of reality in understanding within your mind. (Pause)
There is within you a growing desire to be in partnership with the creative spiritual forces resident within you. Certain levels of normal human experiential understanding creates a certain degree of tension and trepidation. Find that place of gathering (tape turned) and invite your Mother and me to amplify your desire to be in this creative spiritual dynamic. Do this now, we will add something within you.
You may address your question about your son at this time.
Student: Part of it is physical and he's had some biopsies done, and the other part of it is his spiritual health. I guess the two are tied in. Is there anything I can do in relationship to that?
Michael: Beyond your relationship with him as the woman who gave him life is the Mother within whom he has taken life in all forms. As you pray for your child, carry him as an embryonic seed in the womb of our Mother, whose domain is the universe. As you implant him in her womb, ask her to grow him strong and vibrant, healthy, and more spiritually alive. For she is his Mother and yours, and hers is the capacity to nurture him and to free him, just as she frees you. After you have spent time for several days in doing this, create within him a more substantial living link with me by asking your Mother to plant your child into my living truth. Each day as you pray for him, pray that the truth grow strong and to uproot all that is of shadow and of all the debris that still resides within him. This is a dynamic and active way in which you can minister to him that will be received by his spirit in a way that render his mind more flexible and yielding to those spiritual influences that converge within him. Beyond any words you can speak, this approach in prayer will render him more receptive, more amenable, and then he will show you his readiness in different ways as your relationship grows. Does this answer meet with your understanding? (Yes) K, my daughter, you are much beloved. As I weave my love more deeply within the fiber of your being, let the love you have as a mother resonate outward to your child as you grow your capacity to shine my love outward on the world. Receive and be blessed.
Student: Christ Michael, I want to ask you to help me deal with an attitude that I have been worried about. I'm fearful about having enough money to be OK right now. I'd like to stop feeling nervous and fearful about that. What can I do to change my attitude?
Michael: What is the consequence of your fear? What is the misfortune that would befall you if you were to have no money?
Student: I wouldn't be able to pay my bills and I'm looking for a position right now and it's been difficult.
Michael: What would that mean in your life if you were not able to meet your obligations?
Student: I would feel depressed and feel that I just fought as hard as I could and couldn't get anywhere. I would feel, on some level, that I failed at life.
Michael: And so, what you are attaching yourself to is an idea of yourself as successful because you have a job and a way to earn income?
Student: Not necessarily. I really don't attach myself to the income as much as I think I would because I don't desire a lot of material possessions, but my fear is not being able to do some meaningful work to support myself and meet by obligations.
Michael: I invite you to go into a deeper exploration of how you might position yourself in relationship with money. Take a few moments and invite me into that place where you feel this attachment to your attitude of fear. (Pause) I invite you now to begin to see yourself as being upheld in me and my care of you. (Pause) Would you be interested in having confidence that your obligations will be met? (Yes, very) Then I encourage you to actively inquire what it would mean to be upheld in my love and care for you. Spend time in your meditation in asking for a reverberation of Spirit to feed you with this quality of this lesson. Let this reverberation enter within you now. When you are in this state of conscious meditation, ask for this reverberation to plant within you a new truth. Allow this new substance to entice your self image of being attached to this idea of what job you will have and how you will earn your living wage to find its way over into my truth, and thereby creating new levels of attachment and dependence upon me. Do you understand my meaning, my daughter?
Student: Yes, this sounds like a powerful exercise. Thank you.
Michael: K, I invite you into my arms so that I may embrace you with my love and my devotion to you. Your well being is paramount to me, and there is nothing that can truly interfere with your growth and your continued success by simply coming to me and asking my living reality to build you anew. Let yourself receive this now, and be given a new courage to continue to move forward. Receive my love and blessing, my dear one. (Thank you)
Student: Jesus, there is a deepening and growing sense of anticipation, something that we've talked about the last two weeks as I allow myself to experience and live the presence of God in each moment. In doing so I find myself slowing being liberated as I go against the grain of what is out in the world and allow the law or word of God to manifest me. It is something I gladly nourish each moment. I really do not have a question, but just what I've been experiencing recently. I'm so glad to be letting go of past fallacies, mis-perceptions, and distortions.
Michael: My son, your journey is just beginning. You have yet to experience all of the joy and beauty awaiting you. The opportunities for growth are limitless, and in your desire for this expansion, surely you will be utilized to your heart's content and find increasing treasures to enjoy as your heart delights in the unfolding of the Father's plans within you. It is so wondrous to not only witness this as you emerge more fully into this consciousness, but I share my delight with you as I recall those human days on this planet when I came into my own human understanding of what is doing the Father's will. And so I too fondly recall that sense of anticipation. But let it also be tempered with a sense of growing reverence, for what you have embarked upon is truly a rugged path of spirit growth.
Student: But I have noticed how, because I have changed and opened up to God and His will, my relationships have changed and been more rewarding and loving and nurturing.
Michael: And as I add my love into you, you will find even greater capacity for these relationships to blossom even more than they already have. (Thank you)
Student: Dear Jesus, I would like to help LB serve with me in your kingdom, and I think there is a good start. Would you help me?
Michael: As you find increased levels of your eagerness to serve, build your foundation upon my love and my devotion to you. Recall the words of last week when I encouraged you to quiet your mind and present your intention to speak to me, so that my words could precede those actions of your lips. Your desire to serve is so honored and so well considered as you are finding new ways to share my love with your brothers and sisters. As you engage in conversations with your friend, come into that place of desire for your spiritual fragrance to shine forth, thereby assisting you to gain consensus of spirit and a greater allegiance to collaborate in teamwork. Let your personality gifts be divulged slowly. Let this time of exploration be one of uncovering a sweet petal one at a time-to see the color, to smell the fragrance, to feel the softness of the petal. Let yourself emerge slowly into the consciousness of this woman. As you come to know her, bring your relationship to me. And as I can blend your desires and personalities together in a more harmonious unity, you will find even greater devotion and love together to serve. Do you understand, my son?
Student: Yes, I do, and I thank you very much.
Michael: V, my son, few have your verve and vigor to serve. And I need you as my instrument in these crucial years of correction on this planet. As I weave my love into your soul, let the burning desire of your heart resonate deeply within you and bring a greater stability into you to stay the course and stay grounded in the foundation I am building in you so that I may use the breadth and the depth of your gifts to heal my children. (Pause)
Beloved sons and daughters, as my words leave this room, my presence within you is ever abiding. Though your minds have yet to expand in the full and constant consciousness of me, they are growing. And to relive this experience this evening, you only have to still your mind and ask for the remembrance of me and my love for you to fill your being with light, with truth, with hope, with the encouragement you need to continue your faith progress. You are my children. I am ever present within you. Come to me as often as you can, and I will be with you all the days and all the moments of your life. Good evening.