2003-05-25-Biorhythmic Variance
Topic: Biorhythmic Variance
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Andrea
TR: George Barnard
"There are times when the rhythm of either the material, the expressive, or the spiritual may be on an awkward downward stroke, and when it may take a little while for exchange to begin to take place. And today it took us a little while to achieve that contact, and I want you to understand that there will be times when it does take us longer than is normal. Well nothing much is in a great hurry in the universe we all live in, so just relax and let it flow now.
"I want to speak to you today about "Friendship." Friendship, as it is generally implied, is based on understanding, acceptance, long-term trust, perhaps respect and admiration, potentially a great love, and there you have "Friendship" as it is widely recognized, and a complex mixture of feelings and of relating. And they are true feelings – emotions – you can express directly towards another or others in your immediate surrounds, and within yourself, but also to those who are afar.
"In our providing the very basic building blocks for world peace and universal welfare, the acceptance of only a certain kind of individual who shares our mind, our ideals, our beliefs, our outlook, or religion is not enough. It is important for us to accept those of all different viewpoints, as each of us has a different background, different parentage, personality, a different environment in which we are educated, and we may not understand another’s thinking, or even their language.
"These varied factors should never become the barrier that places us apart, for these many others are here to also learn the lessons, to become the members of the tribes, the families, the nations that all, with a common goal, make their way to the Father, and no one is more important in His eyes than is another. Strong personal beliefs can so often break the lines of communication between those who would otherwise develop a friendship.
"In essence what I am here ‘lecturing about’ – with a smile on my face as I say this – is tolerance. For the human members of His family it is of no lesser importance to display in kind to the great amount of tolerance we have learned to exhibit when we receive all, and exclude none in our acceptance of you, our mortal cousins. Yet there is much more required than just tolerance.
"Feel within your heart the love that ‘rains down’ from our Creator Father to you, and in some way you’ll find the means to spread this love overtly and anonymously, and all around, and He will give you even more. And with it you will have produced in your small way, to your ability, as best you can, ‘the here below’ as it is ‘above’.
"Continue to reach out, and on each morning determine anew that you will reach out in love and foster friendships with all in this way, ‘semblant of’ (resembling) what it is above. This is Andrea. It’s good to be with you, and it will be a pleasure for me to stay with you for a time. In friendship."
"There is no reward for being concerned about the passing of time during meditation, but it does pay to remain patient. There is a natural inclination of (human) biorhythmic variance to either positively, or negatively influence the flow of co-creative juices and the clarity in any transmission. And since we Midwayers came into existence well before just yesterday, we know it, recognize it, and allow for it by modifying our approach.
This is Andrea, George, and it’s good to spend much time with you before we begin.