2003-06-30-Living Waters Conference, Planetary Helpers
Topic: Living Waters Conference, Planetary Helpers
Group: 11:11 Progress Group
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Sandy Montee
Machiventa: "Good evening, Sandy. It is I, Machiventa. "We are greatly looking forward to the Urantia Book Readers getting together for their conference on the east coast of the United States in just a few days. Michael and I will spend much time there each day, to observe and to listen, as there will be many people who will be able to share their interests and acquired wisdom with new friends and old.
"It will be a time of love and comradeship that will be felt in the hearts of those attending. Many groups will have their representatives take part, and it will be of great interest to us to learn of the different opinions and philosophies they hold. I would appreciate for some of those who are fortunate enough to be able to participate, to bring back with them, and to share with those who are unable to attend, their stories and transmissions.
"This will be a wonderfully successful conference, and there will be many Celestial Teachers observing and participating. As well, there will be a great number of Destiny Guardians, Cherubim, and Midwayers commingling with the crowds.
"I would here like to touch on the subject of the new Midwayers that are arriving on the planet. The greater number hail from other worlds, and they are here to integrate, as well as teach in the ways of their planets, which are progressing well into their eras of Light and Life. Please welcome these hardworking soldiers of mercy and forward striving, and accept them as they step forward.
"By inviting these Midwayers to become involved in your lives, you can set yourselves on a road of major learning experiences. Be aware of circumstances that will show you their personal touch, and expertise in their task of being helpmates in the lives of those who accept them. Greet them, and be aware of their presence. "Their numbers are growing, and each one of them is prepared to assist the person that allows them to be close companions. Much information, too, can be gained in lessons for individuals. This is what this mission is all about. "I will purposely keep this message short. I send my love. This is Machiventa."