2003-07-08-Follow Up On Topic Of Love
Topic: Follow Up On Topic of Love
Group: SE Idaho TeaM
Teacher: Daniel, Minearisa
TR: Bob S.
Prayer (Ken) Our dear Parents, we, Your children, gather here this evening with Your other children, seen and unseen. We come to You with open hearts. We seek Your love. We seek Your energy. We desire to do the will of the Father, that we may learn, that we may be of service. It is in Your name that we come. Amen
Daniel: (Bob S) My friends, this is Daniel, your guide, companion, and most esteemed admirer. I try to make the rounds weekly to visit each member of this group, to say hello and see what is happening in your lives. And I have come to feel very close to each of you. Even those who have not accomplished this skill of direct communication, I enjoy meeting with as well.
Tonight's topic has to do with a brief follow up of last week's lesson of love. None of your questions earlier this evening appeared to us, on this side, to have generated any need for detailed follow up. I do have one point I would like to make, however, and that has to do with the love of things.
As I suggested last week, this is probably a misuse of the word love. However it does accurately convey the depth of feelings some people have toward their toys. This of course can be most regrettable, for if that kind of feeling or attitude is carried to its logical conclusion, it becomes a major form of materialism, and as the Master has taught us, a serious misplacement of our feelings and energies.
I shall be glad to take questions later, but now I wish to move on to another topic. What do you think would make a good follow up topic following last week's discussion of love? Does anyone have an idea, an inkling, a notion of where we might go this evening?
LaReen: Good evening Daniel. It's good to know you drop in on each of us during the week; that's reassuring. What about self-love?
Daniel: Yes, self-love. That is not what I had proposed, but I would be glad to pursue that if you desire. What is your wish? (No comments)
Would you like me to comment on self-love? (No one wants to express their opinions)
Ken: Your discussion to Bob's question last week about the love of someone you don't particularly enjoy the company of, and the understanding of that situation. The courage to step forward and understand what you see in that other individual, and analyzing your own thoughts about that. Seems we spend a lot of time in self-analysis here Daniel. Speak on that a little bit.
Daniel: I'm not sure I caught the drift of your question Ken.
Ken: Well one is really understanding our love to be of service to someone we don't like. And then you take us into a self-analysis of why we feel that way. We have done this quite often.
Daniel: And your question is?
Ken: (laughing) I don't know. I have a hard spot sometimes with certain people or certain situations. I am trying to gain or to get more understanding of why I feel that way. I guess that's not a question. I don't know how to phrase that into a question mark.
Daniel: You are wondering, perhaps, why, when your brain understands the concept of loving others, your heart does not seem to follow. Is that a fair analysis of your predicament? (very fair)
Yes, that is a difficulty, and that difficulty does not end with this physical life. Even those of us who have gone on ahead of you to the Mansion Worlds, found there we still ran into others who were difficult to like. We are now better at that, but that is a common difficulty of ascendant beings. We start out at a level where we understand just one person, ourselves, and learn early that the world is filled with others, some of whom we like immediately and others who take a bit longer. That difficulty appears to be part of our animal nature, but recognizing it, as an area of difficulty with which one must deal, is the first start, is the beginning of dealing with it. If your mind is convinced that this concept of loving everyone else is the way to go, and if you seek diligently and sincerely to pursue that idea, one day it will be accomplished. Few, very few people accomplish it in their physical lives. So Kenneth, your idea is right on target. If your attitude is of the Father, your heart will follow. Does this help, Kenneth?
Ken: Yes! I just want to love everybody unconditionally today and I know I can't do it. I try.
Daniel: Yes! Only one human on this planet ever accomplished that. (Anybody I know? We know who that is, laughing) A person you know very well. I am telling you from my experience, even on a more advanced planet, my home planet, I found the concept difficult. It took me some time beyond my physical life to get to the point where I felt I had that concept reasonably well learned. Well, thank you, Kenneth, for that question,which was most appropriate. (Thank you, Daniel)
Where your head leads you, your heart will follow. Many people on this planet think it's the other way around; and at times that works. But often it does not, as you many of you have probably experienced.
Well! There was a question earlier on self-love and I thought the two ladies present wished to pursue that. Is that correct?
LaReen: Yes Daniel.
Daniel: Pat!
Pat: (laughing) Sure!
Daniel: SURE! (Group is laughing, that would be good) We'll give it a shot.
Pat: Before you go on to that Daniel, I have a question in regards to Ken's. (yes, please) I just would like to know if that is one thing that a person has to accomplish before they are fused?
Daniel: A good question, but one, which I am not allowed to answer directly. The answer would be yes and no, because it is an important skill for us all to learn, but it is not the only one. So, no, that by itself would not suffice. Yes, it is part of one's repertoire, which must be dealt with before fusion. (Thank you) Thank you.
LaReen: Does that mean that I have a few more years to make peace with my ex-husband? (Daniel and group laughing)
Daniel: You have as long as it takes my dear. It is important, as you probably know. Forgiveness is as area which can cause individuals great difficulty. Personally, forgiving others is not for their benefit, it is for ours. We are the ones who suffer if we do not forgive those who have hurt us. We carry that weight around like a badge of honor. But eventually we figure out how unwise that is and put the issue behind us.
Shall we look at self-love?
Ken: Yes!
Daniel: A resounding minority of one!
Group: Yes! Yes! We're ready to go here. (Group is laughing)
Daniel: Very well. Self-love is a good issue and it is important as you have been told and as your psychologists have learned. One's ability to love oneself limits their ability to love others. Most every issue starts with ourselves and once we get ourselves to the point where we are reasonably comfortable and knowledgeable then we can reach out to deal with issues regarding others. If you have issues, limiting your ability to love yourself, that limits your ability to love others. If you have issues regarding forgiving yourself that limits your ability to forgive others. If you have any issue regarding yourself, that creates a blind spot for you in your spiritual growth and in relating to others. So, it all starts with 'I'. We must deal with ourselves first and then we can deal with others.
But, of course, life doesn't allow that. Our relationships with others begin when we are very young. Our understanding of ourselves is very incomplete when we are young. So that creates problems. We develop attitudes, we develop habits, and we develop myths based upon our early understanding, which is incomplete. So as we grow older we must relive or re-examine many of these ideas we thought were true when we were younger. They made sense then, but upon examination now they are found to be erroneous, at least incomplete. So, it is most appropriate to spent time looking inside ourselves. Of course one can get carried away with that and spend so much time looking at themselves that their relationships with others suffer. So, common sense must prevail here.
Balance is what we seek. Who was it that said, "when I was child I thought like a child, but now that I am a man, or mature woman, I see things differently"? Do you recall the Apostle Paul saying that? (Mmmm) Paul was most wise in many ways.
Well, are there other areas we need to pursue? Questions? Concerns? Have we fully addressed the issue of love in your minds?
Ken: I would not say fully. You have addressed four aspects. You have put a lot on the table, and I must go within myself, and see what I find, see what I see. I'm sure we can elaborate further at a later time on the subject of love again. Thank you.
Daniel: Thank you, Kenneth. You can be assured that the topic will arise again. It is one of the major issues, which we will come back to again, and again. But as you mature you are able to grasp the idea more and more fully. You are able to see how one must order their lives to fully be a son of God or a daughter of God and how your childish interpretations must be re-interpreted. If your memory is good you may recall the last we spoke of this, and how you have grown since then. You all now see this topic differently, more maturely, more completely, more truly. Therefore, you have grown spiritually. When we address the issue again you will most likely have more understanding, further experiences, greater wisdom, upon which to look at love and that is good. That is progress. That should warm your heart. Does it not? (Yes, Yes) Yes! Bob is feeling it as well.
Well ladies and gentleman what other concerns or issues do you have with love that we can address at your current state of understanding? (Group is quiet.)
I take your silence to mean we are ready to push on. I would close our discussion with one final comment. You have learned that "where your heart is, there is your treasure". Let me emphasize that your heart will follow your head. So, if you can get your concepts, your ideas, your intellect, to perform the way you feel it should, your heart will follow, and so will your treasure.
Let us close tonight's meeting in the usual way by standing and taking each other's hand. Is there a volunteer for our closing prayer?
Minearsia has volunteered.
My children let us be in the attitude of prayer. Oh merciful and wise and loving God of all creation, we Your children reach out to You in hope and trust and yes, love, knowing You are the author of universal love. That makes us proud to be Your sons and daughters. But it only sparks our desire to further Your will in our lives. Now send each of these, my children, to their homes. Provide them with Your strength, Your compassion, Your insight, and yes, Your love, as they go about the business of living their lives according to Your will. In the name of Michael and Nebadonia, Amen.