2003-07-10-Endless Source of Energy
Topic: Endless Source of Energy
Group: Niagara Falls Conference
Teacher: Malvantra
TR: Stephen
MALVANTRA MELCHIZEDEK: How exquisite and sublime is your entrance into the kingdom, established by a divine Sovereign under the auspices of the overcontrol of the eternal Trinity. Your commitment is admirable. Your purpose is noble. We accept your choice to gather together in sacred union to build solidarity, to encourage each other, to provide leadership and to express, in your unique creative patterns, Michael's love and Nebadonia's maternal grace, flowing to sustain and to motivate you. The radiance of your eternal Gem will permeate every atom of your being. You will vibrate and shatter the bonds of fear as you become saturated with the essence of infinite love.
The ocean of love accepts all rivers, and you should drink thereof as a daily diet. The ambrosia of eternal nurturance awaits those who lift themselves and partake of the never-ending feast. Gather your forces and shine your commitment as a banner of love, with the pride of the sisterhood and brotherhood of united mortals standing steadfast to persevere through the upcoming challenges, with the valiant loyalty of believers in Michael's reign and in Jesus' inimitable gospel teaching.
Fear not! For the watch care provided is supremely satisfying, and the seraphim smile as their wards consistently choose to follow the path of righteousness. May your time together be fruitful, and may your expressions of goodwill enable your brethren to remember, as mentioned yesterday, the presence of our Universal Father is and ever will be our primary mandate.
Valiant travelers on your ascension scheme, being washed by the vibrations of your creative musical endeavors, feeling the pleasure as your internal being vibrates with the joys of your brethren's song, so too does your divine essence titillate with the exquisite divine vibrations emanating through the Source Center of your central Being. You are connected in the most luxurious fashion with the endless Source of all creative energy. You rest in the heartland of the majestic Trinity who outpours in the most unified fashion waves of eternal love. When you gather for worship, your concerted and social grouping exemplifies the purpose of sharing in unison the beautiful unfolding of your gratitude in a welcoming fashion for the gifts bestowed instantly, constantly, forever.
The "bridge of sighs" is but a passage through the gateway of the immortal portal and entrance into a dimension that will fill you with awe, captivate your imagination and sustain and nurture with divine nutrients: the essence of all being, the ambrosia of living existence, the soma of infinite life. Your song vibrates as a reward for the honor that's due your grouping as a result of the loyalty and your fidelity to your Sovereign who recognizes and acknowledges his children of light..
Let the rule of Michael commanding your mission be remembered through the age of the Supreme beyond the confines of your universe with a purposeful reputation as agondonters to impress and forever shatter a reputation that the Urantians are a weak race. Let the blood run strong and let your faith be fired and sparkle as you galvanize and proceed with your precious mission.]