2003-07-28-Magisterial Mission Will Not Fail
Topic: Magisterial Mission Will Not Fail
Group: Center for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Nebadonia, Michael, Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
NEBADONIA: Good evening, my children. This is Nebadonia. I wish to begin this evening's meeting with my greetings to each one of you. And how I delight in seeing you participate at events such as this! My children are coming to know me, and in coming to know coming to trust in my watch-care and the ministry of my seraphim, who reach down to you, touchingly influencing your lives in so many ways that are unbeknownst to you. My eyes are all around the universe of Nebadon, and so you are never out of my sight. And never can I lose track of where you are in thought, word, and deed.
As my angels draw close to you, I ask you to consider them more carefully in how they approach you in your daily life. Ask yourselves, 'what can I do now this day to cooperate more fully with those who have been sent to guide me?' (Pause)
Your guardian seraphim and you are a team– a team of my ministers-and it is now the time for you to become more consciously aware of your responsibilities of being a team member as the ministering agents of the Father on this planet. While your position on this team is somewhat in a subordinate posture from our perspective, truly you are the instrument of our love on this world. And we send you forth on this mission to administer this love to your brothers and sisters, but you can be more effective each day in being attuned to those opportunities that will come before you that have been carefully prepared for you by your superb unseen friends. Now I ask you: is this something you would wish to be more attuned to in your daily life? (Students say 'yes')
Go within. Compose your thoughts around this idea, and your Father and I will add something into. (Pause)
Now is the time of more active service; to be so infused with love that your fellow comrades will sense this outpouring from your soul and be drawn to you. And you will feed them this rich food for their soul that they have been craving, giving them hope, giving them a bit of light-more than they are used to accepting or feeling-but yet giving them a very substantial spiritual meal that will bring them back to you for more. I ask you now to honestly sense inside the intensity of love from the Father that you feel, and the intensity of desire to share this love with your fellows. Be entirely honest with yourself if you feel this love is somewhat constrained within you. The constraints will indicate that there are places within you that still need to be opened to receive more of the Father's love, and Michael and I will add more into you. Find your desire, and then ask that more love be infused into your soul. (Pause)
The power of Michael's truth overshadows any distortion of ideas that you hold within you. My children, invite Him in to all of those places within your mind where the years of distortion have settled deep within you-those doubts and fears that you still retain. By your very design as our children are you entitled to His living truth! Call upon this: invite Him in to uproot all that is shadow-all that is distortion-and claim your liberty as his sons. (Pause)
The Father's light emanating from Paradise is upon you now; and like flowers long parched in the soils of deprivation and stagnation, when these waters first enter into your being they will feel somewhat unusual as they purified the environment of your mind and begin to feed you at your very core. But they resonate within you a new vibrancy, full of joy, full of life eternal, full of celebration and wonderment. So receive these waters of love flowing into your bodies and minds now, my children. It is time to awaken-totally awaken-each molecule, each impulse of body and mind-and to receive the fullest capacity of the love of the Source. (Pause)
Drink this in, my children. This is your water for life. When you are so imbued with this living refreshment you will feel the urge to be the water-bearers for your brothers and sisters. They will see that you have this living water to share with them, and they will come to you, and you will extend the cup and let them drink. Let them drink as fully and as deeply as they can possibly handle at any one time. Allow them to quench their thirst, and when they are ready they will be back for more.
This is the time to allow this encircuitment to anchor within you. And you do this by finding that place of desire to be these bearers of living water to your brethren. As this capacity to love grows within you, the light of Michael's truth living within you will find more room in your soul, and the effectiveness of your ministry will be greatly used by your angels to lead you into greater service. And in doing this you are fulfilling your responsibilities of this team of which you are an integral member. Tonight is not an evening for questions, my children. It is my desire that this endowment soak deep within you, uprooting all that is of distortion, freeing you from fear and doubt, increasing your capacity to love and to trust. As I withdraw, you need not fear the removal of my presence for ever are my ministers of love applying that into you. Slowly, but surely, you are growing more lovely, love dominated, love saturated. Safe in my womb, growing stronger, growing more divine. Good evening, my beloved children. (Pause)
MICHAEL: My peace is upon you, my children. I am Michael, and I greet you this evening with blessings of our Father in Paradise, whose love lives within you, whose personality encircuits you as you grow ever more like Him. I am honored by the desire you show me by opening your hearts to receive me– trusting me; depending on me to grow you in the unfolding of your Father-bestowed personality attributes. The exquisite loveliness of the Divine Nature is not fully disclosed to you, but yet surely, steadily, steadfastly you are growing into Him. The truth of my reality paves the way for you to emerge more fully into your exquisite divine nature.
And I say to you: how beautiful do you wish to become while you are still living the life in the flesh here on Urantia? And as your Mother asked you a question about receiving the Father's love to be service, so is there a corollary in integrating your personality attributes such that you will reflect the beauty of the Divine Nature. So my question, children, is: how much Father-likeness do you wish to absorb within your being during your sojourn here? Take this question now into the stillness, and again as your Mother instructed, be completely honest with yourself in sensing those places where you may feel somewhat of a defilement, and I will help you overcome that. (Pause)
Call upon my truth now to break through the hold of this defilement upon you. (Pause) Find that place within you that loves, longs, craves for that truth essence to saturate your every molecule. (Pause)
Find your desire to continue to build yourself in me. Upon this rock is your foundation, your strength, your stability. It is my desire that all of my children be so gathered into my family as one body living in me. Will you help me gather my children? Will you build your foundation by asking for my truth to illuminate you so brightly that others will see you-come to you-and you will help them access the truth. Will you do this for me, my sons? (Pause)
You will find great joy in this active, dynamic, and bountiful service. The time of harvest is drawing near, and you as the workers in the field are being made ready to gather all those who are ready to receive me. You have been tested, and you have shown patience, faith, obedience to my Father. And I commend each and every one of you for that which you have offered to us in spirit. And now I would extend more opportunities to you for joyful service, asking you to let what has been seeded within you over the course of your lifetime to continue to grow its way to the surface as it produces the beautiful fruits of the spirit that shine upon this land.
As I send you out this evening, back into the world, remember to spend time with your Mother and me, asking for us to re-pattern you in the truth, cooperating more faith-fully with your Father Fragment by asking to do His will. You can only succeed, my children, in doing this. It is inevitable. As I withdraw, there is another who would speak to you this evening to bring words of encouragement and greater hope upon this world. My peace is upon you, my truth shines within you. You are mine, and I love you. Good evening, children.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, brethren. This is Monjoronson, your Magisterial comrade who is among you as part of my mission to up-step this planet. Long was this mission planned when the news of the rebellion first broke out on the varied worlds of Satania. Michael's loving mercy is such that no soul should ever perish because of the evils of sin and iniquity. All through the ages has the light of truth been growing brighter on Urantia to the day when Michael can stand upon this planet and reclaim it fully as His for all His children will know Him and receive Him. It is part of my obligation-my joyful obligation-to bring this planet up into the truth so your Creator Father may be received in the fullness of His glory and splendor.
So I come here tonight to acknowledge that which you are achieving in your own personal growth and that which you are achieving in your groups, in your service ministry. I wish to have a personal relationship with each one of you. I am introducing myself to you this evening that you may come to me in your stillness and ask me to reveal myself to you if this your choice.
All of your activities are important now; those small and large actions of loving service that you yield in your daily lives. Rejoice in the knowledge that they are producing beautiful fruit on this world, even though you may not know see what you have done. Truly, brethren, you will one day, and you will be awed by the goodness you have sown here.
This mission will not fail. No, my children, Michael's plan is surely being implemented one soul at a time. It is of such great delight for me to come to this world and to bring the light of Paradise to Urantia. The way is clear. The path has been prepared. Be patient, dear children, and wait for me, and you will see some of the wonderful changes to come soon to Urantia.
I withdraw and send you the greetings of Paradise, whose gaze is upon you in love and recognition of what you are willing to do for your Father. Good evening.