2003-08-13-Take UB To Others
Topic: Take UB to Others
Group: Arcadia TeaM
Teacher: JarEl, Michael
TR: George B.
Prayer:Donna: Dearest Heavenly Father thank you for having us gather here to hear from the spiritual teacher, JarEl and to fellowship and to learn more about you and your workings deep within our hearts. Please open us to hear more of your truth and to manifest more of your beauty and goodness, in Michael’s name, amen.
JarEl: TR, George. Good evening, it is I, your teacher, JarEl. It is good to be back again among my brothers and sisters and to see the familiar friends who have become so dear to me. The short experiences that I have had with you have brought tremendous meaning to my existence. I hope in someway it has brought some meaning to your existence. I initiate these communications with you out of my sincere desire to serve my brothers and sisters. I act as an emissary to bring forth messages of beauty and truth. I do so, so you can become emissaries yourself and bring forth messages of truth and beauty. This is the reason that I communicate with you, so that I may inspire you in one way or the other to go forth and practice this.
I know that many of you have already done this and I am quite pleased. I believe in planting seeds and seeing them grow into beautiful trees. You are all my beautiful trees for you all give beautiful fruit to humanity. You all give wonderful fruit to humanity. You bring forth messages of truth, beauty, and goodness. You do it so lovingly. If I, in one way or the other, inspired you to do this then I am well pleased for it means that my work here has borne fruit. Continue to send forth your messages of truth. Do not concern yourself with immediate results; don’t concern yourself with immediate acceptance. Those who are ready to receive your message shall do so in due time.
These messages that you bring forth are right for this age; many are searching, many are in need of a truth that is far beyond their own lives and yet personal at the same time. You are emissaries, you are sent forth to give light to this earth. You have been ordained by Michael. He has given me authority to present you this charge and send you forth to do his work and that of the Father. No matter what level or area of expertise you have, you are necessary for the universe. In whatever position or place or situation you are God shall use you as a tool to bring forth His message to the world. Do not be afraid of being sent to other parts of the world to bring forth His message. This is not the charge that Michael has given us. He simply asks that you continue with your goodwill, your good faith and give forth this message when it is right for the giving. He would like to say this to you himself.
Urantia Book
Michael: TR, George. Good evening my children. It is I, your Father/brother Michael. I come to you with love in my heart, love so great that it may not be held in this room. This love extends out to all of your brothers and sisters on this earth. I come to you tonight to be in your presence to give you directly this love that I have for you, so that you may understand and also that you may feel what I feel. I appreciate all of you who bend your thoughts towards me at this time in history. I appreciate all of you who celebrate the birth of my dispensation here on Urantia. It warms my heart to see every year that there are more and more who have become aware of this time in history. Although to me it is just a moment in my mind, I realize to you it is a moment that brings forth hope and wonderment.
For many of you marvel at the fact that I chose your world out of the hundreds of thousands of other worlds I could have chosen. I hold all of you in my heart with special care. Those who are aware of the Urantia Revelation I would like to ask personally of you to take it forth to your brothers and sisters. To take it forth to those who are ready but are lost. I see many of my children who are seeking. There is much help that is given to them so that they may find their way. Part of that help comes from you. I formally ask you to bring forth this light to those who need it. If there is one birthday present that you wish to give me, give me this. Share this light with every person on this world; share it with everyone you meet, to anyone that you feel the need to share it with.
Most of all share it with those who are in spiritual depression, who find themselves in darkness, who lack faith. Share it with them so that it may uplift their hearts and bring to them hope and life everlasting. This is the only present which I will accept. Thank you my friends.
All: Thank you Michael.
Magisterial Mission
JarEl: TR, George. This is JarEl. It is difficult to follow such a wonderful message which Michael has just given us. I do not in any way want to remove any experience that you are feeling this moment. For the sake of continuing I shall address a question which I have been constantly asked: How might you recognize the Magisterial Son if and when he arrives? Some of you have asked: What if he was homeless or what if he was a beggar? To address this I will say that he will not come in that form or fashion. Michael did not come as such as well. Michael was born into a family that was suited for his birth.
The Magisterial Son will show up in the best and most prominent circumstances so that you will be able to recognize him. Do not be concerned whether you will recognize him, for he will be revealed to all when the time is right. I have just been informed that Michael would like to give all of you a birthday present:
Hal: TR, George. Hello everyone. It is I, Hal. It is good to see all of you once again, especially you Lucille. It has been a while since I have been allowed to communicate with you. I am glad to see all of you once again and to share in your light which I have been accustomed to seeing, for we are all light. There are many things that I have learned in my long life and there are many things that I have yet to learn. I can’t say that I miss you for I know that I will see you again. I have learned to be patient. I have learned to accept the course of everyone’s life and of course I have accepted my own course.
I have had many great adventures up here and great experiences. I have made lots of friends and I have also helped many people in which I’m very proud. It is great helping; it is great giving of yourself completely. I tell you that doing this I have learned so much and you know what? That is the best way to learn, to give completely of yourself; be of service. I can’t wait until you all are up here so you can see everything which is so beautiful. I am being told that it is time for me to hand over the mike. I will see you really soon.
Lucille: I send my love to you.
Hal: TR, George. And I receive it Lucille.
Nel: TR, George. Hello, it’s Nel. You guys are so beautiful. I just wanted you to know that. Also I want you to know that all the years that I have known you, you have made my life rich and beautiful. You gave so much to me and I appreciate everything everyone has given to me.
Lucille: We miss you Nel.
Nel: TR, George. I miss you all, too. I am just getting the hang of it up here. It is not what I expected. It is so much more; it is beautiful, so very beautiful. I am so glad that I am able to speak to you once again, although in this limited form, but nonetheless, it means a lot to me to be able to communicate with you and to bring forth a message of love to you that I have always felt in my heart for you. I have received all of your love. I was there when you had my memorial, it was so beautiful, and it was so perfect. I want you to send my love to my family, to my children and to my Ernie, I love him so much. I too must go now. Good-bye.
JarEl: TR, George. This is JarEl again. Tonight I shall not answer any questions. I only wish to tell you that you are all loved, not only from people here on earth but from others who are not present at this moment. They send their love to you constantly. Good night until next time.
All: Good night.